Saturday, September 11, 2021

What really happened on 9/11/01 and what is really happening now, 20 years later ...enemies within

 We all remember where we were on 9-11-01, much like the J.F.Kennedy assassination, it was surreal to say the least. Back then the nation did pull together as “Americans”, people hung American flags on their property on their cars and even on their clothing … Nationalism and patriotism was at an all-time high… We had no idea what was going on behind the scenes, we all thought we were “attacked” by a foreign entity, the thought of an inside job never came to mind …. My God what a horrible thought … no government would do such to its own people!!! And for what reason would they do such … No fucking way was it an inside job and I had a distain for all of those who said differently… Now I wonder … fast forward 20 years and look at what our government is doing to us now, a demented man is sitting in the oval office, who I will never believe won the election without voter fraud happening… and just 2 days ago he in essence declared that no working American has a right to their own body, medical choice or the right to privacy …( and he is pro abortion and a woman's rights, yet no rights not to take a "clot shot")

I think back to who was president during the 9/11 attacks and I remember it was the drunk George W. Bush and it was really Dick Chaney who ran the oval office and Donald Rumsfeld, the war monger for three days prior to the towers falling was under investigation along with the pentagon for trillions of missing dollars from the pentagon budget (what they now call dark money) …

I think of what restrictions were placed on Americans post the 9/11 attack with the Patriot Act, everything from changing the way we fly to 5 points of I.D. to get a driver’s licenses … 

I think of Bush only keeping a small amount of soldiers in Afghanistan (thus creating the scenario of soldiers having to stay there for decades and now the fiasco of Senile Biden pulling out)  and G W Bush going to war with Iraq instead, using faked intelligence by the CIA,  the agency his father George H Bush ran in the past, instead  of taking care of the Taliban once and for all in Afghanistan… drunken Bush “watched football, ate pretzels and drank” or stayed on his farm in Texas … so I wonder was 9/11 and inside job … I now think probably … 

and the way they mocked President Trump, when he said the Muslim community in Paterson and Jersey City were dancing and cheering in the streets post the attack on 9/11... the press saying Trump was lying ... no he wasn't, I was born and raised in Paterson and I went to Paterson the day of the attack and what Trump said is true,  I saw it and I personally know police who were told not to mention this for they did not want to inflame the public to go after Muslims or Arabic people ... my question ... how did the government know so fast it was radical Muslims,  who did this they knew within moments and how did the local Muslim communities know this as it was happening and they cheered it on ... either the government knew before hand or they planned it ...    

And I wonder .... the history of this country was it always the “enemies within” (deep state/ globalists/ Freemasons) that we had to worry about and not “foreign enemies”, history seen through a different lens now and current events are pointing that way                  


and now look at what is happening in the same area that Bush told us ..."attacked us" ... now senile Biden allowed this ... we are celebrating the today the loss of over 3,000 American citizens ... we actually should be preparing for the deaths of many more American citizens thanks to Joe Biden "arming" the same "Taliban" that attacked us on 9/11/01 ...


                  U.S. Intelligence 9/11 and Iraq: A Whistleblower's Story

you will hear in the video below "names" of FBI players who were part of the fake investigation of President Trump and the so called Russian connection... these career political / bureaucrat criminals stay around forever, to undermine our country and the will of the people 

People are finally realizing the  Bush family is evil, and there is no separation between the Bush family, the Clinton family, the Obama family and Joe Biden ...  better late than never, I guess  ...George W Bush was just a drunk sitting in the oval office who was controlled by Dick Cheney... the really evil "Bush" was his father ... former head of the CIA and perverted rat bastard who once sat in the oval office ... but because he ran under the banner of being a "Republican" ... most conservatives voted for him without doing a deep dive into the Bush family background  ... much like they lined up for the covid shot without doing a deep dive into the real medical research on covid 19 or how they could have a vaccine so fast ... it is because they already had it before the bio-weapon covid was released from the Wuhan lab ... I mentioned this in a post over a year ago ... they already had the vaccine pre the release of the bio-weapon called "covid-19" ...   

today is the day most remember the loss of American citizens,  I choose to remember and expose the family /people who were instrumental in their deaths ....

It was all part of the plan ....