Monday, August 30, 2021

Coinci-deaths after the covid vaccine or after being a covid whistle blower

Some one dies of the covid vaccine ... you never hear about it on main stream or social media..... but on the extremely rare occasion  you do hear of such a death ... the main stream media, Fauci, and the CDC label it as a "coincidence", not related to the vaccine, but some unknown physical/ medical issue the patient must have had prior to the vaccination...or it is the fault of the "un-vaccinated" 

yet if someone dies of "covid" it is always labeled a "covid death" and never more so if that person happens to have opposed being vaccinated,  with a unknown/ long term or even short term effects of the covid vaccine ... the main stream media never "suggests or states" the person who died of "covid" may have had underlying medical issues that caused their death, the way they "suggest" if a person dies post a covid vaccine... it is just coincidence they say ... not the fault of the vaccine ... but they who refuse the vaccine ...they are in news media every time such as below ..



Marc Bernier Becomes Third Anti-Vax Radio Host to Die of COVID-19...

The third "radio host", they say... but do  not make mention of the many dead whistle blowers who have said ... the covid vaccine was made in a lab ... released in Wuhan, China, Fauci gave money for gain of function as did the DOD, as did Obama... they also do not mention the dead or discredited whistle blowers who have said ... the vaccine has "metallic fibers" in it or is a gene therapy or is toxic to the human body and causes the natural immune system to shut down and it suppresses the killer T cells in the body ... so now I wonder could all these people who are wrongly labeled "anti-vaccine"... all dying coincidentally ... or are their deaths ... like those who die from the covid vaccine ...  and none of them ever had an autopsy done ... 

are they just  


Dr Li had tried to warn fellow medics of a disease that looked like Sars - another deadly coronavirus.

But he was told by police to "stop making false comments" and was investigated for "spreading rumors".

Dr Li was an eye doctor at a hospital in Wuhan - the central Chinese city where the first case of the coronavirus was detected at the end of 2019.

Christian Daily, a Los Angeles-based media outlet, reported on Friday that according to a whistleblower, COVID-19 vaccinations from the Pfizer shots have resulted in a significant number of deaths and serious injuries in a German nursing home. The report said, "A conscientious whistleblower, who is also a caregiver at the nursing facility where the incident happened, stepped forward to expose what transpired behind the scenes of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, a report says."

It also reported, "Attorneys and founding members of the German Corona Investigative Committee Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer interviewed the caregiver to flesh out the details, LifeSite News reported. The interview was recorded but with the whistleblower's identity and voice masked for security purposes."

The media outlet said, "video footage secretly filmed inside the nursing home showed how about four people including a soldier forcibly vaccinated the elderly residents. Their resistance was evident but they were clearly strong-armed into receiving the Pfizer shots against their will. The caregiver expressed disappointment at the intimidation against the elderly residents considering that they're already suffering from dementia."

The coverage reported, "Seven out of 31 people living in the nursing home died after getting injected with their first dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. The whistleblower added that after the second dose was administered, one died and eleven more got seriously sick." Christian Daily analyzed that, "This means that out of the 31 elderly people that got vaccinated in that nursing home, 25 percent of them died shortly after while the lives of 36 percent were jeopardized."

This was and is a "bio-weapon" released  upon humanity ... as is the vaccine ... and there are more to come ... I am not anti-vaccines... I am anti- genocide on a global scale