I have written about this is the past ... you must free your mind ... it has been boxed in ... your "education" and life experiences are inhabiting you...
Every time someone comes along with a new idea that can help humanity, they are labeled a conspiracy theorist or they are crushed by corporate America...
cures for illnesses are suppressed by big pharma ... there is no money in cures only in treatment that lasts the lifetime of the sick person ... people such as Nikola Tesla ,who purposed "free energy for all"
Our "heroes" in history have never been such ... they have been the "winners", so they got to write the history books ... classic example is Thomas Edison ... widely held up as being a genius ... maybe he was but his "genius" was not based in "humanity", but profit and demonic behavior... Edison tortured and killed animals to try and discredit Nikola Tesla, who had the better idea ... Edison wanted to charge people for energy (electricity) Tesla wanted to give it away for free
the terrible things Edison did to discredit Tesla... Edison was a real bastard ... yet he is the one in the history books kids learn about ...https://www.grunge.com/241001/the-terrible-thing-edison-did-to-slander-nikolai-tesla/
Another such invention that was crushed, by the elites for there was no money in it ... was
The first electric car was a crude beast. Around 1834 or 1835 American Thomas Davenport is also credited with building the first electric car.
Three others who are also credited with building the first electric car, depending upon the source, include Professor Sibrandus Stratingh of Groningen, Holland, Christopher Becker, and Hungarian inventor Ányos Jedlik.
In 1842, both Thomas Davenport and Robert Anderson invented practical electric cars. Both inventors used electric batteries that were non-rechargeable. In 1865, Gaston Plante of France invented rechargeable lead-acid batteries that made electric cars more practical.
And in 1881, fellow Frenchman Camille Faure improved upon this rechargeable lead-acid battery design that would secure the electric vehicle as a means of locomotion throughout Europe. In 1884, British inventor Thomas Parker, claimed to have created an electric car.
First electric car |
The very wealthy and oil barons of the world such a Getty family ... crushed these things ... they wanted to promote and they did and succeeded in pushing and manufacturing the cars that ran on "fossil fuels " ... there was no talk about the environment ... just how much money the elites could make could make ... and so many young people now think "electric cars are new"... no they have been around for nearly two centuries ... imagine how far advanced they would be now ... if the 1% elite money grubby had not stopped this type of thinking and inventions ... and also how clean the environment would be now ... society was and is always played by these 1% elites in the world ... and sadly 90% of people believe them .... as they believe them now ... that fossil fuels are the bad guys... no it is the one percent who are such ...