Thursday, July 18, 2019

Visionaries and prophecies …

I have met many visionaries and they are not hopeful for the future, saying it is too late and one needs to pray for self and family and prepare for what is to come … for it is coming and nothing will stop it … It might be lessened if enough people pray … but a chastisement can no long be stopped …or so they say..

It will not come in a global war but from God himself (or so they say) as in an asteroid hitting the planet setting it on flame and people wishing they were dead for the destruction of it all … so now is the time to pray and convert (so they say) …

 Hmmm what do I say … the “alleged mystic” … I would rather not say… … I say go to Jesus now and sit before him (he is present in the Tabernacle and ask Him) have faith and trust He will let you know …

But here is a clip from the “night of the screams … Garabandal apparitions as mentioned in my other Blog … I knew the main visionary (Conchita)  and prayed with her for many years, she would pray in Spanish and I would pray in English  …  and Conchita has a deep prayer life and keeps her life extremely private  … 

Is this why I strongly recommend people go before the Tabernacle and pray … I do not know you tell me … sit there and see … I know for sure you need to go now, for you do not know when it will be too late for you … the end is coming for us all … It may be soon or it may be later … today could be your last day … or tomorrow or a year from now … so go now and pray …

Do I believe in Garabandal … why yes I do … for it is all about the True Presence … so did Padre Pio ... and Fr. Malachi Martin believed as well  

 Conchita is a very honest person and she is like a tomb, will not tell anyone the date of miracle, I know Bishops and Cardinals have pressed her to tell them but she would not  ...

Conchita  will never say anything about the Church ... never...  in that regards I am the big mouth pushy one ... my silence stopped when the children were abused and people were hurt and I learned  about it ... 

I know the Church pushed her big time and gave her grief at times and told her to be silent  (I can relate) ... Conchita went to the Vatican and met with Pope Paul VI and Padre Pio left her his "face / death cloth" in his Will ; there was cloth placed over Padre Pio face when he died... he instructed prior to his death that this should be given to Conchita... Padre Pio strongly believed the apparitions at Garabandal were true.

Above is The message of Garabandal