Monday, October 18, 2021

All things being equal ... they are not ... such as all covid vaccines are the same... they are not ...some are placebos, just saline ...

In a true medical/ lab experiments there has to be "controlled groups" and variables… you have to have placebos in the batch … and the covid vaccine (all of them are experimental) we are the research lab rats  … many researches/ scientists have thought for some time that not everyone is/ was getting the “covid” vaccine, but they are receiving a saline shot (such as the presidents and any high profile person who took the vaccine publicly) … each “vile” vial is numbered and the person who took it has their name attached to what “vial” was injected into them … 

so “big pharma” knows who was given a saline shot… who was given a full covid vaccine, and who was given a partial vaccine … that is how “experiential trials work” and we are the ongoing experiment named “covid”, which I think is bullshit … there is a much darker evil agenda unfolding …

Such as unknown “hatching eggs” in some covid vaccines… some change your blood chemistry completely, some of the so called "vaccines" nothing happens (they are the placebo control groups)  … getting the covid vaccine is like buying a scratch off lottery ticket … is “your ticket/ your covid vaccination” the one that is the winner (just saline) or is yours a losing ticket/ vaccine , the real deal with hatching unknown eggs in it and “creatures that move” … and self assembling devices of unknown origin

WTF ... it is truly an alien life form, no kidding ... it is right out of the movie Alien ... it is making people hybrids of an unknown organism / species  

There is a life form in the covid vaccine that can "hatch eggs"  

The Polish Scientist in the below video is speaking in Polish (with English subtitles)… I miss not hearing Polish spoken … both my parents spoke Polish, as did their siblings … my siblings and I were not taught to speak Polish… the philosophy of the immigrants years ago was if you make “America” your home,  you assimilate, learn the language and the culture… you do not try and make the USA a “mini Poland/ Italy/ Germany” … the way current “illegal immigrants” or even green carded immigrants do… by changing the culture and landscape of the USA … my thoughts if the “new immigrants”  countries were so great,  they just have to make this country into a “mini one of theirs”…  they should have stayed in their “home” country and not come here to destroy our culture and way of life … yes,  you carry on your ethic traditions and culture within your  homes and families if you so choose to do so … but you do not force said on all of America … or as Trump once said … He was the president of the USA… not France… not Italy … not Spain… even though “Americans” are made up of all cultures and races … America first and Americans first … 

  Dr. Franc Zalewski discovered tentacled aluminum-based lifeform dubbed “the thing” inside covid-19 jab vial under microscope.

Polish scientist Dr. Frank Zalewski made a horrific discovery examining the contents of Pfizer COVID vials. Found a parasite that grows in the presence of Graphite. Graphene Oxide has been found to be in high concentration in all of the COVID "…

And there are “payloads” in some of the covid vaccines … WTF…

 Please pray for at the end of the day ... all of this is a "spiritual war"... we cannot fight it alone ... we need the help of God ... so Pray ... Pray ... Pray 

It is well know that DARPA is at least 40 years (some say more) advanced in technology than they allow the general public to know about… we are seeing some of this advanced technology in the covid vaccines… and this is why most people cannot believe the truth about the vaccines… they cannot wrap their heads around the fact that this technology exists and that there are truly evil people in the world that want to destroy humanity as God created it to be …  

Today is the feast day of St. Luke and on this day in 1961 (60 years ago) in Garabandal, Spain  

The first message was given on October 18th 1961: We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us.

As I have mentioned in prior blogs … Years ago, I was close friends with the main visionary of Garabandal… I remember being told by this visionary, the Virgin Mary told her… “Time as we know it to be, will end” … I did not know what that meant, thinking maybe it means the end of the world … now I think it means the UN / globalist agenda 30… trans-humanism and the devil’s interruption of “eternity” by possessing and replacing mankind with A.I.    

Real believers in God … know this is not “our home planet” … we were created to return home to our Father … fear not those who can kill the body … fears those who come after your soul and agenda 30 does such and it starts with these covid vaccines within our bodies …

I read one doctor say,  it is still not too late for those who have been vaccinated … this doctor said and I agree with her … go to God and say … Please help me Father, my Creator, I have been misled and placed something in my body that is not of You… God of miracles remove this from my body and make me whole again … I believe in such prayer… God can change anything if you have faith in Him … and please … please … please do not take any more vaccines …         

This is the future … A.I. will be in control … it will take great and I mean great faith in God to overcome… you must believe no one / no creature/ no robot is bigger … more powerful and has more glory than the one true God … your Father in Heaven

I do not believe this can be stopped, only mitigated by the mercy of God