Monday, September 6, 2021

what you do not know can and will hurt you... "Fake story" about Oklahoma hospital filled with Invermectin overdoses... NOT TRUE ... fake news

Today is Labor Day and if you want to keep your job or secure jobs for your children and grandchildren in the future you need to “labor” against the medical tyranny that grips our Country and the world and the taking away of personal liberties in all areas of life… this will not stop with medical tyranny … so you must “labor”, speak up and fight back  .... this is not the time to "rest"... but the time to Labor and rally ... unite against this tyranny... as labor unions did in the past ... unions changed the world and secured workers rights in the work force ... we need to unite once again on a massive scale ... on a global scale against this tyranny... and truly form a "perfect union" under God, not man-made lower case human gods, such as Fauci and his cohorts ...   

You can add the "Rolling Stone Magazine" to the list, as well as a host of others  

Sunday Live: Fake News Hit-Piece Against Ivermectin Collapses Spectacularly As More Americans Reject COVID Shot...

Alex Jones breaks down how Rolling Stone and the desperate mainstream media are once again caught fabricating a bogus narrative against the anti-parasite drug ivermectin, which many Americans have been turning to for COVID treatment.

Rolling Stone forced to issue an 'update' after viral hospital ivermectin story turns out to be false...

Rolling Stone was forced to issue an update to their viral story about Oklahoma hospitals being overwhelmed by patients who overdosed on the drug ivermectin after the doctor they cited was contradicted by the hospitals he referenced.

On Friday, the liberal magazine published testimony from Dr. Jason McElyea who told a local news station that hospitals were being overrun from patients overdosing on ivermectin which resulted in other patients waiting for treatment. McElyea claimed the situation was so bad that gunshot victims were being neglected.

"The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated," McElyea said.

And  go Joe Rogan ... not listening to the bullshit main stream media and their fake stories ... the reason they hate (meaning big pharma and Fauci)  Ivermectim is because it works and it is cheap and if you have  medicines that works against covid-19,  you cannot "ok" an experimental drug treatment (such as the covid-19 vaccine)  if there is a "safe alternative" treatment, which invermectim is and studies have shown  in Israel, Mexico, Peru and India

The liberal fake media at one time loved Joe Rogan ... but now that he is questioning their fake science and news Rogan has become Enemy # 1 to them ... 

and hell yeah ... your natural immune system, is greater than the covid- 19 vaccine ... wake up people and do not line up for a booster shot ... remember, the saying ... "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"

and WTF ... big pharma funds the FDA ... Big pharma  makes it "rain money for the FDA"