Sunday, October 3, 2021

Every time a Globalist's speaks a devil gets its wings and secures another "perfectly possessed" soul ...


Malachi Martin (a famous author and Jesuit) used the above titled term, saying the “perfectly possessed” walk among us … they look normal, they act normal, but they have completely surrender themselves over to evil … souls completely black … Fr. Martin said you can tell who they are by their eyes, there is something in their eyes that gives them away… and as the Bible states the “eyes are the windows to the soul”…

 “The most extreme state is ‘perfect possession’, when the demon has taken complete control. The perfectly possessed person is totally lost. There is nothing I can do,” says Father Martin.”

 Now I know many will say there is always salvation, while alive … at least that is what the Church teaches, and usually the means of this salvation is to go to them, unfortunately at this moment in time I believe the hierarchy of the Church is among the “perfectly possessed” along with the current administration and the globalists …and starting with John Paul II and certainly with the current Pope they watered down the “rite of exorcisms” to the point where the devil must laugh whenever a priest opens their mouth, and the current popular and trending exorcists on the internet … never … never … never mention,  the evil and demonic activities in the hierarchy, from homosexuality to raping children,  men and women, human trafficking  and money laundering to name a few of the evils that go unchecked in the Vatican … Our Lady of Fatima, in the third secret, which the Church never really revealed,  said the Vatican will become the seat of evil and it has …

But let me get back to the now deceased Fr. Martin ….

  The dark shadows of skyscrapers are falling across New York as an elderly white-haired priest leaves the reassuring comfort of his home and heads through the streets towards the apartment block where the others are waiting. He walks quite slowly, carrying a small black case filled with the essential paraphernalia of the ritual he is about to perform.

The room has been prepared to his precise instructions: cleaned, sprinkled with holy water, and stripped of movable objects. Of those now gathered inside, only the priest – his face drawn and solemn – has any idea what to expect. After 30 years as an exorcist, Father Malachi Martin has learned to recognize the natures of the demons he pursues. They may be ingenious or stupid, coarse or charming, brazen or craven. Hell, it seems, is no place for stereotypes. “I need to know who they are,” the Irish-born priest says softly. “I need their names – and their stories.” He speaks of the demons in a tone of polite disgust, as a country clergyman might about village boys who have thrown a brick through his stained glass windows. “They are a pestilence,” says Father Martin. “They have to be countered and brought under control. People are possessed in the way that dogs are infested.” This is New York in the hot summer of 1996. The place is pumping. Rollerblades in Spandex suits skim through the pathways of Central Park, the hip cafes of SoHo and Chelsea are packed with the downtown arts crowd. Can scaly-winged demons really be at large in the city?

(Yes demons are at large in the city and in the world, many more now than in the days of Fr. Martin)

And although people will not believe this or they will refuse to believe this … here is a direct quote from Fr. Martin

“Satanism is all around us,” says Father Martin gently. “We deny it at our peril. I could point out places only minutes from here where black masses are being celebrated. I know of cases of human sacrifice – the sacrifice of babies. I know the people who are doing these things.” (Remember this was back in 1996 … it is only worse now) …

Fr. Marin said: ‘America is the biggest battleground. There is a war of the spirit going on’…

Fr. Martin went on to say … Satanism, he says, is far more widespread than is usually imagined. “The cruelty of these practices puts them beyond the civilized pale.

Fr. Martin spoke of human sacrifice, cannibalism and the sexual abuse of children. Not in faraway countries long ago, but right here now in New York.  (Again this was in 1996, far worse now) …

The symptoms of possession, Father Martin says, are often confused with mental illness. “Science spent a lot of time trying to prove that these people were, so to speak, loonies,” he says. “Now most of my cases are referred to me by psychiatrists.” Victims tend to undergo a startling change of personality. They may become unpredictable, violent and treacherous. They humiliate their families, plot against their friends, and lie to their colleagues. “They have become alien entities. They have surrendered their wills. The most extreme state is ‘perfect possession’, when the demon has taken complete control. The perfectly possessed person is totally lost. There is nothing I can do,” says Father Martin. (the Bible speaks to one sin that cannot be forgiven and that is a sin against the Holy Spirit, if you choose to have a "demon within" and not the Holy Spirit to guide you in life, such would be a sin against the Holy Spirit)  

“The peculiar thing is that these people are usually highly sophisticated, and the last thing you would suspect is that they were in league with the Devil. But there is always something about them. It may be a look in their eyes, a tone of voice, a sense of coldness, of contempt. Some- thing inhuman. When you encounter it, you know you have met the true enemy.”

I wonder at times about Joe Biden … yes he has dementia, but is he also perfectly possessed??? … and nearing the time Satan will come for him … you look at the level of corruption in his past, his family and what goes on within his family … I also wonder at times about the Obama's, the Clinton's and the Bush family, when you dig into their family line and them … it ain’t pretty .. It is diabolical … and so many others who are the current globalists / one world government takeover types, this includes Pope Frances and many other religious leaders …

 PERFECT POSSESSION is the tool that Lucifer has used for thousands of years to ensure his diabolical plan of word destruction is realized. The demon armies of Satan do not directly cause wars to happen and do not directly burn children in ovens at the Lodz extermination camp. Instead they work through the people here on Earth by possession. Those who seek Lucifer find him, and their first step is the seeking of power, demonic power. This immediately leads to demon possession, usually by many demons at one time. Each with different levels of power and influence

These poor souls are taken over entirely, so much so that their original personas were totally or nearly completely obscured — obliterated ...

Fr. Martin, said he performed exorcisms, claimed, in speaking of demons that “the most extreme state is ‘perfect possession,’ when the demon has taken complete control. The perfectly possessed person is totally lost. There is nothing I can do.”

It seems difficult to believe there is nothing that can be done; in some cases, the killers snap out of it (as did David Berkowitz — “Son of Sam” — now an ardent Christian or is he????). 

But the issue arrives again to the forefront due to remarks by an attorney named John Henry Browne, featured in a docu-series entitled, “In Defense Of,” on the network Oxygen, where he shares his experience defending serial killer Ted Bundy.

Browne, who is 71 today, knew the convicted killer for more than a decade and told Fox News “Ted was the only person in my 40 years of being a lawyer that I would say that he was absolutely born evil.

This is really the only person, after representing thousands of clients in 40 years that I would say that about,” he repeated. “I didn’t want to believe people were born evil, but I came to the conclusion that Ted was… He had this energy about him that was clearly deceptive,  sociopath.” (I am sure everyone has been around someone in life whose "energy" was extremely negative and down right disturbing, where you could not wait to get away from them!) 

The evil was tangible.

 Bundy was described as “a sadistic sociopath who took pleasure from another human’s pain and the control he had over his victims, to the point of death, and even after.” Bundy, worked at the suicide prevention center as a cover… and this remembers me of Fauci … a man I think was born evil… he takes delight in control and causing pain … have you ever read some of Fauci’s research papers … his killing thousands of animals and placing drugs on the market he knew would harm or kill people …  

Bundy was described also like a really good version of a used car salesman. He seemed very believable. But my intuitive side said, ‘No, he’s not telling the truth about a lot of this.’ … I get the same feelings about Fauci and Bill Gates …

Another one of Ted Bundy’s defense team stated, attorney Polly Nelson, wrote that “Ted was the very definition of heartless evil.”... I feel this way about the globalists ..

In my personal experience in life the people I believed to be most influenced by evil, labeled themselves “Christians” or God fearing individuals … such as beware those clothed in light for their souls are dark or as Christ said … “White washed sepulchers filled with dead man’s bones” …

People throw around the phrase … “they believe in God”… well the one who believes in God the most is Satan, Lucifer met God up front and personal… humans do not this side of the grave … but humans do say … things like “God wants you to kill others in his name”… the Catholic Church did this many times during the Crusades and the Inquisition… the Muslim did this as well… and the Jews had a hobby of stoning people to death for sins perceived … all  in the “name of God”… my thoughts on this has always been … God does not need a “hit man”… If God wants someone dead they are gone … so the mere practice of killing someone for your perceived sin they committed, is proof of the fact you do not know God … 

God does not need your defense of Him, your life itself should be a witness to Him that is all … not witness to any worldly religion, and you should stand up for your fellow man … so God’s natural law can stand up for you when needed …   

And I will take this a step further if God wants someone to voluntary become “vaccinated”, they will be … one will get an “urge” to do so … but one needs to pray about it …

 Like Nicki Minaj tweeted on Sept. 13: “They want you to get vaccinated for the Met. (I)f I get vaccinated it won’t for the Met. It’ll be once I feel I’ve done enough research.”

What Nicki Minaj’s tweet made clear is the troubling intersection of entertainment and political tribalism, highlighting a culture where cults of personality reign and critical thinking is discouraged…

pray … pray … before you do so … don’t do so “blindly” for it is the blind who leads the blind… open your eyes … research and pray …    

Remember it is never of God if it is forced upon you … the greatest gift God has given us is “free will”… it is pure evil that insists on taking your free will away …   

One such “white washed sepulcher, who darned to come in the “name of God”, by pushing the new religion of forced vaccinations is highlighted in the video below… she even asked for “apostles to follow her” … "the smart ones" .. wow I thought Andrew Cuomo was evil ... but as usual Satan always up the game, hence the State of NY now has ...a succubus Governor ... who wants you "the smart people to follow her"... call me dumb all day long,  but the only one I will follow is Jesus Christ !!!


hmm… choose apostles...didn’t Christ already do that and even with the choice of the Son of God himself … look how the Catholic Church screwed that up … now we are asked to follow the new religion of vaccine mandates and trans-humanism… no thank you … I found my salvation in Jesus Christ  

I recommend Fr. Malachi Martin’s books if you want to know what really goes on in the Vatican … of course Fr. Martin labeled his books “fiction”, and his best friend, a priest from NJ told me before his death… Malachi wrote under the guise of fiction for his life would be in danger if he revealed these things directly …

Malachi Brendan Martin, occasionally writing under the pseudonym Michael Serafian, was an Irish Catholic priest and writer on the Catholic Church... 

Malachi Martin was also known as a serious scholar of apocryphal writings, have authored a book called “The Scribal Character of the Dead Sea Scrolls”… Malachi Martin also stated that he read the third secret of Fatima (the real one) and that is was terrifying and it mentioned the Vatican becoming the seat of Satan … 

Malachi Martin eminent theologian, premier authority on the Roman Catholic Church, and former professor at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute-is the author of such national bestsellers as The Final Conclave, Vatican, The Jesuits, and The Keys of This Blood

This NJ priest (who was the celebrant at the funeral of Fr. Martin) also told me that prior to his death Fr. Malachi Martin decided to write about the corruption in the Church and not label it “fiction” and he was working on this manuscript when Fr. Martin died (from a slip and fall)… the NJ priest did not think Fr. Martin “fell” on his own …and the manuscript Fr. Martin was working on … disappeared after his “slip and fall” … much like Nickola Telsa’s papers “disappeared”, from his apartment after his death … and the FBI were seen leaving Tesla's apartment after his death ... of course they were, the Telsa papers are probably filed next to the Hunter Biden computer at the FBI ... hence in keeping with the evil theme ... there is not a "snowballs chance in  hell", the public will every see them ...    

 Today is Sunday and most seemly “good Christians” are attending one type of religious service today, from Mass to Gospel / Protestant  Church gatherings … many of these people are on the path to prediction following their corrupt leaders (not my words but the Virgin Mary’s at Garabandal )  

Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist.

Of course the Church has not officially said Garabandal is an “OK” message for the faithful (and they never will for it is not self-serving for the hierarchy to do so)… they only “approve messages” that back them up … yet I have never read of a prophet in the Old Testament who was sent by God to pat people on the back … prophets … visionaries … mystics, from God only appear on the scene as a “wake up call” to let the people know and any given religion they are on the wrong path and calling down the wrath of God by doing so …      

 One of those who many follow is not only on the road to “perdition”, he resides on the banks of hell … and that person is Pope Frances … tragic oxymoron is Frances states if you do not follow him or if you criticize him, it is you who is demonic ... sigh ... once again I say ... like I said about Gov Kathy Hochul... I do not follow her or Pope Frances, nor any Pope or "earthly religious / human leader" ... I follow Jesus Christ only ... 

Shakespeare said all the world is a stage and we mere players in it … if that be so … I want to play the part of Antigone in Sophocles’ play

This scene is a favorite from "Antigone" and is an excellent exercise for a young female performer. Antigone delivers this commanding speech which defies the laws of the king in order to follow her conscience. She's a stubborn young woman, intent on civil disobedience in order to fulfill her family obligations and what she believes is a higher law of the gods. She will risk punishment rather than settle for a noble life without honoring her dead brother.

The Greek tragedy with the Catholic Church is that they were “created” or so they say, to be “mother to the faithful on earth” and as such its one and only function is to train “her children” to have a well formulated consciousness and sin is not a “sin” if the soul prays about something and then “chooses”, with their “well formulated consciousness” to which, the church was supposed to give them … Pope Frances has removed “choice/ free will” as have other Popes … such is not their calling to do so or within their power ... there is a power much greater than the Pope and all mankind