Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lye lines and magnetic fields

Lye lines are the “stuff “birds’ use to navigate the planet … migration patterns … magnetic fields (north pole and south pole and such) …some migrating birds seem to be lost over the last couple of decades … they get “confused as if the lye lines” are not trustworthy anymore for them … is there a magnetic shift happening on the planet … it has happened before in the earth’s history .. A polar shift as well … it seems to be …

Are Sky quakes happening … and are they the Warnings from Earth’s Destabilizing core …hmmm

Or is there something even bigger about to happen … there have been many and I mean many reports of unusual sounds in the skies across the world … such as the ones in the videos below

What is happening in the skies??? What are all the sounds being heard around the globe ...
Is it like what the Bible said ... in those times (end times) there will be signs in the sky  ???