Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Garbage in ... garbage out ... and garbage injected directly into your blood stream by Big Pharma

The government, FDA and CDC … tells you to stop eating “junk food” and destroying your body and health with garbage food!!!! …….At the same time they are literally injecting “garbage” into your body via a covid vaccine … they promote a “healthy lifestyle”, as they kill you from within… the mark of evil at its highest level … coming in the name of “light” and life… in truth they are the opposite    

I do not like Richard Fleming, PhD, MD, JD his arrogance and hubris is palpable and he comes across as being God’s gift to thought and intellect …although he is a medical doctor and a lawyer plus a PhD, is also low on the emotional scale of self-awareness as to what he is projecting to his audience … all of that being said his video below is interesting, even though he insists he is the one and only “true researcher” on this issue and mocks others who are extremely knowledgeable and/ or his equal …

Dr. Fleming is a bit late to the game in testing the covid vaccines … many highly skilled researches / medical doctors have done so months ago …  yet Fleming's thinking on the capacity to sue the vaccines makers for "quality control" is interesting ...



Richard Fleming, has released a 32-minute detailed presentation documenting his shocking findings. In late 2020, before the Pfizer shot had even been rolled out, top scientists and experts around the world warned the Pfizer and Moderna shots posed extreme risk of causing blood clots, myocarditis and other cardiovascular problems. One year later, Pfizer and Moderna have been forced to issue warnings confirming their controversial MRNA vaccines can indeed cause a long list of problems not just limited to the cardiovascular system. Now, research scientist, Dr. Richard Fleming, has has tested the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine on fresh human blood samples in-vitro and made a string of nightmare discoveries confirming the medical community’s findings. 

Pray for the children and the youth ... Satan is after them big time ... we are constantly being bombarded, with the phrase, the "new normal" ... watch the video below and see what the "new normal" is for so many children and young people, post their covid vaccine ... and this is being hidden from the public by censorship ...

 ... prior to Fleming's recent research into the covid vaccines and the garbage therein ... a husband and wife team did so in 2016 with all "vaccines"  and this couple found the same "garbage" Fleming speaks to in those vaccines 5 years ago ... so this is not new ... it is just revealed now that is all  ....we are aware now and we are fools if we line up for these vaccines ... we have been warned now ... we have the facts now ...

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination

Antonietta M Gatti,1,2  Stefano Montanari3

1National Council of Research of Italy, Institute for the Science and Technology of Ceramics, Italy
2International Clean Water Institute, USA
3Nanodiagnostics srl, Italy

Correspondence: Dr. Antonietta Gatti, National Council of Research of Italy, c/o Nanodiagnostics Via E. Fermi, 1/L, 41057 San Vito (MO), Italy, Tel 059798778

Received: November 30, 2016 | Published: January 23, 2017

Vaccines are being under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an X-ray microprobe. The results of this new investigation show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable. A considerable part of those particulate contaminants have already been verified in other matrices and reported in literature as non biodegradable and non biocompatible. The evidence collected is suggestive of some hypotheses correlated to diseases that are mentioned and briefly discussed.

The full research article can be found here ...