Sunday, October 31, 2021

They come in the name of "god" , lower case earthy gods that is


“We came in like lambs and will rule like wolves.” –Francesco Borgia, Third Jesuit Superior General.

Biden and Frances a pair made in hell

 Frances so happy in the photo above to greet his own fellow demon globalist Biden ... and pictured below to recap this anti-Pope's greeting of Trump ... Frances put on his "best Satan face" in that photo... 

and I am just saying ...look at the comparisons of First Ladies 

Mrs. Trump classy and stunning and by the way covering all of her"hair", which is respectful to the Seat of Peter

Mrs. Biden looks like she is ready to Trick or Treat,  or partake in a witches coven (which, in reality the Vatican is nowadays)  ... pull your hair back Jill and stand up straight 

ROME (AP) — Face to face at the Vatican, President Joe Biden held extended and highly personal talks with Pope Francis on Friday and came away saying the pontiff told him he was a “good Catholic” and should keep receiving Communion, although conservatives have called for him to be denied the sacrament because of his support for abortion rights. How about his support of mandating experimental vaccines that change the very nature of God created human beings...  

The world’s two most prominent Roman Catholics ran overtime in their discussions on climate change, poverty and the coronavirus pandemic, a warm conversation that also touched on the loss of president’s adult son and included jokes about aging well.

Biden said abortion did not come up in the meeting. “We just talked about the fact he was happy that I was a good Catholic and I should keep receiving Communion,” Biden said.

The president’s support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage has put him at odds with many U.S. bishops, some of whom have suggested he should be denied Communion. American bishops are due to meet in their annual fall conference in mid-November, and will find themselves debating a possible rebuke of a U.S. president just weeks after their boss spent so much time with Biden that all their subsequent meetings were thrown off by an hour.

Video released by the Vatican showed several warm, relaxed moments between Francis and Biden as they repeatedly shook hands and smiled. Francis often sports a dour look, especially in official photos, but he seemed in good spirits Friday. The private meeting lasted about 75 minutes, according to the Vatican, more than double the normal length of an audience with the pontiff,

We live in the third secret of Fatima and the seat of Peter is occupied, by a demonic entity ...people who have read my blogs and Books, over the last 2 decades,  know that I have thought this for decades... God always sets before you "grace or curse", God seeks your choice ... your free will ... follow man whatever his "religious title" be on earth or follow the one true God....  All of the clergy without exception in the Catholic Church followed "man" during the shutdowns of the Catholic Church... saying, they were being "obedient" to their Bishops orders... they did the same thing with sexual abuses and cover-ups (saying they did this for the good of the Church) ... if a man was "truly ordained" by the Holy Spirit and called by Christ ... they would have defied those "Bishops" orders and celebrated Mass publicly and gave the faithful Communion, during the shuts downs... for that is the Power of Christ .... they all bent their knees to the earthly power of Satan... not a "Joseph" among them refusing to bend his knees to the Pharaoh ...  

Pope Frances is an "insider globalist", always has been ... it is the "way of the Jesuits"      

 Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits as a society in 1773:

The Society of Jesus, more commonly referred to as the Jesuits.  They were sanctioned in 1540 by Pope Paul III with one mandate: to defeat Protestantism and regain worldwide Papal rule.  To achieve this monumental task, they employ ever-adapting methods of pseudo-education, social programs, infiltration, and all wickedness that could possibly be conceived.  Needless to say, they are achieving great success in their mission, which is climaxing with the present pope, Pope Francis, i.e.  the Eighth and last Pope of Revelation 17, who held some of the highest positions in Argentina, including Provincial Superior in the Society of Jesus and Archbishop of Buenos Aires.   He was made a cardinal by Pope John Paul II.

No other entity on Earth was expelled and suppressed by Catholic and non-Catholic countries as the Jesuits:

“Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J.  Campbell].  Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.”

The Jesuits are known for their deception, spying, infiltration, assassination, and revolution.  They worked deep into the political field and plotted through politics throughout the world countries.

Hitler modeled his dreaded SS army and party after the organizational structure of the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church:

“…the SS organization had been constituted according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.”

Source: “The Secret History of the Jesuits,” by Edmond Paris, p.  164

Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this statement: “The S.S.  organization had been constituted by Himmler [Heinrich Himmler, leading member of the Nazi party] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order.  Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly.  Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S.  was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ ‘General’ and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.” “The Secret History of the Jesuits,” by Edmond Paris, p.  164

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Murphy's Law... (Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.")...Murphy’s Mandates will destroy the State of New Jersey


Governor Murphy is not even reelected yet … but read his latest “mandates" below … God forbid this man is reelected governor, he will destroy this state and turn every American citizen who is a NJ resident into a lab rat demanding all be forcefully vaccinated, with mandated “boosters”  or lose their jobs or enter into public spaces like NYC does …. Murphy is already smuggling in thousands of illegal immigrants, from our southern border (in league with the Joe Biden administration)… these illegal immigrants are exempted from the covid vaccines and covid testing …so once all the “Americans” are fired from their jobs, for not getting the covid vaccine or refusing to be tested weekly… the “illegal immigrants” Murphy is already flying into NJ and giving your tax payer money and federal money for the State to… these “illegal immigrants”  will be given the fired American workers jobs … so tell me how is that “stopping the spread” and protecting the public … firing American workers, who refuse the clot shot and then hiring illegals who by “Biden’s law” do not have to be vaccinated with the covid vaccine or be tested for covid ….

Murphy’s executive orders and those of Biden make themselves sound so “righteous” and for the good of the people… to protect them from health hazards…. Bull Shit…. If the fired employees are replaced by illegals/ immigrants who are exempted from the covid vaccines and testing (by law) … so you tell me how does that make sense and how are the people protected … “medically” it does not and is not medically sound, it is a political move and a power move against American itself and the Constitution and every American citizen  …

Murphy said … everyone who handles food … most be vaccinated … you ever go to a local fast food place or a local dinner/ restaurant all the cooks and those clearing tables are for the most part “immigrants” and they are exempted from the vaccines …

You think when you are fired from your job for not taking the clot shot, you will be paid by the Government like the illegals immigrants are being given, free health care, free housing, food stamps, welfare, debit cards every month for clothing and living expenses… (Murphy plans to invest $400,000,000 into the illegals once he is reelected) … you will get squat … and you will lose your job … and hey that is not even mentioning how much "Catholic Charities will invest in these "immigrants" ... for they are also the "new Catholic Church", under Pope Frances ...

Think it cannot happen … read this even the “criminal illegals immigrants” have been given power in detention centers … if they cook or clean … hey I do that every day and I am not paid to do so, it is part of life and if  you are here “illegally”… how can you get “American rights” … real easily under the Biden administration and his pet governors such as Murphy …   

 Federal jury: Immigrant detainees are owed minimum wage

A federal jury has determined that The GEO Group must pay minimum wage — rather than $1 a day — to immigration detainees who perform tasks like cooking and cleaning at its for-profit detention center in Washington state …

                …What's next the criminal illegal immigrants who are detained form a "Union" for their rights under the law … WTF … as our rights as Americans citizens are being ripped away by “mandates”, which are not laws… people are just not rising up against them!!!

And where I work there are no unions …and we have no “bargaining chips for higher pay” … yet these illegals (criminals do) … “Persons in custodial detention — such as appellants — are not in an employer-employee relationship but in a detainer-detainee relationship”  

And if reelected Murphy will come after every school aged kid and force them to be vaccinated to enter a school… even though education is guaranteed … yet that kid sitting across and behind and in front of your kid in class is “exempt” from the covid vaccines and covid testing for they are immigrants … yeah that is public health, via Biden, Murphy and the CDC at its finest …    

New Jersey has announced that all workers in preschool to Grade 12 schools, all workers in certain health care facilities and high-risk congregate settings, all workers at state agencies, authorities, and colleges and universities and all child care workers will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or be subject to COVID-19 testing at minimum one to two times per week.

The federal government has announced that all workers at most health care settings, all federal executive branch employees, and all federal contractors will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and that all workers at businesses with 100 or more employees will be required to be fully vaccinated or subject to weekly COVID-19 testing.

  • As of September 7th, 2021, all workers in certain state and private health care facilities and high-risk congregate settings are required to be fully vaccinated or subject to testing.
  • As of October 18th, 2021, all workers in preschool through Grade 12 schools are required to be fully vaccinated or subject to testing.
  • As of October 18th, 2021, all workers at state agencies, authorities, and colleges and universities are required to be fully vaccinated or subject to testing.
  • By November 1st, 2021, all workers in all child care facilities will be required to be fully vaccinated or subject to ongoing weekly testing.
  • The federal government has announced plans to require vaccination for workers in most health care settings, federal executive branch employees, and all federal contractors and to require vaccination or testing for all workers at businesses with 100 or more employees. Additional details will be added to this article when available.

Health Care Facilities and High-Risk Congregate Settings

All full and part-time employees, contractors, and other individuals who work in covered facilities and settings, including individuals providing operational, custodial, or administrative support, are required to be fully vaccinated or submit to testing. Those facilities and settings include:

  • Acute, pediatric, inpatient rehabilitation, and psychiatric hospitals, including specialty hospitals, and ambulatory surgical centers
  • Long-term care facilities, including the state Veterans Homes
  • Intermediate care facilities, including the state developmental centers
  • Residential detox, short term and long term residential substance abuse disorder treatment facilities
  • Clinic-based settings like ambulatory care, urgent care clinics, dialysis centers, Federally Qualified Health Centers, family planning sites, and Opioid Treatment Programs
  • Community-based healthcare settings including Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, and pediatric and adult medical day care programs
  • Licensed home health agencies and registered health care service firms operating within the State
  • State and county correctional facilities
  • Secure care facilities operated by the Juvenile Justice Commission
  • Licensed community residences for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Licensed community residences for adults with mental illness; and
  • Certified day programs for individuals with IDD and TBI

If workers in the facility or setting have not submitted proof that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, they are required to submit to a minimum once to twice weekly testing.

Private facilities are strongly encouraged to consider instituting requirements above and beyond the baseline that will be required by the State.

At the federal level, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is taking action to require COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in most health care settings that receive Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement, including but not limited to hospitals, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgical settings, and home health agencies. Additional details will be added to this article when available.


All part-time and full-time individuals, employed by all public, private, and parochial preschool programs and elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools, are required to be fully vaccinated or submit to testing by October 18th, 2021. Covered individuals include:

  • Administrators,
  • Teachers,
  • Educational support professionals,
  • Individuals providing food, custodial, and administrative support services,
  • Substitute teachers, whether employed directly by a school or otherwise contracted, and,
  • Contractors, providers, and any other individuals performing work in a school whose job duties require them to make regular visits, including volunteers.

Child Care Facilities

All part-time and full-time staff at child care centers are required to be fully vaccinated or submit to testing by November 1st, 2021. Impacted child care personnel include:

  • Administrators,
  • Teachers,
  • Individuals providing food, custodial, and administrative support services, and
  • Contractors, providers, and any other individuals performing work in child care centers whose job duties require them to make regular visits, including volunteers.

State and Federal Government

All workers at state agencies, authorities, and public colleges and universities, are required to be fully vaccinated or submit to testing by October 18th, 2021.

In addition, all new state contracts, solicitations for a state contract, extensions or renewals of an existing state contract, and exercise of an option on an existing state contract to include a clause requiring workers employed through those contracts that enter, work at, or provide services in any state agency location to show they are fully vaccinated, or they will be required to undergo weekly testing.

At the federal level, federal employees must be fully vaccinated by November 22nd, 2021 and employees of contractors that do business with the federal government must be fully vaccinated by December 8th, 2021.

Private Employers with 100+ Employees

At the federal level, the Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is developing a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated. Additional details will be added to this article when available.

Vaccine and Testing Details

For New Jersey's vaccine and testing requirements, workers are considered "fully vaccinated" for COVID-19 two weeks or more after they have received the second dose in a two-dose series or two weeks or more after they have received a single-dose vaccine. Vaccines must be currently authorized for emergency use or approved by the FDA or the WHO.

Workers can show proof of full vaccination by presenting:

  • the CDC COVID-19 vaccination card issued at the vaccination site, or an electronic or physical copy;
  • the official record from the New Jersey Immunization Information System (NJISS) or other immunization register
  • a record from a health care provider's portal or medical record system on official letterhead signed by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, physician's assistance, registered nurse, or pharmacist;
  • a military immunization or health record from the United States Armed Forces; or
  • Docket mobile phone application record or any state-specific application that produces a digital health record.

Both antigen and molecular tests are acceptable for weekly testing.

State and federal requirements do not impact an employer's ability to impose more stringent vaccination or testing requirements on workers, including any requirement for more frequent testing, for testing of both vaccinated and unvaccinated staff, and for mandatory vaccinations without a testing alternative.

Source: Executive Order No. 252; Executive Order No. 253; Executive Order No. 264; Executive Order No. 271

Murphy rolled back the NJ gas tax a bit prior to the election … wait to see the high levels it will reach… if he is reelected on Nov 2, 2021…

 $5 a gallon by Christmas, our gas prices are going to be higher than Hunter Biden ...

P.S. Have a wonderful holiday season ... 

And with the cost of gas going through the roof … so will food prices … well when those foods are allowed to leave the ports that is … and production is down for you stupid  American citizens who are refusing to be forced into medical tyranny and mandated  vaccines ...

...Don’t worry we will have all of you who are refusing our mandates and jabs, fired and living under a bridge by January and we will hire our “new Democrats”… no wait … that was a slip … “our new immigrants”… secure in your jobs, without mandated vaccines or testing … hey it’s the law dude… fucking obey the law that my dad and his cohorts have in place… OK it is not a law, but fucking obey us anyhow! And Happy New Year  ... 

love you all,
Hunter Biden   



Friday, October 29, 2021

1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12 .... booster shots at the CDC picnic ...

 When my children were small they watched Sesame Street ... the show did have "catchy" little songs to teach children how to count ... one of my favorites was "The Lady bug picnic" song to learn to count to 12....

here are some of the lyrics... and also the video below so you can hear the "melody" ...

 One, two, three

Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, eleven, twelve

Came to the ladybugs' picnic ...

the last stanza is this 

They talked about the high price of furniture and rugs
And fire insurance for ladybugs
The ladybugs twelve
At the ladybugs' picnic

Now that the CDC "approved" the fourth "booster shot" for covid-19 and suggested there will be more to come ...

Below is my updated version ...  learning to count at "The CDC picnic"

 One, two, three

Four, five, six
Seven, eight, nine
Ten, eleven, twelve
Booster Shots

Came to the CDC picnic ...

the last stanza is this 

Big pharma talked about the high price of boosters and drugs
And no liability insurance needed for us thugs
The boosters twelve
At the CDC picnic

Above are a few of the "Booster Shots" waiting to go to the CDC picnic

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Sugar and Spice and ladies demand your medical rights!

I wrote most of the following post a few months ago and placed it into my draft folder and forgot about it.

The Catholic Church has an “escape clause” in their teachings or so they think… even though they claim to have the keys to heaven (so hence most are afraid to go against their dogmas and teachings)… they also have this little know “clause” … if an individual prays and thinks about something (with a well formulated conscious)  and then does something that the church might consider to be “wrong or a sin”… it is not a sin to the individual,  who committed it for they do not believe it to be a “sin”… hence as far as the Catholic Church “teaches”… sin can only be sin,  if your believe it to be sin … basically it is an Abbot and Costello dark comedy skit for the church, “who’s on first”…  “What is sin” … in essence I do believe the hierarchy of the church believes there is a powerful and omnipotent God and they think they can “play Him” with words games … which is a fool’s folly ….

In regards to a woman rights to her own body … I am totally for this as I am totally for the rights of a man to his own body … it is called God given free will and I do not at the end of the day know what is in their hearts and for sure I do not know the circumstances of their lives ….in the case of abortion, I do not know if the woman was violently raped, or if it was incest, or if the woman will lose her own life if she continues a pregnancy, most "right to lifers",  say the woman should risk her life to continue the pregnancy, but isn't that committing suicide, so are the right to lifers saying ... just kill  yourself to the mother?  Abortion is extremely personal that is best left to the woman and her God ... do I think abortion should be used as "birth control", no I do not...

all that being said ...      I am totally pissed off that Governor Murphy is trying to play women in the State of NJ with an ad for his reelection on abortion rights in the State and health care rights for women in the State of NJ …what F'n bullshit and a lie and they are playing everyone woman in the State of NJ for a moron ... the woman in the ad declares she "fears for her medical rights" as a woman... where the hell has this woman been the last year plus, when medical devices such as masks were forced onto men and women and where has this woman been when experimental vaccines are pushed on all people (except illegal immigrants and other privileged exemptions folks) ... the woman states in the Murphy ad there are "radicals" across the country wanting to take away women's rights and health care ... she is right,  it is the globalists and the radical Dems who are doing so ... 

And the woman in the ad and all women dumb enough to believe what she is saying in said ad ...  will not have to worry about abortion rights,  with Murphy, for he will force all kids, men and women to take the inhumane experiential covid vaccine, that will either cause women and men to become sterile or they will miscarry the pregnancy ... and if you should  carry a pregnancy through to term that baby will die within a few months, for with Murphy even infants will be given the death shot, via their pregnant or nursing mothers  ....

That is like throwing acid onto a wound the Governor and the Dems created … this is the same Governor who mandated lock downs and forced mask mandates and is forcing mandated experiential vaccines (the vaccine is not yet FDA approved, the hype that it is … is Bullshit!) yet State and City employees, and health care providers and facilities, must have these vaccines …

It does not take a "Va-genius" to know if Murphy is reelected, women medical rights will die, via medical mandates ...and so will the medical rights of men and children   

How dare this Governor (Murphy) run an ad for “women’s rights” when he totally took away “women’s rights” with mandated vaccines?  How dare this corrupt governor's hired actress say in an election ad … the right to “reproductive health and health care screening” for women … when the forced vaccine is causing such health issues in women…

And of course Biden came to NJ to blow smoke up the asses of  NJ voters to vote for Murphy again … you think that Murphy did not have to make certain promises to the Biden administration for his “Biden style reelection” … which, means even if Murphy loses the election … the Dems will “fix it” to make him win, like they did in the 2020 Presidential election …

And  Obama came to NJ and spoke to the Black community in Newark to vote for Murphy ... Obama plays the Black community as if they are stupid ... only appearing on the scene when there is a reelection, otherwise Obama could care less about the Black community, just look at Obama's hometown of Chicago ...  

And now that most of NJ is “geofenced” we will become the new “Australia” … for Murphy will have nothing to lose … it will be the last time he can be governor … so he will bring back mask mandates for all … lock downs again if not for “the nonexistent pandemic”, (no wait there is a pandemic being created by the vaccines) or we will be locked down for  climate change… and Murphy will force experimental  vaccines on everyone as well as boosters (which, is just the experimental vaccine, which did not work the first time being injected into your arm again, as well as flu shots)             

Covid-19 post-vaccine menorrhagia, metrorrhagia or postmenopausal bleeding and potential risk of vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia in women ...

Many women across the world after receiving Covid vaccines are complaining of irregularities in their menstrual bleeding; some experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), some bleeding before their periods were due or bleeding frequently (metrorrhagia/polymenorrhea), whereas some are complaining of postmenopausal bleeding.

As of 5th April 2021, there have been ~958 cases of post-vaccination menstrual irregularities, including vaginal hemorrhages, which were recorded in MHRA’s adverse event reports. There were twice more cases of menstrual irregularities with Covid Vaccine AstraZeneca than Pfizer (643 vs 315 respectively) [1]. It is anticipated that the actual numbers of cases are much higher than the numbers recorded in the pharmacovigilance systems as many women in different cultural context may have felt uncomfortable to talk about it, may not have thought that it was vaccine-related, or may have not been encouraged by their clinicians to make an official report into the adverse events reporting system.

There have been recent reports of haemorrhage, blood clots and thrombocytopenia following administration of Covid-19 vaccines that have raised concerns over the safety of genetic vaccines for people with pre-existing coagulation disorders or those on certain medications. Regulatory bodies have also issued warnings to the patients and healthcare professionals to be vigilant and seek prompt medical assistance if they experienced typical symptoms of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), a potentially fatal clot in the brain [2,3]. European Medicines Agency has also revised the summary of product characteristics and listed thrombocytopenia (very low platelets) as a ‘common’ side effect (i.e., 1 in 100 to 1 in 10) of Vaxzevria, i.e., the Covid vaccine AstraZeneca [4]. The pharmacovigilance data also suggests that thrombocytopenia is also a frequent observation followed by mRNA Covid vaccines such as Pfizer or Moderna.

This article in NPR is maddening … the fly by night physician is a so called leader in her field of OB/GYN , made in the fashion of Dr. Frankenstein Fauci the killer of puppies as well as people ... such is the mark of a psychopath, which Fauci is

An overlooked side effect is not the same thing as a cause for concern (the problem is they are “overlooking all the side effects to push this vaccine)

The multitude of stories represents just a small fraction of the many tens of millions of people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Most have not experienced changes to menstruation, including women in the clinical trials, according to statements to NPR from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

"We haven't really heard much concern about menstrual issues," says Dr. Kathryn Edwards, a professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine who sits on an independent data monitoring committee for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and Dr. Kathryn Edwards is paid by the company for that work. (AKA nothing more than a hired gun for Pfizer)


Edwards says the clinical trials would have picked up any issues that were truly dangerous.  (This evil bitch in a white lab coat, knows there were no “clinical trials” on theses vaccines, the people who lined up and took them are the clinical trials!!! I am glad my father is long deceased, for he pushed all his sons to become physicians, my father thought being a medical doctor was the most honorable profession on the planet and just under God for grace. Medicine and most physicians today are either extremely stupid and do not think or read or research for themselves or they are in the pockets of Satan himself such as Dr. Kathryn Edwards)   

  You need to find a doctor  who thinks and does research ... stay away from  doctors who tell you to get the covid vaccine  ... everything covid related pushed by the CDC and the FDA and big pharma and even most hospitals now  is false ...

and if Murphy's forced experiential vaccines does not injury or kill you ...his immigration policy will (and after all,  none of these "immigrants " have to be vaccinated) but they will be taking all of your money and  your taxes will increase at a devastating level .... and you will lose your jobs to these illegals ... for they can work and be un-vaccinated

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Garbage in ... garbage out ... and garbage injected directly into your blood stream by Big Pharma

The government, FDA and CDC … tells you to stop eating “junk food” and destroying your body and health with garbage food!!!! …….At the same time they are literally injecting “garbage” into your body via a covid vaccine … they promote a “healthy lifestyle”, as they kill you from within… the mark of evil at its highest level … coming in the name of “light” and life… in truth they are the opposite    

I do not like Richard Fleming, PhD, MD, JD his arrogance and hubris is palpable and he comes across as being God’s gift to thought and intellect …although he is a medical doctor and a lawyer plus a PhD, is also low on the emotional scale of self-awareness as to what he is projecting to his audience … all of that being said his video below is interesting, even though he insists he is the one and only “true researcher” on this issue and mocks others who are extremely knowledgeable and/ or his equal …

Dr. Fleming is a bit late to the game in testing the covid vaccines … many highly skilled researches / medical doctors have done so months ago …  yet Fleming's thinking on the capacity to sue the vaccines makers for "quality control" is interesting ...



Richard Fleming, has released a 32-minute detailed presentation documenting his shocking findings. In late 2020, before the Pfizer shot had even been rolled out, top scientists and experts around the world warned the Pfizer and Moderna shots posed extreme risk of causing blood clots, myocarditis and other cardiovascular problems. One year later, Pfizer and Moderna have been forced to issue warnings confirming their controversial MRNA vaccines can indeed cause a long list of problems not just limited to the cardiovascular system. Now, research scientist, Dr. Richard Fleming, has has tested the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine on fresh human blood samples in-vitro and made a string of nightmare discoveries confirming the medical community’s findings. 

Pray for the children and the youth ... Satan is after them big time ... we are constantly being bombarded, with the phrase, the "new normal" ... watch the video below and see what the "new normal" is for so many children and young people, post their covid vaccine ... and this is being hidden from the public by censorship ...

 ... prior to Fleming's recent research into the covid vaccines and the garbage therein ... a husband and wife team did so in 2016 with all "vaccines"  and this couple found the same "garbage" Fleming speaks to in those vaccines 5 years ago ... so this is not new ... it is just revealed now that is all  ....we are aware now and we are fools if we line up for these vaccines ... we have been warned now ... we have the facts now ...

New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination

Antonietta M Gatti,1,2  Stefano Montanari3

1National Council of Research of Italy, Institute for the Science and Technology of Ceramics, Italy
2International Clean Water Institute, USA
3Nanodiagnostics srl, Italy

Correspondence: Dr. Antonietta Gatti, National Council of Research of Italy, c/o Nanodiagnostics Via E. Fermi, 1/L, 41057 San Vito (MO), Italy, Tel 059798778

Received: November 30, 2016 | Published: January 23, 2017

Vaccines are being under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an X-ray microprobe. The results of this new investigation show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable. A considerable part of those particulate contaminants have already been verified in other matrices and reported in literature as non biodegradable and non biocompatible. The evidence collected is suggestive of some hypotheses correlated to diseases that are mentioned and briefly discussed.

The full research article can be found here ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Good fences make for Good Neighbors that used to be the case ... but not so with geofencing ...

Every day,  I see another area of Northern NJ being “upgraded” (i.e. more internet bandwidth), cable’s version of 5 G … some roads are even blocked so this “private company” can install their new cable lines … how is that OK to allow a “private company” to be able to shut down a public road, for the private company’s financial gain … so who is being paid off??? …

 I am sure every politician approached and the cops that are closing down these roads or only allowing limited access are getting “overtime” to do so… so as long as the money flows into their pockets, they could care less about “public access” to any given road …  such is my first point … the illegal power of large corporations in America … due to the fact they can pay everyone off and the fact that they know the public is blissfully unaware or they just do not give a shit... or in the case of being told they will have faster internet service so many think it is cool!!!  And they cannot wait to start up their computers every morning with faster internet ...ah as they say ... all that glitters is not gold ... faster internet comes with a serious cost and are you willing to pay it... payment is not made with dollars but personal freedom ...   

 my main point is this … all of these cable trucks and road closures or detours are allowing this huge cable company to “geofence the entire area”… installing a high bandwidth to be able to keep people confined to their homes … geofencing is like place a dog in a yard, with invisible fencing  ….

...Geofences for dogs in a hunting field… they place “trackers” on the dogs collars or even chip them with a tracker … much like the first round of covid vaccines are starting to place “chipping device” inside of you … as patents show they do and independent lab research say they see in the vaccines …

A Geofence is an area on the GPS map that you define, or the government can define for you. You set a zone, and get alerts when you enter or exit a Geofence area. Knowing where everyone is without having to watch the screen the whole time, and the government can know where you are all the time!... think that is a conspiracy theory ... look into what has happened in Australia and the government geofencing  them there, via their cell phones... also in parts of Canada and other countries and most certainly China ... 

To create a Geofence you go into the location alert menu and set an area on the map you can make them as big or as small as you want to, and then your warnings will tell you if someone enters or exits this area. The cable company is now creating this geofence for us all... everyone will have direct access to you, from your phone, your car.. including the government and every one who wants to target you via advertising or hack into your personal files ... the reason there are not more "computer hackers" in the area is that  they do not and did not have enough "bandwidth" to do so... these new cable lines will give them that bandwidth... 

 The use of GPS or RFID technology (is built right into your cars and your cell phone) to create a virtual geographic boundary, enabling software to trigger a response when a mobile device enters or leaves a particular area.

"geofencing turns the lights off when you leave and on when you get home"


Geofencing is the practice of using global positioning (GPS) or radio frequency identification (RFID) to define a geographic boundary. Then, once this “virtual barrier” is established, the administrator can set up triggers that send a text message, email alert, or app notification when a mobile device enters (or exits) the specified area. (this is what the government does in Australia ... they send a text to your cell phone and tell you to text them back within 15 minutes or they send the police after you, because Australia is still in lock down and you are not allowed out of your house for the most part) ... think that will not happen here in NJ ... think again, the fencing is going up now (the geofencing that is) ... the dictators no longer use barbed wire... they use "invisible fencing" ... but they are still building consecration camps with it ... the camps are called your homes, which they will demand  you stay in ... vaccinated or un-vaccinated 

Free WiFi is not free … you are losing all your personal data and control to the cable company who is collecting the data ... people think wow I can turn on my WiFi and not have to pay for roaming fees on my phone, it is safer and cheaper ... neither is true!  

And all those "smart devices in your homes, from Alexa to smart refrigerators ... most do not understand these devices are "talking" so to say, to a "mother board"... they are connected to A.I. via 5G and faster internet (more broadband) ....such as new cars will "notify" the dealer when it needs an oil change or maintenance... 


And hey everyone thinks working from home is the best thing since sliced bread ... but is it?

and trending ... you do not go to a gym anymore, stay home buy an A.I. / smart bike like a Peloton or a "magic mirror"...they have cameras inside of them and can see inside your home and monitor you ...

No human contact is what they want … just virtual contact that the powers that be can control …we are social creatures … we are “made” to be with and support each other...isolation is a humanity killer ... 

and most all "virtual conferences" and even online schools and virtual family gatherings are done through Zoom... even virtual courts and legal proceedings are doing this via "Zoom"...

 Since the pandemic compelled us to stay home, Zoom meetings, happy hours, and even parties have become an integral part of our lives. Even Queen Elizabeth II made appearances on Zoom to chat with a group of British health-care workers. The number of Zoom users has exploded from 10 million to more than 100 million in just two months, and Zoom’s share price appreciated by 220 percent.

Zoom is directly connected to Communist China and their government

As Zoom grows more popular by the day, many concerns have been raised with regard to the platform’s security and its connection with the Chinese government.

In its own SEC filings, Zoom acknowledged that in 2018, it was made aware of “a vulnerability in the Zoom Meeting client for Windows that could result in potential exposure of a Zoom user’s password.” In that same year, a cyber security company discovered a vulnerability in Zoom’s software that hackers could exploit to take over certain meeting controls.

Zoom’s business operation model presents yet another source of potential security and privacy risks. Zoom is headquartered in the United States, but its business operation heavily relies on China.

So many people allow their children to spend hours and hours on the computers or gaming devices … and they welcome “more bandwidth” it acts like a babysitter for their kids … less parenting skills needed… this is a real problem in many “woke”/ modern families … funny the giant tech executives limit their own children to amount of time they can spend on a computer or gaming device… just like those covid vaccines … you and your kids forced to take them … but those in power and their children have  “exemptions” ... 

I see toddlers at work with their parents phone in their hands watching YouTube videos, members of my own family allow their children to game most of the day and these kids are so hooked (like a drug hooked on gaming) if you refuse to allow the kid on their Xbox or other gaming console they get belligerent… they will even take their videos games to bed with them and play videos until early morning under their covers in bed!!! Reality become blurred to them and their neuron networks in their brains change … but this madness is not good enough for the globalists,  they want to actually change the brains of human beings altogether and turn them into a computer console that they can “play with”… and the patents on the current covid vaccines and ones to come speak to this   

Have you ever wondered if all that smartphone scrolling, snapping, and texting affects your brain? Scientists do, and they’re looking to find out if “screen time”—time spent looking at smartphone, computer, and television screens—changes the developing brain… brain scans show it does change the brain ... I believe it also changes their personalities and their vision ...(hence blue screen glasses for computer and gaming) 

And since the “young and developing brain” of a child can become more addicted to anything, they literally are “addicted to video gaming”… I see this in the store I work in when a new video game drops or a new Xbox comes out … the lines are out the door to get the newest and latest game or gaming system and all of these items have to be kept in a locked cage in the store for theft of these items is high …  The faster ... more bandwidth of a "geofence" will make these issues even more dangerous to a young child's developing brain ... 

to end and it will be to our end ...  Altice/ optimum is "geofencing" my entire area of the world  ... a silent control system to keep us suppressed and our thoughts and hearts away from God and into a meaningless virtual existence, is being installed   ... this "silent / unseen geofence" is a great allegory for what is really happening ... in the unseen world of the battle between good and evil on this planet ... we cannot see it with our eyes, but the true believer knows it is happening all around them and they are powerless to stop it ... only God can do so and God awaits his people to cry out to  him and trust him, not the likes of Fauci and even the fraudulent Pope Frances ...    


Think such things cannot happen in the USA… it already is … if you are silly enough to still visit NYC, with all their illegal mandates in place,  they also have such a camera system throughout the City, you are on camera all the time in NYC … also in other US cities …facial recognition is real, bio-metrics is real, and it all can be monitored by the State or a City's surveillance systems ... 

And as Our Lady of Fatima said … “Communism will spread it errors throughout the world and the Vatican will become the seat of Satan”… welcome to life inside the message of Fatima...

 …  And in my home State and in my area of the State … they are building the geofence to introduce this type of control and Communism …and you get to pay for the "bullet" that kills your freedom and privacy, via your cable bill ...

And remember they can "shut it off", Wi-Fi connections that is  anytime they want to ... they have a Master kill switch ... and no one says a word ...