Friday, October 8, 2021

Recommendation ... the covid blog

I deal with hundreds of people a day who shop in the retail store I work in ... so I hear from customers who have been vaccinated and those who have not been and since the store is located across the street from a large senior citizen complex and this is an extremely "blue state" that believes in anything the Dems say... most of these seniors rush over to our pharmacy  to get the latest in "vaccines" and they cannot wait for a boosters to enhance their covid shot ... sigh ... and they rush for the latest and greatest flu shot as well, which is double strength this year for those over 65 ...I remember the Dems did a big push over at this senior citizen complex during the last presidential election telling the seniors who they should vote for and many came into the store,  with Biden buttons on (some of the buttons the seniors wore were upside down, since many of these seniors are impaired mentally) ... sad indeed to be old and manipulated ...

One of my co-workers told me this story yesterday , two of her friends have covid ... went to Chilton hospital and they were turned away with no treatment ... then they went to Morristown Hospital and again were turned away, no treatment ...  hospitals only want you when you are dying from covid so they can place you on a respirator and then kill you with it and collect $30,000 from your death!  Unless you are a former governor like Chris Christi  then Morristown Hospital will take you immediately and give you "good care" and you will survive ... well my co-worker's friends went online spoke with a doctor was sent medication and they are fine now ... and this is why Joe Biden and his demonic crew will one day shut down internet access to such doctors... for they want you dead ... pure and simple they want you dead  ...

Also yesterday I spoke with a young mother who was going to take her 6 and 8 year old to get a flu vaccine, again sigh ... I am not allowed at work to say anything negative or positive to people in regards to any vaccines  ... but I did ask this young mother, "did your child's doctor recommend the flu shot"?  She said no ... she just wants to give her children any vaccine that is on the market for them ... OMG!!!

Then I passed by our pharmacy and saw a young "nursing mother" getting a covid shot ... again OMG ... it is one thing to take a covid vaccine yourself but to doom your child to an experimental drug, makes me think maybe these people should not have had children in the first place ... these kids do not have a chance at a healthy life ... these kids will not be hooked on "street drugs" but far worse "big pharma drugs"  ... maybe this is why Our lady of Medjugorje always said ... pray ...pray ...pray for the youth   ....


While on the subject of prayer, I must say,  I like a good sparing match … and as someone who leans towards Jewish spirituality and not Catholicism’s lack thereof … I find  Archbishop Carlo Vigano  most intriguing,  although I do not agree with his “pre-Vatican II rants”, for me it is such BS to hear any member of the hierarchy say … only a “Latin Mass” is valid … Christ did not speak Latin … want to hear the Mass said in Christ’s “native tongue while on earth” … find a church that says a Mass in ancient Aramaic … also this same “hierarchy” will state any sacrament given, by a pedophile / rapist  priest is fine and dandy … and such is even better if it was said in “Latin” …. Cut me a break!!!! Most of the rampant pedophilia that was covered up by the church was done, by those ever so “lower case holy” Latin Mass priests … pre- Vatican II,  you never heard of the priestly perverts, for priests were considered “god” much like Fauci is now and I have to say,  post Vatican II opened the doors of truth to what is really going on in rectories and at the Vatican …  and thank you God for this … maybe just maybe,  people will finally realize God is within you, you do not need a “middle man”  to get you to God… you are God’s temple … His church  

And this is why Satan himself is attacking the human body from within, with genetic altering vaccines and medicines to change you interiorly,  to distance you further away, from who you really are … a child of God … those who cling to earthly life in such a fashion will lose the eternal life, Christ came to give you and is within you "naturally"  ….

Yet Archbishop Vigano's words on the covid vaccine and the ‘Deep State and the Deep Church” are fascinating and he is right on the mark…. with it … the “mark of the beast” that is,  of which the covid vaccine is the starting to bring  into humanity ….

 Now Archbishop Vigano does not have “clean hands” so to say…  in the past he was just a “dirty” as most of the other members of the hierarchy… but it seems Archbishop Vigano … has had a come to Jesus moment in his life and is willing to take on evil …   

 Below is Archbishop Vigano's recent interview