Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Nothing to see here ... it is just an "idea" a concept

 They will burn down Washington DC ... no problem ... no talk of them being insurrectionists ... they are just an "idea" ...peaceful protesters ... 

Remember when Joe Biden says this ...

Biden Says Antifa Is ‘An Idea, Not An Organization’ during Presidential Debate...

Biden went on to say Antifa poses no threat ... unlike all and I mean "all" Caucasians do ... especially if any of them who voted for Trump ... for they are "political extremists" and insurrectionists and must be labeled domestic terrorists... why Biden even said so at the National prayer breakfast recently ... you know that good Catholic, Joe Biden, who most of the American Bishops and Cardinals backed and certainly Pope Frances backed ... it is at the point now if you support the Catholic Church financially you might as just as well give a check to Antifa and socialist Democratic party and I wonder do those Catholics who remain silent really believe in the core principles of Jesus  Christ or are they just "complacence" in their routine of "religion" ... thinking their religion, will save them ... the religion that now sits within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and the highest office of our land, bares no resemblance to the "religion" of Jesus Christ... 
so who are these complacence Catholics really worshiping  ???

And when was the last time you have seen the National Guard and army protecting  an incoming and current “leader of a free country” … why that would be never … you do see such when a dictatorship comes into  power in a third world nation, or when there is a coupe…

And how disgraceful the treatment of our soldiers … by the democrats’… not  only did they use the National Guard a “backdrop” to portray they are fearful of the “voters” … the Dems in reality physically abused the National guard as well … why the Dems could have just asked “Antifa” to defend them and surround the City… the way Antifa has been doing for the last year around the country …and every Democratic governor and mayor gave them a pass as did candidate Joe Biden… why Biden’s election team even gave bail money to Antifa to get them out of jail, when they were arrested … so please tell me again who are the terrorists?    

Video of the National guard they were kicked out of the capital once the "theater was over with"... i.e Joe Biden's inauguration ... these soldiers were forced to sleep in a cold parking garage ... no blankets ... no beds...  no cell phone reception ... no food ... no water ... one bathroom for 5,000 soldiers ... one electrical outlet ... video of someone giving the soldiers pizza to eat , while the Democrats has their "inauguration balls going on and food galore"  ... WOW ... freak'n WOW ...      

Jill Biden’s response below was a dollar short and a day late to say the least … she gave them “cookies”’’ seriously … cookies what the… F… she reminds me of Marie Antoinette… whose response to a National tragedy /shame  was to say... “let them eat cake” … so shame on you Jill Biden,  with your “let me bring them cookies”  ... your thank you is hollow and disingenuous, the Biden family’s political operatives, bailed out Antifa during the campaign faster than you responded to the plight of the soldiers left in a cold parking garage ... only doing so after the public shamed you ...