Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Afghanistan is Joe Biden's Fahrenheit 9/11


Know your parasites ....

I have purposely not written about Afghanistan and what Joe Biden did there, except in my post below…

the topic is too evil and planned to even address… but in all honesty George W. Bush did the same thing in Iraq as in destabilizing the entire region and leaving behind Americans, even Mother Teresa’s nuns were “left behind” and affected by Bush invading Iraq, for they had a mother house in Iraq, which Sodom Hussein protected, once the bat shit crazy, drunk George W Bush invaded Iraq,  with deliberately faked Intel from the CIA, saying Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, which he did not it was a “red flag” to invade Iraq…

I protested in the streets, against the war in Iraq, with a now deceased Franciscan friar, I had prayer groups in church when Bush senior attacked Iraq in the 1990’s as well… those attacks were in my opinion and spirituality “turning points” for what would happen to the USA in the future as in God’s wrath upon our Nation … I remember well what the “scholarly” Franciscan friar told me (he had written several books and was extremely intelligent) … The friar stated if Bush goes to war with an innocent Nation such as Iraq our Nation is doomed, God will no longer allow the USA and its imperialism and brutality against nations they do not like or disagree with (for God is in charge of retribution not America) and God will punish America … No matter your opinion of Sodom  Hussein he protected Christians and was extremely knowledgeable about the Bible both new and old testament and had a vast collection of ancient Biblical relics (all relics went missing once American invaded Iraq, most believe those relics went “underground” to the globalists  and to other Bush cronies)… these were priceless objects and dated back to the time of “Adam and Eve”…

Now,  many will say … Hussein “gassed and chemical sprayed” his own people, why yes he did and those weapons came from America to be used in that war (Iran / Iraq war)  1980-1988 war… the USA supported Hussein back then… this is what American does … they support only to kill in the end,  with thousands of innocents in the cross fire (or should I say … the “deep State” that actually controls America)  … and in regards to Hussein “gassing” his people… is it any worse than what is happening now in the USA and the entire globe , our own country with our own tax dollars paid for “gain of function” bio-weapons to be used against us and then they created a vaccine to make many of us sick or dead. Not to mention the many other secret experiments the CIA and DOD has done on Americans, since the conception of the CIA and DARP…

But back to Biden in Afghanistan … it is way too depressing and disturbing for me to write about … more so than the covid-19 bio attack on all of humanity… for we all did not know what happened to us with the covid- 19 bio attack, those who are Republican voters did not know, the Dems did not know, the un affiliated with any party did not know… we were all “equal” with this bio-attack on us … we were all “blind-sided” …   

But with what Biden did in Afghanistan… those who voted for him had to know what they were doing and this all lays on them … and if true Biden really “won” the election fair and square… than the majority of people supported Biden and by default supported what Biden did in Afghanistan  and the blood on those left behind are on them … and the blood of those to come via all the terrorists attacks that will occur in the future in the USA and around the globe by Afghanistan … is on those voters as well and hence this nation (the USA) will be brought to its knees,  by the justice of God … like in Biblical times … for this nation has abandoned God in favor of man and his deceptions… a vote for Biden was a vote for the destruction of your Nation and the future of your children and grandchildren… no other way to say it and “the truth hurts” … you need to pray to God and ask for forgiveness and to ask God to save this Nation… even though it might already be too late… that was part of the message at Garabandal, Spain   in 1960’s … “it is already too late,  the cup of wrath of God is already overflowing”… and to pray for yourself and your family to make it through what is to come …

So many left behind in Afghanistan … so many weapons, computers, money and highly trained K-9 soldiers, which they expect to be tortured and killed … this is what the Biden voters, voted for … they had to know this is how evil that man was/ is and those who prop up his presidency for he is deranged … you made your choice and we all will suffer via it … yet still I say, turn to God … before it is too late   ...

 Those who voted for the “Bush family presidencies”, the Clinton presidency, the Obama presidency and as far back to the Reagan presidency need to pray as well, for your hands have blood on them as well … maybe you did not know what you were voting for … but those votes ended up in wars, be they “silent wars on mankind or hot wars on battlefields” … sufferings and deaths occurred … I too have blood on my hands from voting for evil men … I did not take the time to pray about my vote … I listened to the voices of men and not the voice of God … as I believe we all did… we took sides… we stood alongside of a man (a candidate) instead of standing alongside of God … we all deserve what is coming to this planet and what is here now… every last one of us does… and in our wickedness we are taking down the entire planet and all of God’s creation, even K-9 solider left in  Afghanistan to be tortured  and die a horrible death … it is on us all of us …. But that was the point of Christ coming to teach us … turn away from your “human ways” and turn to God, so you might live … time is short … really short …  

  Although I am not a fan of Michael Moore, he is way to the left for my taste … he does make creditable and well documented movies … I would recommend you watch his movie … “Fahrenheit 9/11”... for we are seeing "replayed with Joe Biden"... 

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a 2004 American documentary film directed, written by, and starring filmmaker, director and political commentator Michael Moore. The film takes a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush, the war in Iraq, and its coverage in the media. In the film, Moore contends that American corporate media were "cheerleaders" for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and did not provide an accurate or objective analysis of the rationale for the war and the resulting casualties there.

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a highly acclaimed documentary by filmmaker Michael Moore that critically examines George W. Bush’s presidency, the War on Terror, and the media coverage after September 11. Moore argues that the Bush Administration capitalized on the tragedy to push its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, while the American media acted mindlessly supportive