Sunday, September 5, 2021

Supreme Court Ruling 2013... RNA "vaccines", are gene altering (not of nature) and can be patented ...covid-19 vaccinated ...are you now "owned", are you now "trans-human" for your RNA is no longer "naturally occurring in nature".

On the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. … God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation …

The day of rest for a Jew is Saturday (and Christ manifested as a Jew)… Christians keep Sunday as a day of rest and being Holy in memory of the Resurrection …

 I post today in “remembrance of God creating mankind” and the mission of His son Christ … and what the legal definition of being human is … and thus protected under the law… I am not addressing abortion  … I am addressing something much darker and evil …  

But first ....

I have no doubt there is “weather manipulation” i.e. geo-engineering and it has been going on since the 1960’s (maybe longer)… I live in NJ and over the last few months we have been hit several times with devastating rain events, which is not usual for this State … we are not a southern state subject to frequent brutal tropical storms and Hurricanes … yet here we are in NJ flooding again and again,  I do not think it is “natural” … 

NJ for the most part is a extremely liberal State and after the most recent flooding event in NJ,  I heard on the news from one such liberal NJ Dem in congress … he blames all of this weird weather NJ has been experiencing on “climate change” … of course he does… he is a progressive liberal Dem that is their mantra and their vehicle (pun intended)  in the future  to place us into climate change lock downs and nail us with carbon taxes and gas and oil prices through the roof … I think it is bullshit, “climate change” has always occurred on this planet … I believe it is occurring  rapidly and in certain areas of the country via geo-engineering… yet while researching this topic even deeper … I was side tracked by another topic out of the blue… a very scary topic of which I have never thought about …

One can get a vast amount of information by looking at “patents” filed with the library of congress, there are millions and millions and millions of patents filed …  some of the most disturbing things happening on this planet are “hidden in plain sight”, buried in the “patent office” under literally tons of “papers” … It takes a disciplined mind and lots of patience to dive through patent filings … I like research but searching the patent office is beyond my ability to stay focused …

I do like researching the “law” and Supreme Court decisions, most of the cases the Supreme Court hears every year are not “trendy or political” enough to make the news … many Supreme Court cases are heard and decided and no one gives a rat ass about it … which is actually dangerous, for once a case is decided it is for the most part the “law of the land”… and you will not know this unless in the future you are affected by a Supreme Court’s decision, you never knew about …

While researching “geo-engineering” I watched a video made by a man,  who I never heard of before and it was this man who stated … Once  you have received the covid vaccine, you are now the property of a drug company” … in essence you are now “owned” … the man sited a Supreme Court ruling in 2013 on this subject matter and holy shit !!! The man was right … the covid vaccination made you “an entity” not occurring in nature…

The Supreme Court stated that your DNA, RNA is not “patentable” … because your DNA and RNA is “naturally occurring”, by the laws of nature … yet if a drug company … lab… can isolate your DNA / RNA and tweak it a bit on a molecular level your DNA / RNA is no longer considered “naturally occurring” … making your DNA and in the case of the covid vaccine your RNA “markedly and marketability” different than what is “naturally occurring” in nature … making your DNA or RNA  markedly different in characteristic  than what is found in nature… hence you are no longer “of nature” but of a drug company’s design and hence they own you!!! You could make a legal case for that … you are no longer a “product of Nature” … the body of the vaccinated person is creating “non-natural occurring molecules”… not of the laws of nature … 

this thought is profoundly disturbing and true ...  the changing of the "laws of nature" (i.e. God's design) has been going on for years,  "unseen by the public" and now the gene therapy labeled a vaccine (covid-19 vaccine)... for it changes your RNA ... and immune response ... so if you received a covid vaccine ... you are indeed "not of nature", as defined by the Supreme Court of the USA in 2013 and your entire "person" or more clearly your immune system and RNA belongs to the drug company who gave you the vaccine ... you have literally become their "patent" ... for they have changed your naturally occurring immune system and RNA molecules ...    

and if you are "owned"/ patented  you are no longer identified as "human",  but trans-human and as such you do not have the same rights as a 100% human being ...  

          you can read the Supreme Court's opinion from 2013 below

Take this a step further … how they are pushing everyone to get these covid vaccines, to the point of denying your personal liberties and shaming you in the media if you do not … labeling you an anti-vaccine, which they are not … they are “anti- experimental drugs” and forced gene therapy or even “supposedly approved ones”, being pushed on you, ones that have not been properly vetted with clinical trials and long term effects on the human being.

 A co-worker of mine visited,  “Great Adventure” in NJ an amusement park and even there they were pushing getting the covid vaccine on children and anyone who was “un-vaccinated” (they even had tents set up to get a covid vaccine while at the amusement park) what the fuck!!! Also at the annual air balloon show in NJ, there was a “covid vaccine” tent set up as well  … This is not normal … if it is so safe and covers  you from dying from covid,  why the absurd and intrusiveness in pushing to get everyone vaccinated … there has to be another agenda attached to these covid vaccines … besides chronic illness and death …

I think back to my blog post of August 14, 2021 … the Constitution in the 100 mile border zone …laws get "fuzzy" at times and are not "equally" applied at times and that is when you are considered to be 100% human and not "altered" genetically... which, the Supreme Court in 2013 declares what it means to be "altered and not of nature" ... and an RNA vaccine is considered to be "not of nature", which by default changes your status of being "of nature and 100% human" to being not of nature, but trans human  ...

Now I wonder if the people who get vaccinated with the covid-19 vaccine (which, really is RNA gene therapy as described in the Supreme Court ruling of 2013) , can they “legally can be labeled, trans-human”, for they are no longer a 100 % a product of nature, which the law defines as being a full “human being” a “naturally occurring human being” that is…

 they have been genetically  altered  by the vaccine on a molecular level (via their RNA) … and all our liberties are only afforded to 100% human beings … can the real down side of having taken the covid vaccine … you no longer are protected under the law, the Constitution, for you are not “naturally occurring” anymore and the law is only for “100 % human beings” … so is this the real reason they push the covid vaccine so hard???? The Supreme Court ruling of 2013 … leaves the door open for such a legal argument to remove all legal rights of the covid- 19 vaccinated in the future !!! 

 And they play the game now saying it is the “un-vaccinated” who have no rights … but in the Supreme Court ruling of 2013, the Courts state the opposite… for the “un-vaccinated” have not been changed on a molecular level, hence they still are of “nature” considered by the law to be 100% human, hence all laws still fully apply to them … once vaccinated with the coivd-19 vaccine that might not be the case … this is a very dark and very disturbing thing and apparently “approved” by the US Supreme Court in 2013 … the covid- 19 vaccinated have been “patented” for their RNA signature on a molecular level has been changed and they are no longer "naturally occur" in nature …    

 Remember these words … from Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—(The Letter of the law contained within these words apply to “men being created by their Creator”… what the Supreme Court (2013) calls a “naturally occurring human being” … there is nothing in the Declaration of Independence or the law that “applies to a trans-human” one that is not naturally occurring, but altered by a vaccine … a drug … A.I.) … so for the “trans-human”, you do not have the right to life … liberty and the pursuit of happiness, under the wording of the Declaration of Independence.


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- (by “willingly” getting the covid vaccine you gave “consent” to the government and gave away your own “power” to the government to change your rights and even your "person")

Of course no one considered this as they lined up to get vaccinated… but I am sure the power behind all of this did …  I did not consider such until I listened to the video below 

Thinking deeper … the only ones who fully can claim protection under the law are ironically the “un-vaccinated” … I can now see why they are pressuring the un-vaccinated so much to take the vaccine … this is an attack on humanity at literally its core and creation  ... 

and below is the video I watched and the clever man who made the connection between being "100% human and being trans-human"

I end this post with my original intent … the latest flooding in NJ and Geo engineering …

just as RNA gene altering "vaccines" are not of "nature" and "not vaccines",  but gene therapies .. our weather is not "natural anymore" but manipulated by Geo-engineering ...