Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Good fences make for Good Neighbors that used to be the case ... but not so with geofencing ...

Every day,  I see another area of Northern NJ being “upgraded” (i.e. more internet bandwidth), cable’s version of 5 G … some roads are even blocked so this “private company” can install their new cable lines … how is that OK to allow a “private company” to be able to shut down a public road, for the private company’s financial gain … so who is being paid off??? …

 I am sure every politician approached and the cops that are closing down these roads or only allowing limited access are getting “overtime” to do so… so as long as the money flows into their pockets, they could care less about “public access” to any given road …  such is my first point … the illegal power of large corporations in America … due to the fact they can pay everyone off and the fact that they know the public is blissfully unaware or they just do not give a shit... or in the case of being told they will have faster internet service so many think it is cool!!!  And they cannot wait to start up their computers every morning with faster internet ...ah as they say ... all that glitters is not gold ... faster internet comes with a serious cost and are you willing to pay it... payment is not made with dollars but personal freedom ...   

 my main point is this … all of these cable trucks and road closures or detours are allowing this huge cable company to “geofence the entire area”… installing a high bandwidth to be able to keep people confined to their homes … geofencing is like place a dog in a yard, with invisible fencing  ….

...Geofences for dogs in a hunting field… they place “trackers” on the dogs collars or even chip them with a tracker … much like the first round of covid vaccines are starting to place “chipping device” inside of you … as patents show they do and independent lab research say they see in the vaccines …https://www.bitchute.com/video/5weRk2Tpma3o/

A Geofence is an area on the GPS map that you define, or the government can define for you. You set a zone, and get alerts when you enter or exit a Geofence area. Knowing where everyone is without having to watch the screen the whole time, and the government can know where you are all the time!... think that is a conspiracy theory ... look into what has happened in Australia and the government geofencing  them there, via their cell phones... also in parts of Canada and other countries and most certainly China ... 

To create a Geofence you go into the location alert menu and set an area on the map you can make them as big or as small as you want to, and then your warnings will tell you if someone enters or exits this area. The cable company is now creating this geofence for us all... everyone will have direct access to you, from your phone, your car.. including the government and every one who wants to target you via advertising or hack into your personal files ... the reason there are not more "computer hackers" in the area is that  they do not and did not have enough "bandwidth" to do so... these new cable lines will give them that bandwidth... 

 The use of GPS or RFID technology (is built right into your cars and your cell phone) to create a virtual geographic boundary, enabling software to trigger a response when a mobile device enters or leaves a particular area.

"geofencing turns the lights off when you leave and on when you get home"


Geofencing is the practice of using global positioning (GPS) or radio frequency identification (RFID) to define a geographic boundary. Then, once this “virtual barrier” is established, the administrator can set up triggers that send a text message, email alert, or app notification when a mobile device enters (or exits) the specified area. (this is what the government does in Australia ... they send a text to your cell phone and tell you to text them back within 15 minutes or they send the police after you, because Australia is still in lock down and you are not allowed out of your house for the most part) ... think that will not happen here in NJ ... think again, the fencing is going up now (the geofencing that is) ... the dictators no longer use barbed wire... they use "invisible fencing" ... but they are still building consecration camps with it ... the camps are called your homes, which they will demand  you stay in ... vaccinated or un-vaccinated 

Free WiFi is not free … you are losing all your personal data and control to the cable company who is collecting the data ... people think wow I can turn on my WiFi and not have to pay for roaming fees on my phone, it is safer and cheaper ... neither is true!  

And all those "smart devices in your homes, from Alexa to smart refrigerators ... most do not understand these devices are "talking" so to say, to a "mother board"... they are connected to A.I. via 5G and faster internet (more broadband) ....such as new cars will "notify" the dealer when it needs an oil change or maintenance... 


And hey everyone thinks working from home is the best thing since sliced bread ... but is it?   


and trending ... you do not go to a gym anymore, stay home buy an A.I. / smart bike like a Peloton or a "magic mirror"...they have cameras inside of them and can see inside your home and monitor you ...

No human contact is what they want … just virtual contact that the powers that be can control …we are social creatures … we are “made” to be with and support each other...isolation is a humanity killer ... 

and most all "virtual conferences" and even online schools and virtual family gatherings are done through Zoom... even virtual courts and legal proceedings are doing this via "Zoom"...

 Since the pandemic compelled us to stay home, Zoom meetings, happy hours, and even parties have become an integral part of our lives. Even Queen Elizabeth II made appearances on Zoom to chat with a group of British health-care workers. The number of Zoom users has exploded from 10 million to more than 100 million in just two months, and Zoom’s share price appreciated by 220 percent.

Zoom is directly connected to Communist China and their government

As Zoom grows more popular by the day, many concerns have been raised with regard to the platform’s security and its connection with the Chinese government.

In its own SEC filings, Zoom acknowledged that in 2018, it was made aware of “a vulnerability in the Zoom Meeting client for Windows that could result in potential exposure of a Zoom user’s password.” In that same year, a cyber security company discovered a vulnerability in Zoom’s software that hackers could exploit to take over certain meeting controls.

Zoom’s business operation model presents yet another source of potential security and privacy risks. Zoom is headquartered in the United States, but its business operation heavily relies on China.

So many people allow their children to spend hours and hours on the computers or gaming devices … and they welcome “more bandwidth” it acts like a babysitter for their kids … less parenting skills needed… this is a real problem in many “woke”/ modern families … funny the giant tech executives limit their own children to amount of time they can spend on a computer or gaming device… just like those covid vaccines … you and your kids forced to take them … but those in power and their children have  “exemptions” ... 

I see toddlers at work with their parents phone in their hands watching YouTube videos, members of my own family allow their children to game most of the day and these kids are so hooked (like a drug hooked on gaming) if you refuse to allow the kid on their Xbox or other gaming console they get belligerent… they will even take their videos games to bed with them and play videos until early morning under their covers in bed!!! Reality become blurred to them and their neuron networks in their brains change … but this madness is not good enough for the globalists,  they want to actually change the brains of human beings altogether and turn them into a computer console that they can “play with”… and the patents on the current covid vaccines and ones to come speak to this   

Have you ever wondered if all that smartphone scrolling, snapping, and texting affects your brain? Scientists do, and they’re looking to find out if “screen time”—time spent looking at smartphone, computer, and television screens—changes the developing brain… brain scans show it does change the brain ... I believe it also changes their personalities and their vision ...(hence blue screen glasses for computer and gaming) 

And since the “young and developing brain” of a child can become more addicted to anything, they literally are “addicted to video gaming”… I see this in the store I work in when a new video game drops or a new Xbox comes out … the lines are out the door to get the newest and latest game or gaming system and all of these items have to be kept in a locked cage in the store for theft of these items is high …  The faster ... more bandwidth of a "geofence" will make these issues even more dangerous to a young child's developing brain ... 

to end and it will be to our end ...  Altice/ optimum is "geofencing" my entire area of the world  ... a silent control system to keep us suppressed and our thoughts and hearts away from God and into a meaningless virtual existence, is being installed   ... this "silent / unseen geofence" is a great allegory for what is really happening ... in the unseen world of the battle between good and evil on this planet ... we cannot see it with our eyes, but the true believer knows it is happening all around them and they are powerless to stop it ... only God can do so and God awaits his people to cry out to  him and trust him, not the likes of Fauci and even the fraudulent Pope Frances ...    


Think such things cannot happen in the USA… it already is … if you are silly enough to still visit NYC, with all their illegal mandates in place,  they also have such a camera system throughout the City, you are on camera all the time in NYC … also in other US cities …facial recognition is real, bio-metrics is real, and it all can be monitored by the State or a City's surveillance systems ... 

And as Our Lady of Fatima said … “Communism will spread it errors throughout the world and the Vatican will become the seat of Satan”… welcome to life inside the message of Fatima...

 …  And in my home State and in my area of the State … they are building the geofence to introduce this type of control and Communism …and you get to pay for the "bullet" that kills your freedom and privacy, via your cable bill ...

And remember they can "shut it off", Wi-Fi connections that is  anytime they want to ... they have a Master kill switch ... and no one says a word ...