Alien thinking … Thinking not forced upon us, be independent, research before it is to late do so, consider all angles of thought and go to outside sources …stay away, from main stream media, governmental and religious control … free your mind, so you may live free… There is so much more happening on this planet that can be seen and is revealed, to us… knowledge sheds light onto this darkness, seek it.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
In Joe Biden's America and under his military leadership "You" are the enemy
Meet the face (or disgrace) of "new" United States of America military... soldiers being formed and prepared to fight in their name of their leader Joe Biden ... they do not fight wars in foreign lands anymore, they will fight on your front lawn and on your doorstep ... to make you obey ... you know those concentration camps in Poland and Germany, where the brave soldiers of WW II went to war in the European theater and many died to save those poor souls from those concentration camps ... those brave WW II American soldiers were all about liberation and freedoms for all ... behold... the above piece of dog excrement, who is desecrating the uniform and the memories of all the brave soldiers who fought in WW II to free people from lock-downs...(your own homes are now being made into concentration camps) experiential drugs being used on them in these concentration camps, back in the 1940's and now ... etc. ...