Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Biden and his orgy of spending and monitoring your spending and over taxing you and your small business

 It used to be $10,000 now it is $600 would cause the IRS to red flag you ...

Biden’s $600 Financial Reporting Requirement Could Lead to Even More Violations of Taxpayer Rights...

The IRS Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CI) regularly violated taxpayers’ rights and skirted or ignored due process requirements when investigating taxpayers for allegedly violating the $10,000 currency transaction reporting requirements, according to a 2017 report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). In addition, less than one in ten investigations uncovered violations of tax law.

These findings should be alarming to taxpayers given that President Biden has proposed creating a new comprehensive financial account information reporting regime which would force the disclosure of any business or personal account that exceeds $600. Not only would this include the bank, loan, and investment accounts of virtually every individual and business, but it would also include third-party providers like Venmo, CashApp, and PayPal.

  1. Sep 09, 2021 · The Biden administration is proposing a $600 balance minimum for when the IRS can pry into your bank account, and banks are not happy. ... having $600 in a bank account is an extremely low bar that would put average Americans on the radar of the IRS

Biden and his orgy of spending and over taxing you … from illegal immigrants  to his green new deal and every kind of spending bill (it is  not all Biden’s fault, many Republicans have their greedy corrupt faces eating the pork, as well)  … so who is paying for this … why you are … your taxes will be going up and your services will be going drastically down, unless you enter the country through what used to be our southern border … but everyone in the world knows we are now a “border-less  country”,  the only ones who do not know this are the American citizens who refuse to get out of their own little world and snap into reality …

Realty is the USA is printing too much money and spending what they do not have, we are a drunk nation maxing out all our credit in the world … and this is how Venezuela fell, once the wealthiest nation in South America … they are so poor now they ate their animals and all the zoo animals in 2017 …

and this is why they are all heading for our southern borders… the “planned - demic” shut down the global economy, millions starved to death in the third world due to the shutdown, the countries in South America suffered much and could not feed their people …   

The Biden administration and globalists are bound and determined to bring this nation down on all levels from personal freedoms to killing many with a bio-weapon of a vaccine, Biden will shut down this nation again it is just a matter of time and he will cause a shortage of supplies… I work in retail and grocery and it only the big chains now getting supplies on time …  they are still trying to crush small businesses … eventually the big chains will be put under stress as well … this is not good…

Forcing people to be vaccinated or lose their job has no medical bases,  but it has a real crush the economy base and slow down production even further …

Over the past 18 months, I have seen many more Americans on food stamps and they think this is a “guarantee” they will be able to buy food in the future, it is not. I am also amazed at the levels of money these new food stamp recipients have, they are getting between $600 to $900, even higher in some cases,  a month in food stamps (SNAP) benefits, and they also use credit cards or cash to buy big ticket items (I have seen more $100 bills over the last 18 months, than I have in my lifetime and my father ran a cash business for nearly 50 years) Old ladies coming into the store with fist full of $100 bills, green card immigrants and non-documented ones with $100 bills… To the point I have asked my co-workers many times “where the hell are these shoppers getting all that extra cash from”???  … I do not know how they are even qualifying for food stamps.  There is a perception with these shoppers that this will go on forever … it will not … it cannot… it is not long term unsustainable … they are being lured into a false sense of security … as if the word “save” your money and supplies is not even in their lexicon … they are literally drunk on consumerism and spending as is all of Washington DC … 

I have blogged endless about the covid fiasco and how I truly believe it was planned and executed on the world … yet covid is just one part of what is going on  … this is a plan to bring down Nations, that are wealthy and maybe have gone a bit “soft” in  believing that you have to stay awake and defend your Nation from both foreign and domestic terrorists … we are under attack from both … foreign (globalists) domestic ( those who run this country) and they are bound and determined to make us fall and “rebuild / better” they say … better to them is socialism, death and destruction of the American way of life, family and faith … Our Lady of Fatima said … “communism will spread its evil throughout the world if you do not heed to her message and return to God”… returning to God does not mean going to church … actually to do so now is to go to the seat of evil itself … seek God within and teach your children, have “home churches “ as it was at the start …   

There is a “blockade happening off our shores”, we did this to Japan in WW II, the globalists and the Biden administration  are now doing this to all of America …  to cause panic and shortages and a run on stores and supplies this winter, which will sent this nation further into chaos…