Sunday, September 26, 2021

God Bless Jodi O'Malley , she has a greater faith / trust in God than Pope Frances and my local Bishop

 I love Jodi's words ... "they do not want you to have  critical thinking", same holds true for the hierarchy of the Church ... such as "do as I say, not as I do", which is the motto for the hierarchy and the globalists, yet I repeat myself they are the same... 

I also love Jodi saying,  if they call you an conspiracy theorist ...  hold that title as a badge of honor ... for in today's day and age conspiracy theorist  means critical thinker ... I also recall the words of  Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, when he stated, "they called Noah a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain" ....

below is a baby who was in the covid vaccine trial ...

Where are the "right to lifers" with this issue, and where are the Knights of Columbus ...