the term... "a man's home is his castle" ... this applies to women as well! Their home should be a safe space... be it owned or a rental... what happened to the concept and laws concerning "peaceful enjoyment", free from harassment, free from your property being destroyed or damaged ...
was established as common law by the lawyer and politician Sir Edward Coke (pronounced Cook), in The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628: "For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium [and each man's home is his safest refuge]."
Ah the irony of it all, in an era of "snowflakes", who have to have their safe spaces and pronouns are deadly to them, hence "watch" your language...
Yet such things as your "personal space" and your "castle" , your property, such liberties do not exist anymore ... case in glaring point is the McCloskey couple, who tried to defend their home and themselves in St. Louis, last year... they were labeled felons, those threatening them on their property labeled "peaceful protesters"... if you own ... if you rent you have rights to that space ...
and where were the "rights" of these people..
The above type of attacks have been and are occurring all over the country for the last year and there was no congressional outcry for an investigation ... no special FBI unit set up to investigate them ...