Sunday, July 28, 2019

My Native American “spirit journey”… year 2008

I have always been fascinated by Native American Indians… First as a Nation and people they were so ripped off by the “white man”... Their oneness with the land and nature is awesome, how they can read the environment truly amazing. I do believe that the Holy Spirit does blow were it wills and this is not only within the Catholic Church. As there are charlatans with the Catholic Church, regards to those claiming “special powers” from God there is so throughout humanity… One does need to be as wise as a fox and gentle as a dove with all things…

When I was in the desert “wandering” for years, as to searching for what happened in the past and why… I did a “spirit journey” with a Native A. Shaman…

The N.A. “holy man” gets to his spot with the Great Spirit (God) in many different ways and he will advise a person seeking a “spirit journey” on how they can do so as well… below are the ways

1)      Drugs such as peyote to tap into the subconscious. Since I never “did drugs” this was not an option for me …

2)      They have “Sweat lodges” … you sit in a place (as if you are in a super sauna getting really sweaty) … they believing that this will also get into your “subconscious” …. Being that I am a prissy… I thought if I am really sweating the only thing I would be thinking about was a shower and the fact that I needed to drink a Gator aid to restore electrolytes…
So this was not appealing to me…

3)      The last option was a “spirit journey” through dreaming… I thought hey I can do that and “dreams” are laced within the Bible as being a means of God communicating to his people.

The Shaman said he would ask the “Great Spirit” he being God to send to me in visions during my dreams of whom I was and what I would be doing… He also gave me a “dream catcher” that would “catch anything” negative that tried to enter into this dream vision, so I would only see truth …

I was told to journal my dreams; very carefully for they would be detailed… that the Great Spirit would send the messages via “animals” the N. A. Indians are really big into totems… …

First night nothing as was the second and third… until I thought, “what a bunch of crap this is”…
Next evening… I entered into “vision land big time during my sleep” In medical terms; super vivid dreams are called “lucid dreaming”… In the Bible they are called holy such as when they came to Joseph, both the old and new Testaments Josephs.

In my dreams for three nights in a row I was “there” in a place neither like here nor like heaven but a place of journey, an awareness of ones power within…

1)      First night… I was an animal just as the Shaman said I would be… I was a huge powerful black panther who turned into a huge powerful leopard with large green eyes, and these eyes could see into things and see far… I owned the landscape and ruled over it and I knew my territory and all who walked in it… Than in the distance I saw a man approach my territory and I had never seen him before, he wore a white robe and he walked towards me… I stared him down to see what he wanted, as he approached, I ran into another area of my territory and yet found myself out paced by this man… Now I took a stance of self defense as if to say to this man come closer and I shall strike you... He stood his ground…as a cat would do I took a posture of getting ready to leap... And I did so yet not at the man but into a tree, a large tree that was in the middle of the landscape… Soon the man was there under the tree and he sat underneath it and spoke to me… “Come to me, I will do you no harm”… somehow I could speak to this man in my mind and said to him… “Leave my territory and leave me alone”… he said… “Here I will sit until you come to me”…
I had a strong sense of being trapped and took a giant leap out of the tree and landed far into the meadows, thinking I was successful in getting rid of the man in the white robe… only to see him before me… and I stared him down… he stooped down, as if to say in body language to this cat that is me, “I will do you no harm”…  “Vision ends”…

2)      Second night… Really weird… as if in slow motion I am walking in a kitchen with a large picture window that I can see outside… it is morning in the dream I had just gotten up from sleep… As I went to make coffee I glance outside through this large window and I see the “biggest ass spider”… That thing was huge the size of a school bus… And I saw that the spider had human bodies cocooned throughout the yard… My heart started to race with “shit, that thing is a monster and it is going to kill me, it already cocooned so many bodies out there”… I than thought okay, I will never leave the house, I will stay inside, and it can not get me if I stay inside… My next thought I cannot stay inside for ever, I will need to go to store eventually and things like this and once that happens that spider is going to get me…

So I watched the spider for a while and I see it making webs… so many webs and bodies are being caught in these webs… I am so totally grossed out and terrified… and now for whatever reason I need to leave the house and go outside… No I am thinking okay I am dead, this is it, and this giant school bus sized spider is going to make me its lunch… Upon this thought I watched the spider run into the “world” it just took a giant leap into the world, looking for bodies to cocoon and I knew it would not harm me and I must go outside now… “Vision ends”

Third night… I am a “thoroughbred horse”… since I have bred horses I know this one is top of the line… I am reddish in color and I have high energy as if I was bred for speed, but I am not broken, I am wild... I run through the fields and I rear up and I kick out the way a very high energy and powerful horse would do… such a horse can 
1)      harm a human being if they are approached, they will kick you, run you over and trample you, they are dangerous.

As I was in the meadow a man in a white robe approached with a “lead line and a halter”… I did not fear this man, I allowed him to halter me and place me on a lead line, and he walked me out of my pasture… Yet as I walked alongside of him I reared up many times and tried to kick at him, this did not seem to bother the man, and he kept a steady pace. I somehow was pure energy and he was pure stability to this energy… never wavering…

 He walked me to a large open field and he spoke… “I will let you run into the fields and return when you have tired”...  He lets me off the lead line and I immediately run away from him into the field, I then stopped thinking I am a safe distance from him and I turn around to see if he is following me… I see him still standing where he let me off the lead line… just staring at me… and where ever I run in the field I can still see him and he is just staring at me as if his eyes are locked upon me… Vision ends”…

Three nights… three visions… as the Shaman said would happen… now I take this dream journal to him and ask him to “interrupt” what this all means “Native American Indian” style…

This Shaman dude was pretty spooky at times but since he said these things over 10 years ago the man shows himself to be a prophet where I am concerned…

1)      First dream spirit journey… interrupted..
The cat is classic female “energy” to them… the large cat… the highest form of this “female” energy, the fact that I was able to change “forms” from one high end cat to another, this dude said means that I have amazing power within to manifest this “female energy”… He went on to say that through out my life I had amazing abilities to “lure men” by this energy within… They sense this energy on some level and are attracted to it… Yet I do not let anyone into my territory... I have great control over my territory… No one gets the inner me…I will not release it… I can and will change this power within as fast as I changed the type of cat I was in my spirit journey and leave all men…They will think they know me and I will change before their eyes and leave them behind, leaving them with a memory of something I am not.

The Shaman went on to say the “Great Spirit” is also very attracted to this great female energy that I have within and he himself came to me and sought for me to give it over to him. I would not, running from him as well… Now here the Shaman... Got really freaky when he said… I, as the cat “jumped into the tree of life” as in when the big cat jumped into the tree… this being symbolic of the world and sin…Yet still the Great Spirit did not leave me always following me. The Great Spirit showing himself vulnerable to me by stooping before me in his body language...  The fact that I took notice of my eyes in this vision, the Shaman said means that I have “second sight into things”… And the color green, that I clearly saw the color green in “my” eyes… The Shaman said that is the color of a healer… you have energy of a healer within… and the color is sent from the Great Spirit’s heart to you…

2)      Second dream spirit journey… interrupted... Really freaky since it was done so long ago...

I thought the spider was a monster, a scary crap monster… The Shaman told me this though... The spider to the N.A. Indian is a “weaver of the webs”… “He” is the storyteller, the one that can catch the souls of others by the spoken or written word… And that if I dreamt of a spider and one so large that I will be sent the gift from the Great Spirit to weave stories to many souls and they will be captured by you… That I would one day do mass communications, he said maybe even radio one day or perhaps write books and be called to speak to many… And that my “webs” would go out into the world as the giant spider did and as the spider did by bringing the “bodies” back to the house, these stories of mine would bring “souls” back to the Great Spirit”…

At the time such things as being on the radio was not even on my radar screen or writing eBooks that go around the world, via the internet… that even a reality in the world…

Yet here are a few freaky things that have happened at the cabin as I sit at my desk and write… As I was writing my second book, I felt something touch my leg I thought it to be a fly or whatever did not look just moved my foot… It happened again, I looked and underneath my chair was a big butt spider… In the front of my desk next to my computer a cob web away appears… to the point I no longer brush it off, I just think to myself okay time to write or weave another web… The “web” also appears when I sit at the desk and do my radio shows…

I am so not a fan of spiders they do ‘creep” me out and one day I stepped into my shoe as I leaving the house and felt what seemed like a large rock in my right shoe, so I picked it up to check and see what was in it… The “biggest ass spider” oh my God! The thing looked like a frog it was that large… once I stopped screaming in fear, I looked for the thing to get it out of the house, it was gone… never seen again… I guess it is the one that is out in the world now spinning my webs…

Also the N. A. Shaman said… the fact that I was afraid to leave the house, in this “spirit journey” is due to a “root shyness” I have and an inner fear of the public… Anyone who really knows me knows that is right on the money… My personality is big, my inner self shy…

3)      Third dream spirit journey …interrupted… by the Shaman

The man in the robe is the “Great Spirit”, to us Jesus…
The Shaman said once again I am an animal of great power, the horse, bred well… Yet now I walk with the Great Spirit although he keeps me leased at first...

The horse is a symbol of spiritual warfare … many believe the horse lives in both worlds at the same time…a “hoof” in the Divine and a “hoof” in the natural... The horse is the symbol of creativity being increased within… I was red in color… the color of passion, great passion, and fiery passion… also the root word of the name Adam in Hebrew meaning clay, “red clay”… I have a strong passionate and fiery connection to the person of Adam who walks with me… and I am being molded as clay…

The Shaman went on to say… the Great Spirit took me off the leash to run, the “emotional nature” off … in the world… he did not follow you for he no longer needs to… for just as the horse is believed to communicate through “telepathy” the great spirit does with you, he is always in communication with you, in thought… and with his eyes… so he stands silently as you run, yet you know he is within and without your person… You no longer are formal with him but in a private relationship a pure connection to him and his responses to you with no words, but communication of the heart… His eyes, mind and heart are locked on you… as you saw and felt when you stopped running in the field and turned to look at him… You will run until you weary, then he will go into the field and walk you back with him and this time you will do so without a lead and at his side…

Please pardon my dust… as I run like a “horse’s ass” through the field, the “world” with my writings… …

 Hey my spiritual director knew of this spirit journey of mine and had no problem with it ... there are some "enlightened priests" who know God comes to you in many ways