welcome to Western Europe and America you "legalized pedophiles", with your child brides ...
I have written about this subject matter in the past ... the "legal rape" of young girls (called religious and cultural rights) to marry a 8 year old child or younger !!! It is legal in the USA and when Chris Christie was Governor of NJ he refused to ban the practice by refusing to sign a bill against "child marriage" ... that man was and is a f'n a-hole ...
Yes some creepy old perverted 50 year old can go and marry a 8 year old kid and not be labeled a pedophilia, but a "husband" and I have written in the past about a young You-tuber "Soph" who was banned from YouTube over 2 years ago ...for daring to speak up about this subject and posting a graphic YouTube about it ...
Soph was one of the first kicked off of YouTube, for her views and opinions ... even before Alex Jones was kicked off of YouTube Soph was ... I like her and I love her sass!!!
The video below was made by Soph, she had made hundred of hot topic videos ... she is one tough and intelligent young woman, her family should be very proud of her, Soph was and is way ahead of her time... indeed a sassy prophet of her time
And who can forget this abomination under the Obama presidency ... soldiers were told to look the other way if they saw a child being raped by an Afghanistan ... but to be fair the George W Bush administration did the same thing ... for there is no separation between the Dems and the Republicans in this regard, each side has their fair share of perverts ..