Alien thinking … Thinking not forced upon us, be independent, research before it is to late do so, consider all angles of thought and go to outside sources …stay away, from main stream media, governmental and religious control … free your mind, so you may live free…
There is so much more happening on this planet that can be seen and is revealed, to us… knowledge sheds light onto this darkness, seek it.
Gregg Braden is an interesting fellow … I discovery him in the
1990’s … I was fascinated with his thoughts on “God within” and his book the “God
Code”… I was and am interested in how people reach their higher self …
in all religions or in their spirituality … Religious Theologians tend to bore
me, for they are usually fixed on their own doctrines, dogmas and they cannot
seem to get out of the human box, which their religion places them into … so
their thinking is extremely limited on God… those who believe in God and also
have a mind that can step outside of doctrine and dogma are truly interesting to
me …
Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times
best-selling author, scientist, international educator and renowned as a
pioneer in the emerging paradigm based in science, social policy and human
I am going
to bring this back to the covid vaccine and how it messes, with your RNA … a “theory”
if you will
I believe
covid-19, came from Wuhan China and it was genetically engineered, not to kill
(although there would be and was those who died, from secondary conditions) but
to scare society so much they would take a “vaccine”; the vaccine being more
dangerous than the virus in the long run, for it is designed to change the internal makeup
of the body itself and actually decrease the body’s ability to fight off
viruses in the future, which would warrant more vaccines for those who took the original vaccine in the first place … in order to stay alive, in the future, they will have to take more
and more vaccines and each vaccine will alter the body more and more until it
actually alternates the DNA of humanity … now since I believe China (its communist
leaders) are truly evil, the depths of hell evil … I think this was/ is their intent
… they hate God so much and those made in God’s image, they want to strike at
the very fabric of creation and that is the DNA of human beings … human DNA, which Gregg Braden believes actually has the
signature of God on it… I believe this as well and as an “alleged mystic” I
know this to be true … there is a “God gene” there is God eternal in our DNA
and that is what evil is after and the chosen instruments to get there is the
covid vaccine and the vaccines to come … this is just the start to get into the human body and change its DNA
… through a series of further vaccines that will be necessary for those who
took the first series …
To make
it even more evil those who did not take the vaccine, will be labeled a danger
to society and either forced into camps or not allowed to leave their houses …
until they obey …
There is
a Tsunami of vaccines coming to humanity … and the current covid vaccine is equivalent
to using “flex tape” to seal out the water of an incoming giant wave ..
literally is a fight for humanity … in both body and soul
Every song has a “hook”, which makes you want to listen to
it … yet when the same song is overplayed you get an annoying “ear worm” and
cannot get the stupid song out of your head… such is the now over played song
of covid… which basically is all around us, and yes some are getting sick from
it … but the good news is 99.9 % of them do not die and most are a systematic … and they
do not have a permanent injury from it … the same cannot be said for the covid vaccine …
What stop the "covid" spread did accomplish is stopping many from
having food to eat and jobs to go to and school children in the USA losing points
on their IQ scores for lack of education … not to mention domestic violence is
up, as is suicide and deaths from treatable diseases that went un-diagnosed and untreated
during the “shut downs” and even now …
hey remember this slogan ...we are all in this together
Group Think and we are all in this together and other bullshit... the slogan for the shutdowns
Silly you … you thought we truly were “all in this together” … not
so … there was billions to be made over the shut downs … those corporations and
local businesses (liquor stores and pot shops) given the “privilege from on
high” (meaning local and federal authorities, to stay open)… or if you were a
public or political figure who could force a store to open just for you! Such as the mayor of Chicago and Nancy Pelosi did, when they wanted their hair cut or nails done and salons were forced to remain
closed for everyone else … they opened just from them! How
about those restaurants forced to remain closed or have a limited amount of
folks in them … not the same rules if you are in a politician or celebrity in California!
No rules for you … just the fools forced to obey them … "flatten the curve is not, was not for them... just for you"
Facts are power ... claim your power again ...
How did flatten the curve become "flatten the economy" and the rights of the people ... it was always the plan ... keep people poor and dependent on the government and they will do whatever they are told to do ...
... many ... and I mean many health care workers are refusing to take the covid vaccine and many high performance intellects and professionals ... this is not just a matter of being anti vaccination... it is a real concern for one's health and the health of the entire population ... on an vaccine that has not been tested in human beings ... you take the vaccine you are the "test"
And God Bless and protect Ian Smith .... a man of true courage and righteousness willing to stand up for what is right ... such a man is what heroes are made of and "martyrs" as well
religion and faith ... well what some people call religion ...
Everyone bitches and moans that God was kicked out of public schools and ever since the country has gone to hell in a hand basket ... now step back everyone and take a deep breath for religion is back in California in schools ... YES IT IS ... Now Jesus was "canceled sometime ago" he is no longer "hip" so he had to go... California is woke to Jesus and he is a bad dude!
California ‘Ethnic Studies’ Curriculum Denounces Christianity As ‘Evil’ And Teaches Kids To Worship Pagan Deities
And more "religious news" in the name of the pharmaceutical deities, and the "gods of science" child sacrifice has returned and the ancient Maya practice of human sacrifice... you know that "old time religion" of feeding the gods with human blood... now we feed the wallets of big pharma and the science gods, with human blood
One Nation under God is taking on a whole new meaning ... and as Californian goes so does the whole Nation eventually... soon the "un-vaccinated" will be forced to build pyramids in honor of the gods of science ...
Or are we all being pitched a "pyramid scheme" right now... the covid pyramid scheme
I am telling more and more customers at work to stand away
from me (6 feet at least)… I never did this before … but once I hear they have
been vaccinated, I tell them to stand away from me … they seem “offended” and
say, again and again they have been vaccinated … being vaccine is starting to be recognized
in “main street media” as not being a good thing (or they just are starting to release the truth now so you can prepare for more vaccinations in the near future ) … you can read it here … Yet for those who have been vaccinated they now think they are bullet proof and cannot get covid nor can they spread covid and both assumptions are false, at times deadly so ...
18, 2021,11:57am EST|200,650 views
Spiking In Over A Dozen States—Most With High Vaccination Rates
If the vaccine
keeps virus levels low, as a recent news article states, even mutated viruses,
the infected person won't produce enough to spread to other people. Unfortunately, at the moment, scientists can't answer the
most basic questions about this process. How much does the virus actually
replicate inside a person who has been vaccinated with either one dose or two?
And how effective is that vaccine at limiting infection enough so that the
virus levels stay low and prevent the spread to other people? Andrew Read at
Penn State University says, whatever the answers may be, there will be vaccine
resistance or escape
And in a recent NPR article they state this … which is giant BINGO… as Robert J Kennedy, Jr. said in his video … the press will
start releasing articles that the covid vaccine is not as effective as they
thought and you will need boosters … constant boosters …
This is part of
the NPR article ….A virus that has evolved to get around one vaccine is likely
to be stopped by another. And that will limit the spread of mutant strains. Drug
makers are also keeping a close eye on mutants and are already
formulating new vaccines, for covid that will be more effective … and
WTF!!! The article goes on to say this …. To
slow this evolutionary process as much as possible, it's important to slow the
spread of the virus right now so people who get vaccinated are at lower risk
for getting infected in the first place. What the hell… first it was we
need to protect the old and vulnerable, those with preexisting conditions … now
the article states we need to protect the “vaccinated”… what the fuck was the point
of the vaccination … for the article is now backwardly stating, “the vaccinated
are more vulnerable and at risk for getting the covid virus … and creating a lethal
strain of it to the general public ....
Variant cases of covid in US spike by 73% ...this means the virus is different than the vaccination currently being given ...
The number of known coronavirus variant cases in the U.S. has surged 73% in the last week alone, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released late in February .
The country now reports 944 cases of variants that spread more easily, bypass treatments and immunities, or both.
The CDC has said it may become the dominant strain in the U.S. by March. Last month, U.K. researchers said there's evidence the variant may be more deadly than others, and it's also considered at least 50% more transmissible than the original strain. Again this is not the strain of covid that you receive in the current vaccination ....
report shows known cases of P.1, a variant first spotted in Brazil that appears to bypass immunities, and now nine cases of B.1.351, a variant that took over South Africa and resists some treatments and vaccines.
Hey remember when every young mother put Johnson and Johnson baby powder on their infants at every diaper change... you know that "fresh smelling powder scent" that every infant smelled of in the past... well Johnson and Johnson knew there was asbestos in their baby powder and it caused cancer and they knew it from the get go... but they still sold it to you and said, "they are a family company" that takes care of your family ... well... Johnson and Johnson wants to get back to the baby injury business by launching a new covid vaccine for babies !!! Yes those tiny creatures that have no voice ... and they who are not at risk for covid at all ... Johnson and Johnson wants to create and fill a medical market we do not need as a matter of fact it is dangerous and life threatening to infants ... but what do they care ... J&J proved that with their baby power made of asbestos ...
Now Johnson and Johnson wants to vaccine all children with their new vaccine ...
children who have a near 0% of becoming deadly ill from covid ... and they have clinical trials going on now ...
This truly is criminal behavior against humanity ... of all ages...
we all thought after WW II such things could no longer happen to people ... this is worse than what Hitler did and his experimentation on human beings this is global and it is being sanctioned by all governments around the world ...
The FDA and CDC control ice cream better than they do vaccines ...
Of course the dug companies immediately went into cover up mode and said... "the hackers manipulated the data"....
When the European Medicines Agency reiterated the safety of the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine on Thursday, nearly a dozen countries that had suspended use of the shot—including Germany, France and Italy—quickly resumed vaccinations. But some countries have been hesitant to follow suit and one of them, Finland, is defying the proclamation, suspending use of the AZ vaccine on Friday while it investigates two cases of recipients developing blood clots.
Meanwhile, Denmark, Sweden and Norwayare in no rush to restart their AstraZeneca vaccine roll-outs, saying the situation warrants more study.
Meanwhile back in the USA, those who blindly fall into line ....On Friday, the U.S.was expected to pass the 100 million mark in coronavirus vaccine doses administered, comfortably outpacing the goal set by Joe Biden, whose original target was to reach the benchmark by his 100th day in office. Friday is his 58th day. Biden said he would announce a new goal for the U.S. next week.
Hyper-realistic skin for humanoid robots is being sculpted in
skin … was shaped by the hand of God … trans-human skin and A.I. skin is being shaped by the
hand of man... hmmm ... man playing can anything go wrong with that !!!!
Frank Lloyd Webber one of my favorite playwrights, wrote the
play Jesus Christ Superstar and one of my favorite songs from the play has the
lyrics below … Christ is singing it on how ignorant all of mankind is…
concerning the power and glory of God and how mankind, just closes its eyes to
the concept of God and while they live they have numerous troubles … but in the
end it is their death, that is their victory and they fear the greatest thing
(death), which brings them life and they hang onto the material world and
earthly life, which limits them …
Neither you Simon, nor the fifty thousand
Nor the Romans, nor the Jews
Nor Judas, nor the twelve
Nor the priests, nor the scribes
Nor doomed Jerusalem itself
Understand what power is
Understand what glory is
Understand at all
Understand at all
If you knew all that I knew
My poor Jerusalem
You'd see the truth
But you'd close your eyes
But you'd close your eyes
While you live
Your troubles are many
Poor Jerusalem
To conquer death
You only have to die
You only have to die
The fear of covid is based in the fear of death and the
vaccination is based in the wanting to remain in the “material world” longer
and this fear was well played, by those who have worldly power …
Yet covid is but one of the many “troubles” while we live as the song
states, the removal of liberties are another, the suppression of rights as well,
losing your job and hunger as a result… technology that threatens mankind,
which is being hidden and rapidly developed such as A.I. in everything … I
have written about A.I. in the past… but the topic is worth mentioning again …
for Russia just developed new "skin" for A.I. robots and you cannot tell if they are human or robot ...
When will A.I. become a human species ending event ? … Probably within 20-25 years … A.I. gets smarter and humans are becoming A.D. (artificially dumber) … we have seen that up front and personal the last year
with schools shutting down and students not learning …or marginally learning ... it was happening well before just speak with recent college grads on several subject matters and you will see their base knowledge is extremely limited.
I like Elon Musk … smart dude to say the least … yet dumb on
many levels (emotionally and philosophically, maybe even ethically ) … Musk made a statement once on
Joe Rogan’s podcast … he thinks people are smarter now, for they have in their pockets “smart phones”
and if they do not know the answer to something they just turn on their phones and
get the answer … hmmm … this takes away learned or “organic knowledge” within the brain… people
rely on “smart phones” to get the answers instead of their own intellect and
base knowledge…
yet there is a saying … the
smartest people in the world know where to get the answers, when they do not
have them … true that !!! But basic knowledge … history … science … literature…
math … spelling… is being lost in the younger generations … they do not need to
know it, their smart phone knows the answer (but smart phones cannot give the human being wisdom and how and when to act on knowledge they are receiving from a "smart phone") … this is like saying, a person
with a crutch can run as fast as track star. Smart phones are being used as
crutches instead of being like an athlete and practicing and knowing your stuff
and exercising your brain … leave the crutch for those who really need it, stop handicapping yourselves.
Now Elon Musk has a creepy idea how to make humans dumber, (he says smarter) by implanting
computer chips into their brains… yes on the surface it makes you “smarter”…
but it is not you … it is a computer that is “smart”… such as the cell phone in
your pocket … trans human if you will …
Like most new ideas on the market, the neruo-chip is packaged in how it will make your life
easier and help the sick or disabled … this is so everyone gets on board with
the idea and screams what a great advancement for mankind … key word “mankind” such
technology reduces mankind and elevates the concept of being “trans human” …
In the back of my mind I know the hidden powers that be,
want to reduce the number of human beings on the planet … they go on and on how
mankind is destroying the environment (while they fly in private jets) …eugenics is
alive and well with them … so would they even want the “disable” to live longer
lives … I do not think so… but to convince the public to get your brain chipped
has to have an angle of mercy and improvement to the human condition … and one can only imagine what the military use of this could be ... chipping the brains of soldiers... once you are a member of the military you belong to the government, hence the term GI (government issued)... when you are a GI they own you and you cannot refuse vaccinations or medications, your "person" is not your own anymore, it belongs to the government.
and one of the scariest "persons" on the planet ... Baby X
the above video was made in 2016 ... baby X has "grown"... not in stature but in "knowledge " below is her from 2018 ... just imagine what she is doing in 2021
creepy ...creepy...creepy ... they call it the "soul machine"
Now, the so called "crazy" Alex Jones … he thinks all the “noise” and
pushing about, “transgender” humans is
not really about “transgender humans” … but it is about A.I. and “trans-humans”,
which will be released in humanity over the next 10 years … now crazy Alex
Jones may not be so crazy after all … for this is really happening and for “humanity
to accept”… humanoids (aka… A.I. robots with human like features) and not to
have humanoids discriminated against … you start, with the concept of “transgender” humans to
soften up the human perspective on what is “normal” …
And what is “normal” anymore … I have family members, who allow their children to play video games
all day long and these children have “virtual headsets”, where they “interact”,
with virtual creatures … try to limit the time these children have on their computers
anymore and they become “hostile” for their brains have been rewired, by these
games, and it is “normal to them” and they release endorphins by playing these
games … take it away and it is like taking drugs away from a drug addict.
to the brain "virtual reality is no different than actual reality", hence pilots and such train on virtual simulators, doctors also train to perform surgery "virtually" on simulators in high end hospitals ... soldiers train this way as well ... they call them "war games" ...
And the forced shut downs over covid , has created
thousands of children and young people like this and they will be the ones, who
will fully accept virtual reality relationships and virtual babies and brain chips
and trans-humans as being “normal” … they are being “primed” for it now….
on many levels, covid is the least of mankind's worries ...but covid was and is a"tool" to see how much control the public will allow over themselves, by the government (you can only be pushed as far as you will allow yourself to be pushed) ... so far most of the public is allowing governmental control to be endless upon their liberties ... in the name of "public safety and health" ... playing to the fear within ... all while 5 G was being rolled out globally to make A.I. and computer bandwidth strong and more efficient ...
yes indeed ...While you live; Your troubles are many... wake up and take notice of what is not readily seen ... yet still playing out in the world ...
You might vaguely remember hearing in English class that you should “beware
the Ides of March,” but what exactly is an “Ides” and why should you be wary of
Ides comes from an old Latin verb iduare, which meant "to
divide." It was the Roman term for the day that came in the middle of the
Every month has an Ides. March has 31 days, so the Ides of March is on March
Roman dictator Julius Caesar heard — and ignored — the
infamous warning about the Ides of March in the first act of Shakespeare’s play
of the same name. Caesar then stubbornly ignored several more warning signs in
the play, ultimately leading to his assassination.
Caesar was stabbed to death by his best friend Brutus and several other
members of the Senate on the steps of the Capitol where he uttered the play’s
other famous line: “Et tu, Brute?” ("And you, Brutus?")
Donald J Trump on March 16, 2021 became the modern day Brutus to all his
supporters … by going “political on them” …. With this interview …
I am starting to think Trump thinks his supporters are stupid and will listen to every little thing, he says... and does he forget this press release ....
Now Trump is saying, he "secretly" got vaccinated in the White House in January ... What the fuck ... why the cover up if he got the vaccine (wasn't Trump for full for transparency, well that is what he told "his followers" he was) ... if he got the vaccination, he already at that time lost his reelection, so why cover it up? ... and I am starting to doubt Trump's words ... did he or didn't he get a vaccination and if he did why is he only saying so now ... because Fauci called upon him to do so ???
This is "political Trump" speaking and where are all the "fact checkers" who were up Trump's ass when he was in office... they just let Trump's words go now ... when he says his supporters should get vaccinated ... this is not a "supporters" issue ... this is a science and fact issue on a vaccine that has not been tested (for at least 5 years) and all opposing opinions on this issue has been crushed!
Trump tells supporters to get vaccine, as one who supported
Trump, he is starting to tick me off … first by my learning he took one million
dollars from big pharma for his Inauguration ceremonies in 2017. Trump lied to the people,
by saying he never took any money, from big corporations, And Trump changed his
mind about giving Robert F. Kennedy, Jr a position in his administration (as
vaccine czar), after big pharma talked Trump out of it and donated money to his Inauguration ceremonies …
Trump may have started out “not a politician” … but it seems
he is one now and just as dirty, for he wants to run for President again in 2024 … have to say … I voted for him twice,
but would never do so again …
Of course Trump is pushing the vaccine for it was his administration
that started it … calling it “warp speed” … and as such Trump waived all normal
clinical trials, with the vaccine and any safety issues that would have arisen
from said (he gave big pharma a blank check on our dime) … Trump blindly followed Fauci and the CDC and did not take a stand …
he was too worried about his reelection … the longer Trump is out of office and
more we are being screwed over by Biden and what Trump failed to do while in office …
The more I learn how Trump could have
saved us from all of this when he was President, if he just had the balls to do so and not so worried
about his “legacy”, which in hind sight was about the stock market, and Wall
Street … money does not matter if the population is being killed off by a virus
or a dangerous vaccine, which Trump pushed into production, without talking to other scientists and doctors and taking into consideration other opinions on the vaccination , other than big pharma… maybe he should have talked to
Robert F Kennedy, Jr…. the way Trump did in the past “prior to Trump becoming a
politician” ...
No one should be taking their medical advice from a President former or current or a politicians or mob rule ... you should be making your own decisions on the matter, after doing complete and thorough research ...
“Sixth Sense” a power of perception like but not one of the five senses: a keen
intuitive power…
“gut feeling” one has in certain circumstances, usually when there is danger
ahead … some called it the “voice” of your guardian angel warning you or the church
calls it “decrement” …. Some mystics have labeled it the ability to “read
people” or know something about the future … prophets predicting the future could
be labeled as having a “sixth sense” as well… many times those who have a
strong sixth sense are perceiving something as not being “right” … something is off… you cannot clearly see what is “off”… but your
gut is telling you … “danger ahead” … many have saved their own lives, or the
lives of others by relying on this “gut feeling”… such as not getting on a
plane that later crashed, not walking down a dark ally, which later someone was
kill on …
was a movie made about the “sixth sense” but they limited it to being just
about seeing dead people … having a sixth sense is so much more than that! Smart is the person who fosters and learns to
enhance their own sixth sense, for it is real in everyone …
The brain creates hunches and gut feelings from sensory
information that lies beneath our awareness. This is how you can use that
‘sixth sense’ to your advantage …
A sixth sense, hunch, or gut feeling:
Whatever you choose to call it, the sudden flash of insight from deep within
can inspire plenty of faith.
The old saying “trust you gut” refers to
trusting these feelings of intuition, often as a way to stay true to yourself.
Following your instinct can certainly
direct you toward the best path for you. And yet, you might wonder whether you
should put so much trust in a feeling, an instinct you can’t explain.
Wouldn’t sticking to logic and reason help
you make better decisions?
Not always. Science suggests intuition can
be a valuable tool in some circumstances.
Ever experienced a nagging feeling of
unease about a situation? Suddenly felt suspicious about someone you just met?
You can’t explain your feelings logically, but you know something isn’t quite
Or maybe a rush of affirmation or calm
floods you after a tough decision, convincing you that you’re doing the right
Gut feelings can evoke a range of
sensations, some not unlike the physical feelings associated with anxiety.
Other, more positive sensations might seem to confirm your choice.
Some people describe gut feelings
as a small internal voice, but you’ll often “hear” your gut talking to you in
other ways.
Signs of a gut feeling
a flash of clarity
tension or tightness in your body
goosebumps or prickling
stomach “butterflies” or nausea
a sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach
sweaty palms or feet
thoughts that keep returning to a specific person or
of peace, safety, or happiness (after making a decision)
These feelings tend to come on suddenly, though they
aren’t always strong or overwhelming.
You might experience them as a faint whisper or the
barest sense of uneasiness, but they could also feel so strong, you can’t
imagine ignoring them.
If it seems like your brain is encouraging you to take
notice of these feelings, well, you’re not far from the mark.
As you go about your day, your brain collects and
processes sensory data from your environment. You’re perfectly aware of some of
this information.
For example, if you notice two people shouting and
pushing each other outside a store just ahead, you’ll probably cross the
street. But you wouldn’t say your gut told you to move, since you made a
reasoned decision based on available information.
Your brain
carries out these processes automatically to help prepare you for any situation
that might come up. Since these processes run in the
“background,” you may not always realize what you’re observing or what it
What if you suddenly feel a strong urge to
cross the street? There’s no obvious reason behind your impulse, but you can’t
ignore it, or the tingling at the back of your neck.
A few seconds after you cross, the sign on
the building ahead comes crashing down, right where you would have been
walking. You stare in disbelief, heart pounding. How did you know that would
This flash of intuition probably doesn’t
relate to any mystical sixth sense. It’s more likely that as you walked, you
made some unconscious observations.
A gut feeling or 6th sense can
easily be considered anxiety or paranoid… the first is a “flash of insight” the
latter two linger … The first is usually a “personal decision” you make about your
life, the latter two deals more with others and how you perceive them and
focusing more about the future than the here and now … gut feelings are for the
“here and now” in the moment, which at the end of the day is all we have … we
are not guaranteed a future …
A gut feeling is a “personal message to you”…
be it from a higher source or from within, it does not produce anxiety or paranoid
… it is actually very peaceful … so why the rant about the 6th sense
… you need to use yours … especially in this day and age … humanity has been forced
into anxiety and paranoia about a virus that is not as deadly at it is in
actuality … do not fall into line
for the sake of falling into line or
because you “just give up” and do what you are told, so you can live freely …
when you give up, you never live freely … more restrictions are always placed
upon you when you “give up” …
I speak in regards to the covid vaccine …
many and I mean many who said in the past they will never take a vaccine for
covid are now doing just that … and when I speak with these people, they will say ‘’’ They want to be able to
travel and not be so restricted” they want to visit elderly relatives … for the
thought of they could kill them, by giving them covid lingers in the back of their mind, placed
there by those “in charge of this mass deception”… covid is real for sure … yet
not as deadly as they say it is (at least the strain of the virus that is currently
circulating) … not deadly to the young…
not to the middle aged and not to the elderly … it is only deadly to those who
see it in everything and in essence they are already dead, for they stopped living,
they are “fearing not living”… and their fear has turned into anger for all
those who do not see things their way … and yes there was been deaths from covid ... there is also deaths, from any disease...
I never had any fear of the covid virus and I worked in retail the entire time (still
do) I have been contact with literally tens of thousands of people over the
last year (on average I am in contact with 300 people a day) … in the beginning
never wore a mask … only wear a face covering now due to crazy ass customers
who go ballistic when you do not have one on … I would be perfectly comfortable not wearing a
mask … and although social distancing is “required” in reality it is never achieved when you work in retail, the customers are always in your face and never more than 2 feet away from you ...
Friends and family have asked me many times… “Aren’t you
afraid of getting covid”… my answer was always no… in addition, I would drive
to stores in many parts of the State … even so called “hot spots” and I never
feared, I have gone to many bakeries/ food markets and picked up food
prepared by the locals … never cared or thought they might have covid, I never wiped
down packages or groceries that so many did and if I saw someone in great
distress or crying, I would give them a hug (fuck the rules the person was
suffering, isn’t that what Christ would do?) … But …. I am a bit fearful of crazy people and
their over reactions to all of this, they are extremely unpredictable and hostile
and can be dangerous to you and verbally abusive...
As the global and massive roll out of the covid vaccine is
in full swing and hundreds of thousands are getting it … even those who swore
they would not and this includes many of my family and friends… About a month
ago I started to get a “gut feeling” about it … especially at work, where I had
no fear of “getting covid” prior… I developed a “fear” of those who are vaccinated, with the covid vaccine … I know that sounds weird, even to me… and this will
sound even weirder … everyone has an “aura” around them… for lack of better
words “their energy field”… this has been proven in science to be true and it
has been and can be photographed… below is mine … taken about 25 years ago and you aura changes all the time, depending on the health of your body/ mind/ soul ... all auras change especially if there is an illness present ... or evil ... those who were vaccinated seem to have a "dull" aura around them ... a weak one ... and it startled me and I stepped back from these people... for I know they are "shedding" the virus given to them ...
I have seen auras of bright gold around the Tabernacle and on the Host...
It is called Kirlian photography
Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939, accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate. The technique has been variously known as "electrography", "electrophotography", "corona discharge photography" (CDP), "bioelectrography", "gas discharge visualization (GDV)", "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)", and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography". Kirlian photography has been the subject of scientific research, parapsychology research, and art. Paranormal claims have been made about Kirlian photography, but these claims are rejected by the scientific community. To a large extent, it has been used in alternative medicine research.
I have written about "seeing colors" on another blog and it is also science fact there are some people who can do this ... just like mirror writing , like Leonardo da Vinci did, I can do that as well ... it has to do with the wiring of the brain ... nothing magical
Many people can see auras with their eyes … I believe anyone
can learn to do this … I have or I can sense a person’s “aura or energy field around
them” … you feel it like a 6th sense ...
Long post leading up to the video below ... I get a "sense" those who have been vaccinated are in danger and society is in danger due to them... they only have "resistance" to one strain of covid and as a virus it is constantly mutating... and it can and does vary from place to place. person to person ... like the common "cold" strain in Chicago is different than a common cold in NYC and frankly we still do not kn ow much about covid-19, which was made in a lab in Wuhan China ...
the current covid vaccine is only effective for one strain, which was made months ago and I am sure the covid virus has already mutated into another strain... those in charge are calling it a second wave or in some countries a third wave ... these "waves" are not the same virus as the vaccine... those who have gotten the vaccine have in essence shut down their immune system to all covid mutations ... People are being mislead to think that they are now "immune"...
I understand now why they are saying to the vaccinated, "keep you masks on"... for in truth the vaccinated are more at risk for death from a covid mutation than those who did not take the vaccine ... and my fear is if enough people "take this vaccine" they will see the un-vaccinated as a risk to them, when the opposite is true ... they who are vaccinated were never told truth or they refused to do their own research on how deadly this vaccine is to all of humanity .... "hopefully" the vaccine expert in the video below is wrong and things are not as bad as he is saying ....But my gut feeling thinks he is right ...
There are many people who are speaking up about the potential
dangers of the covid vaccine, most are conservative and frankly annoying and most
did not do a deep dive into the vaccine (all vaccines and big pharma) and this
includes me. I do not have access to such, would not even know how to get the information.
But Robert F Kennedy, Jr has spent his lifetime on this subject matter and has
been ringing the bell on the dangers of all vaccines for decades … he is not an
“anti-vaccine” person, just the opposite he wants them made safely and tested,
which they are not and most especially the new covid vaccine.
Mr. Kennedy is a lawyer and through his years of research and
active lawsuits, and through discovery in said lawsuits has found evidence of
wrong doings, which the drug companies cover up and the government allows them
to do so (both political parties), but Mr. Kennedy is a liberal democratic and
stems from a well-respected political family, within the Democratic party, yet
even his voice they refuse to listen to and they have censored him for years…
so this is not a new and current subject for him, it is his lifetime work and I
applaud him, for remaining stead fast.
Frankly people are unhinged lately, made so by their government
and the strict and unnecessary rules and regulations forced upon them, by a
virus that is not nearly as deadly as it is claimed to be.
Those who are driven
by “fear of the virus”, refuse and have refused to read or research any other
views about covid … they are all in lock step with whatever the WHO… CDC… big pharma
and their government tells to them to think, about the virus … no critical
thinking allowed and frankly most of the people who follow this have become “religious”
in their attitudes, dare to contradict them or their thinking and they attack
you as if you were attacking their god on earth. (Actually people like Dr.
Fauci have become their god on earth) frightening, but true. The followers of
such earthy deities are willing to wage a religious war over their deities and
attack and destroy anyone who does not follow their “religion”; I am starting
to understand what the inquisition must
have been like for people who lived in medieval times
The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to
root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas. Beginning in the
12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous
for the severity of its tortures and its persecution of Jews and Muslims. Its
worst manifestation was in Spain, where the Spanish Inquisition was a dominant
force for more than 200 years, resulting in some 32,000 executions.
Do not agree with the protocols or the bullshit surrounding
covid and you are considered for all practical purposes a heretic and subject
to a modern day, Inquisition… and just as the Catholic Church centuries ago
searched out what they labeled “heretics” and persecuted them, shut them down,
the government does the same now, with those who speak up against the covid restrictions, and they are banned from all social media...
And the government's “followers” help in the persecution and the weeding
out of those who do not follow the earthy deities… it is striking how history repeats
itself in other forms, but the same tactics…
Just when I thought it could not get any worse it does and in the “name of ending the shut downs”, which should never have started in
the first place … now it is the “push to get everyone vaccinated” for a
virus everyone has a 99% survival rate (there are some exceptions, but
basically that is the survival rate) … not only that they want you to have 2 vaccinations
and boosters as well … for a virus that is not a “real” pandemic” nor is it
deadly to the vast majority …
Maybe that is the point … the virus did not kill enough people
… so let’s give the people a vaccination that will or at least cause them to be
debilitated down the road, chronically ill and they will thank us for giving them the vaccination!!! And as such they will need medicines for the rest of their lives to treat the side effects of the vaccine... which, will occur 5 to 10 years down the line ... but will be blamed on other issues, not the vaccine ... the perfect con game
There was and is a “mask cult” that formed out of this new
covid religion, now there is forming a “vaccination cult” as well and the “vaccination
cult” might be even more deadly than the mask cult is
Now corporations such
as Target is paying its employees $50 to get the vaccine (if it is such
a wonder drug, why do you have to pay people to take it?) … This is not good … people are starting to
wear masks that say, “I am vaccinated”, plus T-shirts with the same logo … I was at Staples office supplies recently and they
have a free service to laminate your vaccination card! I would bet, by
the end of Biden administration if you do not have the vaccine, you will have
to wear a badge that states “Not Vaccinated” …. Like they did with the Jews in
Nazi Germany, they had to wear bright yellow star of David on their clothing …
I have been told stories about groups of people who have
gotten the vaccine and have stated they will not remain friends, with anyone
who is not vaccinated … nor will they allow family to visit them … so what is
the point, I thought the vaccination gives you immunity … so why would you care
if others are not vaccinated … this is such bullshit and it will continue as
long as the people allow it to… but people are falling into place and doing
whatever they are told to do for their “new religion” … just like many give “blind obedience to
their church and its dogmas” … God only knows what the repercussions of this
vaccine will be long term, and the blind obedience the people are giving to the
government … the vaccine has become mankind’s “salvation” how evil is
that thinking …
I literally know dozens of people who had covid and they are
fine … this includes Blacks, Hispanics, old/ young / preexisting conditions and
those who a healthy …. Most got mildly sick, but even those who were a bit
more ill with covid … all of them without exception survived and are fine now … they actually looked better after having the virus!
But I am starting to worry about something no one has ever
mentioned … are those who are vaccinated now “silent spreaders of the virus” in
a more violent form … it is well known science, those who get vaccines shed virus to those
around them … this is how “herd immunity” from vaccination occurs … an artificial
way to place “immunity” into the population … whereas the survivors of the “natural
virus”, also shed “herd immunity” into the population … which, the “new covid religious
experts” say, is not a viable way to establish herd immunity, within the
population… which is total bullshit … for that is how nature works… that is how
biology works … in essence what they are saying is only "artificial immunity works not natural immunity"...
If you have an active case of "wild covid", you are quarantined in your home for 10 days or more... if you get a covid vaccination you are allowed to walk around immediately, so you actually have the virus, have not developed antibodies for it yet (that can take up to two weeks)... they said ... "it is a dead virus"... but I have seen people get the "flu", from a flu vaccine and others got sick from them, (when that person coughed or sneezed)
reminds me of when they said, "protesting and rioting does not spread the virus", but getting together to go to Church or a funeral will... "don't sing in public it spreads the virus, but you can shout and scream in the faces of cops by the thousands, that does not spread the virus" ... yes the new religion of covid has some really strange science they work with... to say the least! But their followers follow them blindly and believe it all ... zombie like ... as if their brains have been eaten away ...
People will find it hard to believe that you can sick, from
someone who had a vaccination … really sick… I personally know someone who developed
a serve case of “Shingles” from being near her granddaughter who received the chicken
pox vaccination… so I wonder … does this happen, with those who are vaccinated, with covid …
they think they “are safe” but are they…. and they think they cannot spread the
virus but are they doing just that in a way that might be even more toxic and deadly than
if they had the virus “naturally” and developed antibodies…
I know once you receive
the covid vaccine you are told it will take 2 weeks to a month to form
antibodies… are they spreading covid during that time to others, for they are
out and about in the public … we do not know for this vaccine has never been tested on human before … we
are the “test” …
Here is an article how getting a vaccine can cause others
to get sick from it …
What is really freighting these “vaccinated people" think
they are “golden” so they take greater risks and they say… now they can travel
and visit their elderly family members, what if they become “super spreaders”???
... I was never afraid of the "wild virus"... but I have to say ... I am a bit afraid of those who have received the covid 19 vaccination ...
Frankly we do not know what the covid vaccination
is really doing to anyone in the population, be it short term or long term … we
do know that all the “Ferrets” that received a similar vaccine that the general
public is now getting … when the Ferrets
were exposed to the “real virus in nature” they all died … those with the vaccination
think they “are bullet proof now” from getting covid … not true and in addition,
they may, by getting the vaccine are actually spreading covid and from past
animal experiments, when they are exposed to covid in the “wild” will have a
higher risk (not a lower one ) of death …
Literally getting the covid-19 vaccine is a "shot in the dark", for your survival and well being in the future and the spreading of the virus you may be doing to others ... like all "earthly religions", the new covid religion, counts on your blind obedience unto your death and the death of others ... whatever it takes for them to remain in power ... as they tell you to take the vaccine for the benefit of humanity ... it is the "godly (small "g") thing to do"
Below is a interview, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr (A liberal and a Democrat) I encourage you to watch the entire video and his research on all vaccines including the covid vaccine
I have been doing more thinking about Trump and researching
the money he took (or the Republican Party took in his name)… Trump’s image to
me is starting to “fade” and tarnish … he
had the power to do much more and he backed down again and again in
favor of doing what the “swamp”, wanted him to do… Trump “barked” a lot about corruption
but never had the balls to really try and stop it … he was on many levels a narcissist
wanting to preserve his “image”, within the
Republican party, which is as corrupt as the Dems…
Trump called RFK, JR into his office in NYC after Trump was
elected and told RFK, JR, he would make him the “vaccine Czar”, within his administration
… yet within a week “big pharma” came to Trump and donated a million dollars to
his inauguration and Trump ditched the idea of working with Robert F. Kennedy,
JR and having a "vaccine Czar" … Had Trump not folded and stood up
for what he said his values were “the American people” … we might not have had …
“shut downs” and the fake science we now have in regards to covid 19… there
would have been oversight, with big pharma and those pushing vaccines … Trump
chose the dark side over the American people in regards to big pharma … at the
end of his term in office Trump did turn on big pharma (too late, he already was
in bed with them)… and I think his turning on big pharma so late in his presidency
was a “political move” to try and get reelected…
Biden will destroy this country … Trump could have helped it
and he chose politics instead… Trump not
taking on big pharma in the beginning was his downfall and rightfully so … for
now we the people are being controlled by these companies and those who protect them and make millions of dollars from them …