Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reiki Master

There was a woman with a “blood issue”; before I start this post, I remember an old priest saying the “blood issue was she had cancer”… well no if she had bleeding cancer for over 20 years, she would have been dead. I am sure the woman had fibrous tumors in her uterus, hence the “blood issue”… 

… well this woman with a “blood issue”  touched the hem of Jesus’ tunic and he felt it and turned around to see who it was … His disciplines said “Lord there are many people surrounding you how can you tell”… I am sure here were ‘many” people touching Jesus as well… The difference was Jesus “felt her faith” the energy of her faith and as such he felt his “healing power flow out of him”

Jesus never healed anyone without their cooperation in the “healing”… Jesus never steps on anyone’s free will… they /you need to ask for a healing and have faith it will be done … hence the healing is actually coming from within yourself … and we have been given the power to do this via our faith … nothing else needed just key into faith, Jesus was a conduit for your faith … that is how God rolls in the natural world …  

Faith is not a “material object” it is an energy that can transform the material object and you can manipulate it (the energy that is) prayer is not a material object either it is an energy of “intent”…  
Hold onto your rosary beads (except you Teresa of Avila, I know you thought praying the rosary was a very low form of prayer) …

 Well I am a Reiki Master … and I know how to move energy around and I can see energy and I have seen miracles doing this …. Get the YouTube exorcist…

This is high form of awareness when you can do this and accept this you can be healed … you can get better … it is based on your intent and your faith … it was built into your design by God … most do not feel worthy to do this hence they will pray for a third party to do so … but no third party is doing it,  even when you are praying to a saint … it is your faith that is healing you,  not the saint … that is poppy cock… your faith and prayer is the miracle that is curing you … Jesus himself could not heal anyone if they did not have faith … so please do not tell me a saint can… they are not more powerful than Jesus Christ himself …

A Reiki Master is a conduit as well … a visual that you see but it is the client’s faith that is healing them … they for lack of better words are touching the hem of Jesus’ garment in faith,  the way the “woman with a blood issue” did …    

People have asked me in the past … what do you talk to Jesus about when you sit in front of the Tabernacle for hours Mary Jo … I talk science to Him … hey Jesus is the best science professor there is or ever was or ever will be … and talk about “tuition free college”.. I have been schooled for decades by Jesus’ True Presence in the Tabernacle … I was raised in a home that valued academics and science so I talk Science to Jesus … so here are some of things I have asked Jesus  …

1)      What does it really mean to quantum leap something

2)      A cloud of energy is that quantum energy… it take different shapes, colors and forms things… are atoms in there or is it just a cloud… is there molecular structure in this cloud energy or is it just free flowing without substance as we know it to be.

3)      How and why would blood be white or white light looking not red is that a matter of oxygen a matter of being in another dimension or is it light pure light… if blood is the life force of a human body does that mean that light can be a live force of a resurrected body

4)      Can a DNA helix spin both ways or does it just spin in one direction...

5)      What are light spectrum and can our human eyes see all light spectrums or just in a narrow band of these… we cannot see such things as ultra-violent light right…

6)      Is energy measured in color

7)      Is vibration measured in color… is it mathematical or musical

8)      Does music have codes and patterns in it… is it mathematical is it a language… can music produce color.

9)      Is movement in the body… vibration… can it be called musical does it have tones… are cells singing

10)    When energy moves faster is it excited and if it is can it do more expand itself… or reboot itself if it is off key so to say

11)    Is there resonance in all things and if injured do they change,  if you brought them back to the original resonance would we look at that as a miracle

12)   What is organized chaos… did God take chaos and just organize it

13)   what is a morphogenetic field

14)   are there waves of influence that can form matter through time and space…is behavior repeated in these waves of influence… and keep repeating itself due to its resonance

15)   Are there things not stored in the brain but in the ether?? That surround the organism and can someone read them…

16)   If someone is very strong willed can they stop this blueprint or influences… especially if they are producing something negative or harmful

17)   How is energy bundled into form… how is it separated from form

18)   Are these fields influenced by thought… action…speech

19)   What produces the energy the wave (cloud) or is that just a blueprint to collect the energy into…like a mold a form a pattern.. If so do you first think the pattern then the thought supplies the energy… does the energy, start with a thought and if so once thought by you can it be stopped

20)   Is everyplace, everywhere filled with these fields and can they be captured or used by thought to make things with them…. Or are you just capturing the influence the potential with thought

21)   Do this field surround certain people or blood lines in a different manner.. Does every one draw from the same fields or are there different ones endless ones out there...

22)   Are we created by God or are we a manifestation of God or is that both the same saying the same thing Creation is God

23)      Everything is vibrating making sound does that mean that everything is talking to God in their own language right down to cells and the structure within them

24)      Are there boundaries within this resonate

25)      Is separation from God causing this chaos  Is Jesus the order within chaos

      Jesus has his own resonance if you spend enough time in his presence i.e. prayer before the Tabernacle you will resonate to him for your whole being takes on the motion of him so hence whatever he did or does you can do… (such as when he said you can do greater things they I with faith)

It is proven science if a group of women are living together (as in a dorm), they will start to monthly cycle together .. the dominate one in the group tends to lead the pack  ...

It is true with Jesus you spend enough time,  with Him every day, before the Tabernacle  ... you will spiritual cycle with him for lack of better words 

Did Jesus answer me on the above questions ... dude that would be cheating you have to sit with Him to know the answers ... I have mine ... and you cannot look at my paper to get the answers ...