Sunday, July 14, 2019

Text the YouTube Exorcist, grab your pitchfork and torches, we’ll burn the witch …

This post will make some say or think the title above…

Because I am going to go where no man has gone before … I say man… because in the church it is all about men… like a club house in the backyard of a school child “no girls allowed” …

I am going to talk about “past lives”… a very interesting subject to me … we as Catholic are told it is a “NO- NO” to think such things (I am such a heathen) but I do think about this and I think about reincarnation as well … so do millions of people on this planet so I am not alone in thought and hey so did the people back in the time of Jesus think of this way … even his apostles and followers … remember when Jesus asked them “who do the people say I am”… the apostles replied … some say you are John the Baptist come back … or you are Elijah … that sounds like reincarnation speak to me  …

Buckle up here we go ….

Years ago I went to a person who brought me “back to a past life” … yep the sinner that I am did this … I fess up Jersey style I did it!!!!

It was many years ago … you are very relaxed in a deep state and you are told to go through a “door” and behind the door there is a room … inside this room you will see a trunk … open the trunk and look inside … there is clothing in there, clothing from your past life … put the clothing on and I want you to tell me… what time in history does the clothing look like they are from (ancient I replied)  … OK now go back to that time that matches the clothing you have on …   see a path before you and walk on it until your clothing matches the time in history you are in …   

OK I walked on the path until I “saw” a time in history my clothing matched … I walked passed people with the same garment style I had on … I walked up a hill … the air / environment had a dread feeling to it and as I walked the sky started to become cloudy / overcast …the wind picked up a bit … I stopped on a hilltop for I noticed something to my right … in the distance … there was a crowd of people and I saw 3 crosses … and it looked like there were people hanging on the Crosses … so I kept walking towards this scene and stopped when I was only several yards from it … I did not hear anything at first … and when I did start to hear the conversation it was in a language, I did not know … yet I know  Arabic speakers and the words sounded something like Arabic to me … I looked up at the people hanging on the Crosses … the ones to the left and right clearly looked like men … but the one in the center was hardly recognizable beaten so badly …  almost like a “burn victim” flesh was ripped and torn … the body blackened with bruising… the face swollen and enlarged dripping with blood, hair matted with blood … eye sockets so swollen this human on the Cross,  could not even open their eyes completely … I walked closer and saw this person was naked … no loin cloth and I saw this was a man on the Cross …

I heard labored breathing from this man … like his lungs had fluid in them and every breath had a “bubbly sound to it”, the chest looked enlarged as if his heart and lungs were going to burst through … His knee was damaged (like he fell on it) it looked swollen and I thought he must have a meniscus tear or a ALC tear to the knee, yet there were words spoken from the Cross, not harsh words … the tenor of his voice was painful yet kind (whereas the words of men on each side of him were not of such tenor)  … they all spoke in language I could not understand … This man had nails in his wrists and the feet were crossed over each other with one nail into them both … there was a wooden sign above the man’s head on the Cross … words/ symbols written in a language I could not read… three distinct sets of words/ symbols / like different languages (don’t know could not read) but the shapes of the letters / symbols looked different to me  …    

There were 2 women under the Cross … one crying hysterically one silent … pale of face, like the blood was drained from her face  … she looked like she was in shock witness to a surreal event and she stood in silence … there was a young man holding onto her … he looked to be in late teens or early 20’s (a boy) …   

I was starting to get extremely sad and spoke to the person who was navigating me through this past life … She said this “do not feel emotions, just witness what is before you” … my sadness lessened and I went back to watch what was happening …

The air was getting thicker around me… the wind picked up even more … the sky was now dark … like nighttime and I saw lightening streak across the sky … and the sound of thunder … the ground under me was starting to shake … there was panic in the crowd … some ran … some shouted out …

I could not take this scene anymore… too painful to see… to sad… I ‘woke myself up” I was back in the room of the person who guided me to my past life … she was in tears … and said this … you know Mary Jo you just saw the crucifixion of Jesus Christ … I said … I know …
So was I there as in “vision” or did I really live back then???

I do not know … I do know the brutality of what Jesus Christ went through on the day we call “Good Friday” is not depicted on any stations of the cross that hang in any church or on any crucifix … they would be too graphic to see and people would run out of the church … but it was that graphic and brutal …

Resurrection or Reincarnation … think of this … of course Jesus Christ resurrected and he will resurrect us all one day into a glorified body …

But what if reincarnation also exists and we call it “purgatory” … when you are given a “plenary indulgence” you are given “time off from purgatory” so the church is calculating “time” into purgatory … so purgatory is a place where time “exists”… as upon earth… and I know the main visionary from Garabandal… was told to pray in cemeteries and to hold up a Cross … are there “purgatory souls” praying there … the same visionary stated “you can do your purgatory  on earth” … hmmm … some people live a long live here some live a short one …  was that their purgatory time ???  Do some come back …because they see all the glory of heaven and say to God … I am not good enough for heaven yet … send me back to earth so I can learn to love more???

I know you are thinking there is no presence of “God in purgatory”… well with many on earth there is no presence of God in their lives and society is ripping God away more and more… that sounds like purgatory to me … you may say … we have the church and the True Presence … yes we do … but how many really believe in the “true presence of God here on earth”???  … Not many and for sure not many in the church or they could not cover up abuse to children and other scandals they would be terrified to do so …

Even the order of Mass speaks to the church not believing in the True Presence of God on earth … so in essence God is not here for them …they teach one day you will see God in heaven instead of look He is here now (thus setting up in the human mind thoughts of you have to wait to get to heaven to see God, that is purgatory speak) … and that is a paradox …      

Think outside the box about all things … do not be forced fed thought … be alien in thinking (not of this world alien thinking )       
“Time” to choose …or is it all true ...
Hey He is God He plays on many levels ...