Monday, September 20, 2021

Don't look down ... to our southern border and the UN agenda that is and did you know the government can shut down your drones, so they cannot fly

Do you suffer from vertigo, when you look down from high places? Does your head start to spin? And do you have a uneasy feeling like you are going to fall?

if you look "down" to our southern border ... it will make you dizzy,  lightheaded  and you "feel" like our country is "falling" and will soon die from the fall ...and every minute under the Biden administration and the globalists makes our country more and more unsteady on its feet ... and Joe Biden and his handlers are desperately and systematically pushing our country closer and closer to the ledge and hoping this country will fall and die... 

In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clinton's of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation. “Clinton, where’s the money?” the Haitian signs read. “In whose pockets?” Said Dhoud Andre of the Commission Against Dictatorship, “We are telling the world of the crimes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for in Haiti.”

In the 1980’s and early 1990’s I traveled a great deal and I remember in the 1980’s, I toyed with traveling to Haiti that is until I spoke with my travel agent… he said, Haiti is not safe for Americans and especially women and that they still do “animal sacrificing” and rumor had it human sacrificing as well … and when you see a fire on a hill in Haiti,  it is probably due to a Voodoo ceremony going on … the agent suggested I go to the other side of the island the Dominican Republic … I thought about it and I thought “No Way” … that evil ju-ju energy created in Haiti can travel over to the other side of the island !!!  Yet I have family members who have vacationed in the Dominican Republic and love it there … for me it is a giant… NO THANK-YOU! 

And since I have always had a keen interest in spirituality and how people get to a higher self, I have done research into Voodoo and local Voodoo priests and many in the area have a Haitian background and/or a Jamaican background  ...    

Although a vast majority of Haitian’s claim to be “Christians”  

Most Haitians are Roman Catholic, while a growing number claim to be Protestant (estimates range from 20 to 30 percent).  But surveys have found the vast majority of Haitians – regardless of religious affiliation – hold at least some Voodoo beliefs.

Voodoo and Haitian History

As the story goes, the Haitian revolution kicked off on a night in 1791 at a place called Bois Caiman.  A group of slaves, led by a Voodoo priest named Boukman, met together and vowed to overthrow their white oppressors.  According to accounts, someone sacrificed a pig and the assembled group drank the pig’s blood.  Eight days later, the uprising began.

It is often said that during this ceremony, Haiti’s soon-to-be leaders made a pact with Satan, dedicating the land to him for 200 years in exchange for victory.

The French were defeated after more than a decade of struggle.  When Haiti’s founding fathers drafted various versions of the nation’s constitution, it included no language about Satan or even Voodoo.  The Constitution of 1807 established religious freedom but made Roman Catholicism Haiti’s official religion – stating that no other religion (including Voodoo) could be practiced in public. Many scholars believe, however, that the declaration of Catholicism as the official religion was largely a political move by then President Toussaint L’Ouverture to appease various European powers.

In a controversial move in 2003, Haiti’s Catholic president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, made Voodoo an official religion in the country, giving certain Voodoo ceremonies such as marriage equal standing with Christian ones. Many historians believe that Aristide’s decision, like L’Ouverture’s before him, was also largely to curry political favor.

And below the ....Three former presidents are all for this open immigration of radical Afghanistan's who are into raping pre-teen girls … they are Clinton … Bush … Obama … they are all globalists and never had the best interests of the USA in mind … and basically they are all war criminals in their invasions of sovereign countries and destabilizing the entire middle east …and surprise .. Surprise they all have “nonprofit foundations”, of which they receive a lot of “profits” from…


And the main stream media ... under the control of the globalists and the Biden administration refuse to cover this story ... so most Americans are totally unaware...  clueless actually ... and will remain so until it affects them and their families personally and it will happen  ...  via higher taxes, via lower services and food available, via the rationing of health care, via an extreme jump in crime, via all the diseases that this unchecked immigration is bringing into the Country  ... for now most Americans trend to be "see no evil.... hear no evil... speak no evil... until that evil is at their own doorstep and knocking on their front door" ... 

Secret military bases have a no fly zone and the use of deadly force is authorized… in these air spaces if you fly in the them, fighter jets will escort you out of the area and if you refuse to comply, they will shoot you out of the sky… you cannot photograph these areas, nor can you fly a drone over these areas … these military  bases have high tech sensors on levels not released or even known to the public, which included bio-metrics, digital monitoring and the jamming of signals such as the GPS all drones fly with… apparently within every drone there is a “backdoor” so to say … a “computer chip” that the military industrial complex and the government can “blocked” and without this functioning no drone can fly … and this is what they did to “news drones” trying to covering the story at the southern border …and they are also banning cameras with long lens to take photos of what is happening on our southern border… so basically the government is now treating our southern border like a “secret military operation” and they do not want any news coverage of it …

 the info wars lawyer recently filed a lawsuit against FAA for doing this… this completely denies every American their first amendment rights and if this is such a “good and humanitarian thing to do”… by the Biden administration, why are they hiding it from the American people … and you know who else is there,  helping Biden … “Catholic Charities” and the UN ….  

Alex Jones Files Lawsuit Against FAA Over Drone Restriction at Border Crossing Where Thousands of Migrants are Gathering....

Alex Jones’ InfoWars has filed a lawsuit against the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) over its recent ban on drones capturing footage of thousands of migrants accumulating in Del Rio, Texas.

The FAA declared a no-fly zone for unmanned air crafts systems (UAS) over the Del Rio International Bridge in South Texas. The department has said “special security reasons” are behind the decision, but critics have blasted the move as it appeared to come in response to numerous videos spreading across social media and causing outrage over the thousands of illegal immigrants gathered and huddled closely together under the bridge. 

and where are  most of these illegal immigrants going  
But my "blue State governor" said they are welcomed here as well

So who paid/ pays  for the "immigrants" at our southern border... Biden T-shirts ... their cell phones ... their food and traveling needs, the tents cities, the medical care given to them  ... why you did/ do  the American taxpayer ... in the State of NY alone there is 2.1 Billion plus available for the "undocumented" and then there is the Refugee Cash Assistance programs ... and least I forget Catholic Charities that all Catholics place their hard money into ...