Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Was 2020 a simulation ... not from God, but from aliens, with advanced technology, light years from what we have or are we more powerful?

 This is technically a “Sci-Fi” blog site, but of late I have been writing about politics, granted our politics are twisted and the twilight zone to truth … but, I think I will step back from such for a time and go back to Sci-fi … or is it Sci-fi, or is our current political environment a way of distracting us from “truth” and hidden agendas… which we call Sci-fi …

What is reality??? … I believe in “truth” such as there is a God who created all, yet in his creation are there “rouge” players… who were given great power,  from God and chose to use it to the negative …

Those who have follow my blogs, know I have a ying and yang relationship with the Catholic Church, the only truth I find therein is the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

I tend to read things “banned by the Church” to seek out true spirituality, for the Catholic Church does not teach such… they teach “dogma” and as such they bind the soul to earthy rules and regulations… chaining it and maybe  even dooming it to things of man, not God …

I have been emailing a friend of mine who has known me for a longtime … he even went to see the Bishop, with me when I was “favored by the Church” and labeled an “alleged mystic” … that is as far as they would go, which looking back and considering the corruption in the hierarchy of the church, and my diocese was a “bold thing for they to do”… oh course they would probably deny such now … but I kept all their letters and approvals, from them to me … sad but true,  with the Church,  like everything else in life you have to “keep a paper trail”  or they will lie …

 This friend of mine has been using the term “cosmic Jesus” in his last few emails, a term I would get a smack down,  from my spiritual directors if I used in the past… but good for him, his spirituality has grown and has become bigger than a “man’s religion”, which includes every formal religion… the truth of God is within us all … our Catholic roots should be like a launching pad to get to the truth within … and for my friend,  I see it has become so … yet, so many are still on the launching pad … why heck they are not even at the flight center…


In this regard Teresa of Aliva was right, some souls will never “grow” past their prayer rituals and man-made religious beliefs … one has to take a leap of faith, walk through the fear of God we have all been taught to have,  by the church and claim our heritage that Jesus Christ gave us…

 in addition to Jesus being “cosmic” he is also inter-dimensional… and I think when he said, “he has sheep in other pastures”… he was referring to those “other dimensions and other planets”… not other religions … I do not think at the end of the day, Jesus gives a rat’s butt about “religion” for he is truth and it is above all man made religions… the kingdom of God is within and everywhere…

 my friend’s  last email called to mind the “Gnostic” books, which I have researched for years and always thought the content, within some of them is spot on, more so than the canonical books… the Gnostic’s believed in a “cosmic” Jesus as well … as a matter of fact they did not believe Jesus came in the flesh at all … but he was basically a “Hologram” (a projection)   to teach us spiritual truths of God and the universe… such “talk” or wording smacks of  “quantum physics”, which is extremely interesting to me for it is relevant in today's’ age and our knowledge… the ancient fathers of the church were ignorant in such matters and thus declared such writing of the Gnostic’s as heresy … did they really understand  the "nature of man" and the "substance of man" ... man was made from "dirt" or so we are taught ... but within that "dirt" are all the elements of the cosmos (star dust so to say)  ... it has to be,  if we are created in the "image of God", for God's imagine contains all things ... so by nature of our creation,  we have "all things  within"  ... that's power unimaginable ... maybe that is why we do not use it ... we do not believe it and the Church  never taught us this ... for  it would take away their power ...    

I remember one debate with Fr. Paul (a former spiritual director of mine, who the Bishop picked out for me) … I said, to Fr. Paul … I have never “seen” Jesus nor has any mystic or visionary on this planet seen Jesus, post his walking on the planet… “Visions and locutions” are workings of the spirit, not the flesh … so indeed every “mystic/ visionary” has been and is seeing a “hologram of sorts”, we just label it differently as the workings of the “the Holy Spirit” …

Plus if you really think about it … are we “solid beings” or are we a holograph … or are we just a massive collection of energy  … Jesus Christ  is a “quantum figure” of pure power and glory … given to him,  by his father …he could change his appearance as he did on the day of the Transfiguration and the Resurrection and he could literally walk through walls and walk on water … and I wonder is this how he was “born” he “walked” through the uterus of the Virgin Mary … after all he was born “true God as well as man”. Right?  Such would involve “quantum physics and the morphic fields”… which, the Gnostic’s were into …

I also believe this is the “technique” Christ uses to become the “Eucharist” … a piece of cake, for him to do as the son of God … he is the Master of physics and the maker of the blueprint …  

Quantum Physics:

Quantum information…quantum hologram


Morpho genetic fields:

Contain an inherent memory transmitted by morphic resonance….


They do nothing but give structure to matter,  by just being


It seems that morphic resonance is the causation of formulation.


The resonance has a definite boundary (remember in Genesis,  God gave everything boundaries, we call it “natural law”)  only within its field. Hence a developing child in the uterus will have energy that creates cells that form the liver, the brain, the lungs etc. Different resonance different boundaries to the energy. Illness caused by the changed in resonance which keys the morphic wave that makes the blueprint to form the matter. Chaos occurs within the system with a break in the blueprint.


What causes the change, the thought pattern, the habit as in inherited disease thinking that this in the family hence I will get it thus the wave is programmed to go wrong. Since there is “trans-personal aspects” of morphic waves are those around the individual filing his/her thoughts with this wave of suggestion or is the person incorporating the blueprint into their energy fields believing it is normal to them to their family to do so. If so this must be one of the hardest morphic waves to change since it is a habit of generations and expected to happen. One must be very strong willed and have an unflappable belief system that stops such a negative blueprint.

We are being “blueprinted” now with the covid virus and people are starting to place into their “belief systems” their blueprints as to how they will live …


Morphogenetic means giving birth to form. Not able to give form itself, but blueprint for form. Carries no energy but can bundle energy,  by the suggestion the blueprint. so the world is being blueprinted /  suggested too... as being a place to fear ... fear people, fear a virus ... fear everything but the government 


Morphic fields are fields of habit/ for the individual but if you can get into another’s morphic field through transpersonal memory you can think like a wealthy person, think like a famous discover, think like anything that had form, or think like a child of God and all the powers He gave you through his son …and if you can resonant like them you can do exactly the same as they did in life through your thoughts that form a morphogentic wave.  I believe this can be done….


Habits of thought... we are currently being taught habits of thought.. virus bad... social distance... wear a mask ...get vaccinated  

Habits of activity... we are currently being blueprinted  to stay away, from people, shop online, use credit cards not cash 

Habits of speech... if you do not wear a mask your are not a good citizen, and you cannot enter stores or anywhere,  if you do  not get vaccinate  you are  not a good citizen... if you use cash you are spreading  germs ... 


Morphic fields contain inherent memory transmitted by resonance; systems most closely resemble themselves in the past.


Behavior will be repeated in the morphic field unless the resonance is changed. (they are changing  our Resonance, via fear)  The field will then blueprint the situation to reoccur and materialize. 

This is the “science of the saints” and also of evil  ... 


The resonance needs to be changed, a seed must be planted (Christ came to plant new seeds of thought into mankind)…..morphic fields are “trans-personal”, memory stored in the fields not in the brain one can learn to read these fields from the surroundings and go in and out of them. Change in resonance by creativity/ inspiration.


Quantum probabilities are organized chaos. (Many years ago, I had a locution and it was; Jesus is the path out of chaos… we live in chaos and the path out of it is Christ)

Wave-particle duality…. sometimes a wave…. sometimes a particle

Wave the blueprint… (God has given his children a “blueprint”, within themselves to be free of chaos)

 Particle the manifestation of the energy on the blueprint. (Some call this the “God gene”, and there are people who are lacking in this gene)…

Since the waves are not in time or space they just are, life has an endless probability based upon the resonance that is being tapped into. These non-physical blueprints that are arranged through resonance give birth to forms. (A person who finds God within, is tapping into this “God” gene, to the degree they tap into this is to the degree they have union with God) … this also goes along with what Christ said … “If you thought it, you already did it and will judge on it” … nothing exists in the world that didn’t first start in the mind… in your thinking it … If you really examine the words of Christ … he spoke about “quantum fields” of possibilities …

Since morphic waves are not in time or space, it therefore follows that every place is filled with morphogenetic fields. (You can also call this grace or evil, a soul via their free will can tap into either) 

Every thought, everything that was ever a form is in these fields from all time and from all space even those not of this planet, but of the universe. One can access these fields through the subconscious and through deeply quieting the conscious mind. Or as the God states in the Bible … “be still”, “be not afraid” … the kingdom of God is within you …

It is my belief that all people have the potential to do this, yet they do not have the faith or the desire to do so… it takes work and personal discipline and totally focusing on God, not a religion or mankind’s knowledge … you have to have the mind frame of “all things are possible”… dismiss your education, your experiences, your religion, any and all paradigms life has given to you and anyone    can do this with practice… and we are living in a “time” if you do not do this “time” as we know it to be will end … 


A quantum object can be at more than one place at a time. (This is the nature of God throughout all creation… he is omnipresent)

Quantum action at a distance. …remote viewing, remote healing… Christ did this while on earth … all Jesus needed to work with on any human, was their faith … Christ “saw” things from a distance and he healed people from a distance …

Now all of the above we never be taught in the Catholic Church, such takes away their power over mankind … but it was spoken about in the Gnostic books …

In the early 2000’s,  I attended a “healing session/ lecture”,  with my sister-in-law Eileen … the self-proclaimed “healer” was a doctor and I debated him and it was videotaped … I spoke of the “split theory” … and how it was not him healing,  the person … but the person’s own faith or desire to be healed … the “sick person”… had a deep desire to be healed and they created that blueprint,  within themselves … and trusted that they had that God given power,  from within … we fall in our faith many times (or revert to our old habits of belief that we cannot do this and hence we cannot) … so called “saints” of the church, refused to fail in this regard and hence “miracles” happened around them  …

God is the "base reality" and we just might be in a simulation of our own making ... which,  is not a bad thing if we realize this and come together as a "collective" and join our "mental forces" (i.e. power within / faith, Jesus called it whenever two or more come together, for the same purpose you are powerful)  to change our reality ... I recommend to you a Amazon prime movie or it can be rented on YouTube as well  ... 

and below is a video ... was 2020 a simulation 

so how powerful are you ... more than you can imagine ... governments fear this fact ... the globalists fear this fact and even aliens fear this fact ... you just need to believe ... have the faith the size of a mustard seed ... I have the faith the size of the Eucharist for I know with Him all things are possible ... so disregard the fear ... pick up the faith ...

I leave you with this poem and do not refuse to believe, how powerful you really are ... the justification of Jesus Christ upon you,  made you so ...

Our Deepest Fear
By Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us;
It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.