Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Graphene oxide and nano particles

I was thinking “vaccinated people are shedding the covid vaccine onto others”, they are also shedding it into the environment as well … when a person receives radiation treatments for cancer or swallows a radioactive solution to do a “contrast” test via an x-ray or CT scan… that is an extremely toxic solution the patient is either swallowing or having injected into their bodies… and it will leave the body via the urine or defecation, sweat and such is “radioactive or a toxic substance” in the toilet and going into the water treatment centers … I know one woman who thought she had thyroid cancer and the tests involved her swallowing a “radioactive solution”,  so she rented a hotel room for two days, after the test,  so she could use a “public toilet” and not her own, as not to expose her family to radiation poisoning at home … wow protect your family,  but expose the public who is totally unaware of the danger … sounds like the thinking of the globalists, they and their families are not taking the covid vaccine, but pushing it on you and your family!

The vaccinated people are using toilets everyday … they are swimming in lakes and the ocean every day, and they are shedding the virus and Nano particles and graphene oxide particles (also found in the vaccine) everyday into the environment … the  way the woman who rented a hotel room spread radiation and toxins in that toilet and into the water treatments centers …

There is a reason why drug companies do not want you to flush your unused Rx pills into the toilet … it gets into the water system … water treatment plants are not “cleaning water for such things” and if you have a septic tank instead of a sewer line … you are directly contaminating the ground water, via your urine and stool … even just washing … no one knows at this point how the Nano particles found in the covid vaccine can spread to others and to the environment … can the globalists have been that stupid not to have considered this … if this be true … no one is safe … not the vaccinated or the unvaccinated, not the water supply, not the creatures who live in the sea or the creatures that need water to survive and that would be all of us  ….  


There have been tens and tens of millions of people, across the globe who either willingly or were forced to take the covid vaccine ... is the graphene oxide found on the beach in the video below from people  shedding such from their vaccine? If the video is true we are living  in an ELE (extinction level event) ... 


I know it is true that people shed vaccines onto others and urinate and defecate toxic things from their bodies ... the man in the video  states it could be from the masks ... even if that is not true ... the vaccinated breathing into a mask are shedding the virus and whatever is in the covid vaccines via their mouths, saliva  ...  

How much more information do you need! Before you realize life itself is being flushed down the tubes ... by the covid vaccines and soon to come covid pills 

and wow!!!! Now big pharma's "pills" are going to be used on an EUA (emergency use bases) ... I personally know people who worked for Merck ... evil company! Yet many of these drug companies pay their employees outrageously high salaries to gain their loyalty ... 

Hmmm ...after watching the video below ... I wonder if there indeed is "graphene" in the covid vaccines ... what happens when these "vaccinated people" die ... what if they are cremated, or die in a fire what happens to the graphene in their bodies  ... watch what happens to a small amount of graphene when exposed to fire ...

Numerous results have shown that graphene materials cause dose-dependent toxicity in animals and cells, such as liver and kidney injury, lung granuloma formation, decreased cell viability and cell apoptosis ....The inhaled graphene was trans-located to lung lymph nodes

Researchers verified  all sorts of carbon (but wait isn't "carbon" a dirty word to the woke / climate fanatics)  and nano-particles, including graphene oxide, happen when you barbecue meat, which means that humans have been eating graphene oxide for thousands of years from barbecued meat or other foods.But over the last few decades "science"  has been telling us that eating "barbecued meat can and does cause cancer"... so we need to stop it ... yet they are ok with putting graphene and nano-particles in the covid vaccines and injecting it into your body  ...