Friday, July 19, 2019

I am so fascinated by this “kid” Adam the Dream Healer

Adam McLeod (the dream healer) is no longer a kid but a doctor … yet I followed his career as a healer for the last 15 years , incredible capabilities this man has… he is like cutting edge medicine and science with his ability to move energy fields … and his ability to use “intent to heal”…  and that is exactly what Jesus Christ taught … “you have faith you can do it”… modern day speak is “intent” and the power of thinking / knowing it can be done and it will be done…  

Of course you have your religious fundamentalist that say he heals by the devil… yeah they said that about me as well …

There have been “prayer studies” at Harvard University and other universities about the power of prayer and intent, I know of one right now going on in NYC and also on the West Coast …  

But Adam is a really cool dude … really interesting fellow …

I have met many “so called healers” in my life … even took one on and it was filmed! I can be such a pain in the ass with people … but I hate fakes who rip off the sick … I have seen many “fake priest healers as well”… they “slay you in the spirit”… that alone is a sign “fake”… if something is pushing you down it is not of God … God lifts you up, does not throw you on the ground … 

I remember standing in front of one such priest (healer) and people were falling down to my right and to my left … then he came to me and tried to push me down literally tried to push me down (so he could say,  I was slayed in the spirit ) my response to him was “father are you going to pray for me or attempt to push me to the ground, for if it is the latter the presence of God in me is going to keep me standing firm” … he just walked away …   

Science has finally caught up with “Adam”, or maybe “science” is just now willing to admit,  Adam was always right  … above is a photo of Adam now


I have had times were I could "heal" people  ... ah but that will be future post ... .. but I will say it is based on "intent",  from the head and the heart ... I also believe everyone can do this... they just lack confidence in their ability to do so ... they think they are not worthy to do so ... hey they have been taught they are "sinners" and things like this cannot be done  ... you believe it cannot be done it will not be done  ...