I am so blessed to have met so
many interesting people in life, from many walks of life… Buddy (Russell) Helm
is one of them … he is a “colorful fellow”…maybe a bit off at times (just the
way Jesus and I like people, those who live on the fringe, the outcast) Buddy is a drummer … teaches drumming … I
have taken drumming lessons from Buddy, although Buddy lives in California, years ago he would visit NJ and I would drum with him … a lot of fun.. Buddy was
one of the original contributors/ writers to the Star Wars saga… Buddy tells me
… he wanted to take the concept of “The Force” even further but George Lucas
did not want to expand on it (and since it was George Lucas’ book he won the
argument) … Oblivious “the Force” is God …
the last time I emailed Buddy was
in 2008 … below is a “portion of that email” and Buddy’s response … Buddy
taught drumming around the USA, he traveled a lot in the past … one favorite
stop for him was at a convent for Dominican Nuns in Michigan … 200 nuns drummed
with Buddy … they had a giant drum circle and they drummed … the music was
piped into the convent and the nuns inside started to beat on tables to the drum
Then all of a sudden a tree
outside busted into flames it was on fire … it was surrounded by flame but the
tree itself did not burn down (like the burning bush with Moses)
I keep all emails from the past in different folders many will inspire a
“story about Jesus”… hence I keep them
The below email was sent to Buddy
in June 2008 … I wanted him to tell me the story one more time about the nuns
and the “burning tree”… for I was doing research on Professor Tudor Parfit, and
his theory that the “Ark of the Convent” was really a “drum” and that the
sounds waves from it could call down the presence of God (but maybe it did) … I
do not believe his theory, but his thoughts on sound are interesting and
thought provoking …
Tue 10 Jun 2008
burning tree
Filed under: Uncategorized – buddyhelm @ 8:20 pm Edit This
burning tree
Filed under: Uncategorized – buddyhelm @ 8:20 pm Edit This
I received an interesting email:
First my email to Buddy
Hi Buddy,
The reason I write now is because
of a book “the lost ark of the covenant” written by a Professor Tudor Parfit.
He also had a show on the Learning Channel about this book and research… he
believes that the ark of the covenant was really a drum and by beating the drum
it gave the people communication with God and power… it made me think of you.
Although your mission seems to
steer clear of the spiritual and metaphysical, favoring the mechanical approach
to drumming you certainly are in awareness of the spiritual value of the drum
I remember a story you told me
about drumming with a group of nuns in Michigan and the tree that started to
burn yet was not consumed just like the “burning bush”… if you have the time
can you email me the entire story I found that most uplifting … thanks
Below was Buddy’s response to my
The Dominican Nuns invited me to
come out and drum for a Thursday Morning Prayer group art their international
Mother House convent.
They had seen what I do and allowed me to bring in the four corners blessing (Indian). They wanted to pray for peace in Iraq and passed the microphone around the 200 Nuns. There was also a video feed out to the over 1,000 cloistered nuns. When we finished drumming and praying the mother superior came in and informed me calmly;
They had seen what I do and allowed me to bring in the four corners blessing (Indian). They wanted to pray for peace in Iraq and passed the microphone around the 200 Nuns. There was also a video feed out to the over 1,000 cloistered nuns. When we finished drumming and praying the mother superior came in and informed me calmly;
“We have been here for over 150
years. We have a favorite tree out in front of the Mother House. It’s old and
it’s split up the side, but it’s still alive. It’s been here since the
beginning of this convent and we love it. It has just burst into flames as you
all have been drumming. The grounds keepers are calling it spontaneous
combustion…that happens…” she stated calmly.
The nuns standing around me did not react. They just acknowledged the occurrence in a matter-of-fact way.
The nuns standing around me did not react. They just acknowledged the occurrence in a matter-of-fact way.
The oldest Nun- in her 80′s said
gruffly, “When are we going to do this again?”
They then took me on a tour of
the grounds and I got to understand the profound heroic work done by the
Dominican order. At the end of the tour I asked, “I’m sorry, Sister, but I am a
man of…shall we say, pragmatic faith. Is it possible for me to see the tree?”
No one had gone out to see it.
They drove me around to the far side of the convent in front of the old beautiful brick Mother House.
They drove me around to the far side of the convent in front of the old beautiful brick Mother House.
The city fire department was just pulling away
after putting a yellow ribbon around the tree.
It was a very tall red oak, over two stories tall. It was enveloped in fragrant white smoke pouring out of the slit up the side. The mother superior said it was split but was still alive. The local newspaper photographer was there, he knew who I was. He was taking pictures, He had picked up the fire report on his radio.
It was a very tall red oak, over two stories tall. It was enveloped in fragrant white smoke pouring out of the slit up the side. The mother superior said it was split but was still alive. The local newspaper photographer was there, he knew who I was. He was taking pictures, He had picked up the fire report on his radio.
He said,”
“There were flames coming off the top while you were drumming. It was incredible.”
I noticed that the leaves had not been consumed. The tree was a giant fragrant, white cloud of smoke with green leaves.
“The leaves aren’t burned.” I said.
He nodded.
“Yeah. Pretty Weird huh? Get in there, let’s get some pictures with your drum.”
“There were flames coming off the top while you were drumming. It was incredible.”
I noticed that the leaves had not been consumed. The tree was a giant fragrant, white cloud of smoke with green leaves.
“The leaves aren’t burned.” I said.
He nodded.
“Yeah. Pretty Weird huh? Get in there, let’s get some pictures with your drum.”
I knelt in front of the tree and he shot a bunch of pics.
That morning I had asked God for
a sign, I was tired and I had my doubts about what I was doing.
“Look,” I said, “I am thick headed, a little dumb, stubborn and hard of
hearing. So if you want me to continue with this drumming thing, you’re gonna
have to make it real obvious. Otherwise, I’m gonna miss it.”
Buddy in the front of the tree that burst into flames as the nuns drummed, yet did not burn down... just like the burning bush with Moses |
Have you ever listened to the song “Hallelujah”…? I love
that song … the lyrics speak to there
being a “secret cord that David played and it pleased the Lord”… maybe there
are “secret cords that please the Lord”