Saturday, July 13, 2019

Angel Orbs ???

Orbs ...

 what are they ??? some say dirty lens ...others say "ghosts " or are they angels ... 

below is the intro to a small book,  I wrote about 10 years ago in regards to orbs there are photos in my book "orb" photos 
I also have photos from when I was  a kid with orbs in them 
I have seen many orbs over the last 30 years with my eyes ... did not need a camera ... the largest collection of orbs I have seen in one place was in cemeteries ...
I bet if you look at all your family photos taken over the years,  you will find at least see one photo with orbs in it 

One Liberty Plaza.

That photo is both disturbing and joyful to me
Disturbing because the photo is of One Liberty Plaza and this was the temporary morgue for the victims of that day.
Joyful to me for the photo is filled with orbs telling me that all those lost were not alone on that day that a powerful and mighty force was with them.

Whatever they are
They were present at
The WTC on 9/11

By: Mary Jo


I dedicate this book to Ryan Reynolds a brave young soul, who died of an inoperable brain tumor at 10 years old,

I never met Ryan, I never knew of his struggle for life. This was until reading a story on by Michael Flannery. The story is centered on Ryan telling his mother that he could see Angels. Ryan would often speak of angels and when Ryan asked to go on one last hayride, even weak he said the angels would be with him. His family took many photos of him on his last hayride. When these photos were developed, strange white transparent images of a circular shape appeared in the photos. Upon viewing the pictures, Ryan casually mentioned that the orb in the photo was his guardian angel that had accompanied him on the hayride, even pointing out that it was the reason why he felt so good that day. Ryan’s mother Shirley Reynolds told WABC News affiliate WCPO-TV in Cincinnati that there were three different cameras used that day with three different roles of film, all of them had the same transparent white shapes on them.

Angie Shafer, a photographer for a local newspaper in Ohio, stated that she had never seen such an image before in a photo. This is where my story begins. I like Ryan and his family has seen these images in photos before, and his story has given me the courage and inspiration to share mine. Ryan was not shy, or inhibited about sharing his beliefs in angels, Ryan’s courage ignited mine.

 A circle would be the form that perfect energy would take and what is more perfect than an angel? It is the belief of many and mine that the angels were the first creation of God, creating them perfect prior to man. It is also believed that these angels are pure spirit, not possessing a physical body. Made only physical in a manner that we could see and understand when needed so we could relate to them, otherwise they constantly surround us with their force of energy in a manner unseen. That is unless one is lucky enough to capture their presence on film, which I believe many have done for years most not even knowing. Upon doing a web search I have seen orbs in photos dating back to the 1800’s.

In addition to the white orb appearances there appears to be color variations with orbs as well as size. Could this indicate the angel’s position? Whatever it is something is happening that can be captured on film and it appears to occur upon the will of the orb or maybe it’s Creator. Most religions tell us that angels constantly surround us; it would therefore make sense that every photo taken should have orbs in it, yet they do not. Whatever the reason the appearances of orbs seem to be determined by something other than the camera, the film, the processing or the subject matter.

those are not spot lights but 2 large orbs site 9/11 debris field photo taken by cop on site
picture  below one large orb WTC site a couple of days after 9/11 again photo taken by a cop on site
orbs outside on my deck after praying outside 
orbs surrounding a turkey I was feeding in my yard