Saturday, February 20, 2021

Gnostic Mary Magdalene verses Canonical Mary Magdalene

Was Mary Magdalene the woman who understood “All”…?

The Catholic church fathers really frowned upon the Gnostic's, still do … the big sticking point is / was Christ a “true man” (as in coming to earth in the flesh) as well the Son of God,  as opposed to Christ being a “holograph” and wanting us to focus on things of the spirit  and getting us  back to our “root”, which is God …

Intellectually speaking the Gnostic's are more stimulating as is their spirituality than the Catholic Church fathers… and way ahead of their time in regards to quantum physics and the nature of matter … and the Gnostic's appear to be “rooted” in things of the spirit as opposed to things of the flesh and power on earth as the Catholic Church is… which, admittedly is very attractive to me … they think, outside the box and are not “beholden” to human dogma as a way to get to God and salvation … but they believe as I do … salvation is within you … not given to you by a religion, but by God himself and his call upon your soul …

It is fair to say … the Gnostic’s did not like “matter” they were “ethereal” to the extreme … I like the flesh (our carbon based bodies), the human experience offers the soul a means to grow, it is also a trap if you become to attached to it  …yet there is nothing like giving someone you love a hug! Or having a good piece of chocolate and playing with your grand-kids or sharing a smile … 

Although I have great affection and respect for the Virgin Mary … I always found it to be a bit creepy, the way the Catholic Church defines her and the cult of Mary established via the church… my thoughts are what Jesus himself said in regards to his mother … “who is my mother, my brother, he who does the will of my Father in heaven” … yet the Catholic Church made Mary almost “deity like” … I believe they did  this for they needed to have a “female influence, within the church”  and they knew the early church was devoted to Mary Magdalene and the “male dominated church” could not have that so they replaced MM with the Virgin Mary … as to what woman would be the most influential in the church … a shell game of sorts  to keep women out of leadership roles, within a new religion that was becoming more and more powerful …a "mom" is not a threat nor is she a leader, she is just mom and all other women should be like mom, not leaders.

I remember having discussions, with theologians in the past,  one was from Poland and had been friends with JP II … we discussed the “Holy Spirit” and he and many liked minded theologians, from the Vatican at the time … thought the Holy Spirit was “feminine / female “… this is what the Gnostic's think as well … in the book of “Sophia”… but some make the leap that Mary Magdalene was the “bearer of Sophie” on earth… wow that makes her really powerful and a threat to Catholic Church, from its onset …  so how do you get rid of such a threat … you redirect the faithful’s direction onto the mother of Jesus … not the “wisdom of Jesus / the Sophie” … the Virgin Mary was impregnated with the “flesh of the son of God” (born true man as well as true God) … if the Gnostic's are right Jesus Christ “impregnate Mary Magdalene, with the wisdom of God, as his companion on earth”… now that sounds funky sexual … but it is not … it is extremely intimate for sure, but extreme intimacy does not demand a sexual union (although this can be true)  … it is deeper than sex… it is a soul match … an “intellectual match”  … a “I get you and you get me, type of relationship” rare indeed … actually it is a match made deeper,  without sex … maybe that is the true nature of “abstinence”… but it needs to be done, with opposite genders… for they are contributing opposite energy forces to the relationship …

Just as Jesus Christ recognized St. Peter as the one “His Heavenly Father chose” to be the “rock”, when Peter said … “I believe you are the Savior” and Jesus bestowed upon Peter a unique position … something similar must have happened between Mary Magdalene and Jesus … when Jesus recognized this woman is “different” and Jesus bestowed upon MM “Sophie”… unearthly wisdom, which he gave no other on earth… not any of the other women, not his mother (dogma of the church fathers gave this to her, not Jesus)  and not his apostles …

Now the Gnostic's had some very funky sexual habits and practices, to say the least… but are they any more bizarre and evil than the rampant homosexuality and sexual child abuse and rape, within the Catholic hierarchy and clergy?   

 I offer to you the below video … in the hopes Mary Magdalene can regain some of the creditably she was robbed of by the Catholic Church and dare I say it … “white male supremacy”, a term that is true in many historical circumstances and certainly within all religions and I say this as a “white female”, who is not self-loathing, who believes the truth, will set you free … 

The first part of the video below is "poetic license and a bit creepy" do not know why it is there , it less than 4 minutes long, so just endure the interviewer's dramatic attempt to be bizarre (which, is a shame for this interview is scholarly and the dude's intro does not set the stage, for such)    and do not let the word "heresy",  scare you away... you have been controlled,  by that word for far to long ...    

       The male dominated Catholic Church fathers have given you Sci-fi in regards to Mary Magdalene... Jesus Christ did not do that to her ... to the level St. Peter is respected, by all in the Church is the level to which,  Mary Magdalene should be respected in the Church (maybe higher)  ...