Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hopefully the prophecy is true Frances is the last pope and his reign will end soon ... humanity cannot take anymore!!!


Vatican to Punish Employees Who Refuse to Comply With COVID-19 Certification....

No jab, no salary.

The Vatican is set to punish employees who refuse to comply with COVID-19 certification by not paying them. ... please remember all  money that the Vatican has or has collected over the centuries is actually the money or the property of the faithful, and indigenous people, who either gave it to the Church willingly or it was taken from the people,  with force by the Church ... so now they will use, "your donations and confiscations" not to pay those who refuse to be changed from a "creature of God" to a "creature of man" via an RNA vaccine ... which the Supreme Court declared (not of nature) ... I refer to my post  ...


Yes, really.

Vatican staffers who are unable to prove they’d been jabbed or who refuse to pay for expensive negative COVID tests will be considered “unjustly absent” and paid no salary.

The new rules will go into force from October 1st onward.

As we highlighted last week, the Italian government has also passed a decree applying to both the private and public sector ordering companies to withhold pay from workers who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Those found working without the pass face fines of up to €1,500 euros after it was extended as a condition of entry for museums, stadiums, pubs, restaurants, and schools.

The unvaccinated were also banned from using long distance public transport, meaning that holidays, travel for work and visiting relatives has become impossible for many.

And folks this is coming to America as well ... so buckle up ... and they will  not stop with a "vaccination passport"... there will be carbon passports... booster passports ... social credit passports ... at this point the book of Revelation seems tame to what is happening in the world ....