Monday, October 4, 2021

Vaccine exemption list and you are not on it!


If you try to get a “covid vaccine exemption” good luck, hard to find and when you do it will cost a hefty fee or “donation”…But not so with all the postal workers (they are exempt, the government wants you to get all your bills in the mail and those fraudulent voting ballets that they can manipulate) so the government cannot afford to get the postal workers sick with a covid vaccine or even die! Also all of your Congressmen and Senators and all of their staff (both federal and state) are exempt, they know how dangerous the vaccine is and they do not want to take it or have their staff take it!!! Plus all of big pharma is “exempt” from the vaccine … you know the ones who made the vaccine … they sure as hell know how dangerous it is and refuse to take it!!!   

Also all the new and illegal immigrants entering the country are exempt, because they will be the ones who take the jobs of those forced to quit by refusing to take the clot shot... And every Chinese national here on a visa (about 8 million) are exempt from the covid vaccine ... Also homeless people are exempt ... cannot have those homeless on the streets injected with the covid vaccine and have the public see them sick or dead on the streets afterwards...   

Also CDC and FDA employees ... you guessed it ... exempted from the covid vaccine   

Also everyone who works in the White House is exempt from the covid vaccine … they cannot have vaccinated people in the White House, shedding spike proteins and covid virus and all its mutations in the White House … fuck no!!!  And I call bullshit on Biden and any President past or present taking it … it was a “show”… there is no way those elites, who planned this genocide would take this vaccine … maybe they got a Vitamin C shot … but maybe Trump was dumb enough to take it, since he is not part of the globalist’s club and Trump can be misled easily, which shows he never was a “real politician” part of the swamp, be they Republicans or Dems …

But you … your sorry ass John and Jane Q. Public … you get your asses and drag your kids with you to get this covid vaccine and all its boosters and while you are at it … take the freak’n flu shot… do the “moral righteous thing” as Pope Frances says and the Governor of NY says … God sent you this vaccine so fuck’n take it!!! And become an “apostle of god” … I do believe they are following “god” their god … not the one true God, who created you with free will and a natural immune system ...

This video lists those who are "exempt" from the  ever so safe ... they have to force you to take it covid vaccine ...