Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hopefully the prophecy is true Frances is the last pope and his reign will end soon ... humanity cannot take anymore!!!


Vatican to Punish Employees Who Refuse to Comply With COVID-19 Certification....

No jab, no salary.

The Vatican is set to punish employees who refuse to comply with COVID-19 certification by not paying them. ... please remember all  money that the Vatican has or has collected over the centuries is actually the money or the property of the faithful, and indigenous people, who either gave it to the Church willingly or it was taken from the people,  with force by the Church ... so now they will use, "your donations and confiscations" not to pay those who refuse to be changed from a "creature of God" to a "creature of man" via an RNA vaccine ... which the Supreme Court declared (not of nature) ... I refer to my post  ...


Yes, really.

Vatican staffers who are unable to prove they’d been jabbed or who refuse to pay for expensive negative COVID tests will be considered “unjustly absent” and paid no salary.

The new rules will go into force from October 1st onward.

As we highlighted last week, the Italian government has also passed a decree applying to both the private and public sector ordering companies to withhold pay from workers who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Those found working without the pass face fines of up to €1,500 euros after it was extended as a condition of entry for museums, stadiums, pubs, restaurants, and schools.

The unvaccinated were also banned from using long distance public transport, meaning that holidays, travel for work and visiting relatives has become impossible for many.

And folks this is coming to America as well ... so buckle up ... and they will  not stop with a "vaccination passport"... there will be carbon passports... booster passports ... social credit passports ... at this point the book of Revelation seems tame to what is happening in the world ....

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Slam Dunk for humanity ... Kyrie Irving is a real American icon not just a phony paid off and whored out professional athlete


Kyrie Irving is an American professional basketball player for the Brooklyn Nets of the National Basketball Association. He was named the Rookie of the Year after being selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the first overall pick in the 2011 NBA draft. A seven-time All-Star and three-time member of the All-NBA Team, he won an NBA championship with the Cavaliers in 2016

Bravo to the Mr. Irving... he put his wallet where his beliefs are and is not a sell out... and this is how far we have fallen in this country and in the world ... he was already fined $50,000 by the NBA for not wearing a mask at a family gathering ... meanwhile "politicians and other privileged class", such as the Hollywood elite " can go mask-less" any time they want in public, whether the event is small or large  with impunity ...  

NEW YORK -- Due to New York City's COVID-19 regulations, Kyrie Irving had to participate in Media Day remotely on Monday. While 15 of his Brooklyn Nets teammates sat at a podium at Barclays Center, the assembled reporters had to talk to Irving through a screen. 

Irving's Zoom lighting wasn't great, but nothing could obscure the elephant in the room. The city requires that every Nets player must have had at least one vaccine dose to enter the arena or practice facility, in the absence of a religious or medical exemption. Irving has not been vaccinated against COVID-19, Fox Sports' Yaron Weitzman reported

Nets general manager Sean Marks said last week that the city requirements would not be a hindrance to the team. If Irving is unvaccinated and doesn't get an exemption, however, he will not be able to practice with the Nets in Brooklyn or play in home games.

Meanwhile the “vaccinated professional athletes” sitting next to each other are probably more likely to spread and contract covid than Mr. Irving is … that is if the censored reports and numbers from such countries like Israel are true and I see no reason for them to lie… the rate of infection and hospitalization among those vaccinated with the covid vaccine are far greater than those who are unvaccinated …

There is more to life than slamming basketballs into a hoop and running down a football field and Kyrie Irving is standing up for the rights of every American, indeed every soul in the world … the right to his own body and privacy. The irony here, I read in one article that Mr. Irving’s actions of not revealing his vaccination status is too much of a distraction to the game. Are you F’n serious!!!! Meanwhile whenever any professional athlete took a knee and refused to stand for the flag that was not “distracting to the game”!!!  This is political and this is mass genocide and medical tyranny… and Bravo to Mr. Irving a real hero to me and his not saying what his vaccination status is … This is more powerful and more meaningful than any athlete who “took a knee” for they did that for fame and money … what Mr. Irving did is the opposite he loses money in doing so and he makes himself a target for ridicule by the same media that held the “knee benders” on high … this should show all Black people and all people this is not about “race” to the power elite, this is about control of us all …

I am not a fan of professional sports … but I am now a fan of Mr. Kyrie Irving    

Ah, remember back in the day … a mere year ago when they said … no mandatory vaccines … and what will they force on us next year and the year after … unless we become a Kyrie Irving in our own rights ...


Sunday, September 26, 2021

God Bless Jodi O'Malley , she has a greater faith / trust in God than Pope Frances and my local Bishop

 I love Jodi's words ... "they do not want you to have  critical thinking", same holds true for the hierarchy of the Church ... such as "do as I say, not as I do", which is the motto for the hierarchy and the globalists, yet I repeat myself they are the same... 

I also love Jodi saying,  if they call you an conspiracy theorist ...  hold that title as a badge of honor ... for in today's day and age conspiracy theorist  means critical thinker ... I also recall the words of  Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, when he stated, "they called Noah a conspiracy theorist until it started to rain" ....

below is a baby who was in the covid vaccine trial ...

Where are the "right to lifers" with this issue, and where are the Knights of Columbus ... 

Did you "Nazi" this coming ... or do you still have your head buried in the sand

follow up to my post on September 23, 2021

I have written many posts about whistle blowers in regards to what is really happening behind the scenes, with the covid vaccine and medical tyranny that is gripping the globe ... one of my favorite's is Project Veritas ... they recently released the second part of their covid corruption interviews ...

FDA Official: ‘Blow Dart’ African Americans with COVID Vaccine is ‘Where We’re Going...Just Shoot Everyone’ … Calls for a ‘Nazi Germany’ Style ‘Registry’ of Unvaccinated Americans: ‘Think About It Like The Jewish Star’

  • Taylor Lee, FDA Economist: “Go to the unvaccinated and blow it [COVID vaccine] into them. Blow dart it into them.”

  • Lee: “Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So, we have the infrastructure to do it [forced COVID vaccinations]. I mean, it’ll cost a ton of money. But I think, at that point, I think there needs to be a registry of people who aren’t vaccinated. Although that’s sounding very [much like Nazi] Germany.”

  • Lee: “Nazi Germany…I mean, think about it like the Jewish Star [for unvaccinated Americans].”

  • Lee: “I’m gonna go door-to-door and stab everyone [with the COVID vaccine], ‘Oh, it’s just your booster shot! There you go!’”

  • Lee: “So, if you put every anti-vaxxer, like sheep, into like Texas and you closed off Texas from the rest of the world, and you go, ‘Okay, you be you in Texas until we deal with this [pandemic].’”

  • Lee: “All of the wealthy white people are getting vaccinated because they're educated.”

  • Lee: “There are political appointees [at the FDA] that are generally scientific advisors or are appointed by the president or the commission…They're being paid based on if the other people are staying in power.”

  • Lee: “Unfortunately, everyone ends up playing politics, but I don't think that the career scientists are -- I think that it's the people that they're unfortunately having to report to because these political appointees are being put in place and that’s part of like -- the Senate confirms the people to then just pick their people.”

[WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sept. 22, 2021] Project Veritas released the second video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today exposing U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] economist, Taylor Lee, who was recorded calling for forced COVID vaccinations and a registry for all unvaccinated Americans.

Lee said that U.S. Government policy could emulate Nazi Germany when it comes to the COVID vaccine.

“Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So, we have the infrastructure to do it [forced COVID vaccinations]. I mean, it’ll cost a ton of money. But I think, at that point, I think there needs to be a registry of people who aren’t vaccinated. Although that’s sounding very [much like Nazi] Germany,” Lee said.

“Nazi Germany…I mean, think about it like the Jewish Star [for unvaccinated Americans],” he said.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Evil at the highest level

If you look on Wikipedia or as I called it Wicked-pedia, they lie and write misinformation in regards to “Project Veritas” …  Project Veritas … goes undercover and secretly videos or actually video tapes whistle blowers… thank God for such organizations as Project Veritas … or we the public would never know the truth behind the scenes … my hat is off to  James O’Keefe,  the founder of Project Veritas … his organization kicks ass and through him the “regular person” , can expose criminal activity, which would otherwise go unchecked…  

I am proud to say that James O’Keefe was born in New Jersey, a State top heavy, with corrupt liberal politicians … Every once and a while the State of NJ produces a remarkable individual, who marks the human consciousness and who promotes the truth, which lives behind the lies and Mr. O'Keefe is one such individual  …

Project Veritas latest journey into seeking the truth among the lies is in regards to the Covid vaccine … I urge you to listen to it  …  Especially if you “believe in God”, for the female whistle blower mentions her “faith in God”… over the fear and manipulation of mankind by man, which has been my main themes in every one of my blogs and posts, for over a decade of blogging, and prior to this pandemic and during it...  

Federal Govt Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’; ‘Shove’ Adverse Effect Reporting ‘Under the Mat’

  • Dr. Maria Gonzales, ER Doctor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “All this is bullshit. Now, [a patient] probably [has] myocarditis due to the [COVID] vaccine. But now, they [government] are not going to blame the vaccine.”

  • Dr. Gonzales: “They [government] are not reporting [adverse COVID vaccine side effects]…They want to shove it under the mat.”

  • Deanna Paris, Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “It’s a shame they [government] are not treating people [with COVID] like they're supposed to, like they should. I think they want people to die.”

  • Jodi O’Malley, Insider and Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The COVID vaccine is “not doing what it’s purpose was.”

  • O’Malley: “I’ve seen dozens of people come in with adverse reactions.”

  • O’Malley: “If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use?”

  • O’Malley: I’m not afraid of blowing the whistle “because my faith lies in God and not man…You know, like what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this -- this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”

  • O’Malley: “At the end of the day, it’s about your health, and you can never get that back -- and about your freedom, and about living in a peaceful society, and I’m like, ‘no.’ No. This is the hill that I will die on.” (God Bless Ms. O'Malley and all those who fight this evil medical tyranny) 

the video can be found here ...

And in my opinion Pope France and other "supposedly Christian leaders" who push this vaccine, are part of this evil at the highest level (on earth that is) ...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Who stands to gain ...Cui bono

Do you have a family Crest ??? My family does ... I learned about it when I did genealogical research on my family... fascinating stuff, when you learn about your family,  when you do the research... it is also fascinating to learn about the people in the news "family background" and do research on their family Crest  ... Below is Fauci's family crest ...and his last name means ..."sickle"   ... is this coincidence ??? 

Dr. Fauci's coat of arms prominently displays 3 sickles, and again, the meaning of the name Fauci is sickle

 That's interesting because  are we at the end of the world, the time of the harvest, where the sickle is sent forth!

"For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. 

But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come." - Mark 4:28-29 (KJV Holy Bible)

There are precisely 3 sickles displayed on Dr. Fauci's Coat of Arms.

In the Bible the number 3 = Abaddon (destroying angel) or place of destruction (personified). 

another creepy thing I just learned is the "social distancing of 6 feet ... is this coincidence as well that it is the number 6 ???? in each direction ... thus it is 666

Everyone is having to stand 6 ft. from each other in each direction, 666 - a "being" away from each other!

666 also represents the 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons of the carbon element. 

These social distancing stickers are simply a manifestation of the system, as we are spiritual beings who are trapped in carbon-based flesh bodies.

999 is used in this scripture:

"But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. 

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch G999." - Matthew 15: 13-14 (KJV Holy Bible)


"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit in-corruption." - 1 Corinthians 15: 47-50 (KJV Holy Bible)

Monday, September 20, 2021

Don't look down ... to our southern border and the UN agenda that is and did you know the government can shut down your drones, so they cannot fly

Do you suffer from vertigo, when you look down from high places? Does your head start to spin? And do you have a uneasy feeling like you are going to fall?

if you look "down" to our southern border ... it will make you dizzy,  lightheaded  and you "feel" like our country is "falling" and will soon die from the fall ...and every minute under the Biden administration and the globalists makes our country more and more unsteady on its feet ... and Joe Biden and his handlers are desperately and systematically pushing our country closer and closer to the ledge and hoping this country will fall and die... 

In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clinton's of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation. “Clinton, where’s the money?” the Haitian signs read. “In whose pockets?” Said Dhoud Andre of the Commission Against Dictatorship, “We are telling the world of the crimes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for in Haiti.”

In the 1980’s and early 1990’s I traveled a great deal and I remember in the 1980’s, I toyed with traveling to Haiti that is until I spoke with my travel agent… he said, Haiti is not safe for Americans and especially women and that they still do “animal sacrificing” and rumor had it human sacrificing as well … and when you see a fire on a hill in Haiti,  it is probably due to a Voodoo ceremony going on … the agent suggested I go to the other side of the island the Dominican Republic … I thought about it and I thought “No Way” … that evil ju-ju energy created in Haiti can travel over to the other side of the island !!!  Yet I have family members who have vacationed in the Dominican Republic and love it there … for me it is a giant… NO THANK-YOU! 

And since I have always had a keen interest in spirituality and how people get to a higher self, I have done research into Voodoo and local Voodoo priests and many in the area have a Haitian background and/or a Jamaican background  ...    

Although a vast majority of Haitian’s claim to be “Christians”  

Most Haitians are Roman Catholic, while a growing number claim to be Protestant (estimates range from 20 to 30 percent).  But surveys have found the vast majority of Haitians – regardless of religious affiliation – hold at least some Voodoo beliefs.

Voodoo and Haitian History

As the story goes, the Haitian revolution kicked off on a night in 1791 at a place called Bois Caiman.  A group of slaves, led by a Voodoo priest named Boukman, met together and vowed to overthrow their white oppressors.  According to accounts, someone sacrificed a pig and the assembled group drank the pig’s blood.  Eight days later, the uprising began.

It is often said that during this ceremony, Haiti’s soon-to-be leaders made a pact with Satan, dedicating the land to him for 200 years in exchange for victory.

The French were defeated after more than a decade of struggle.  When Haiti’s founding fathers drafted various versions of the nation’s constitution, it included no language about Satan or even Voodoo.  The Constitution of 1807 established religious freedom but made Roman Catholicism Haiti’s official religion – stating that no other religion (including Voodoo) could be practiced in public. Many scholars believe, however, that the declaration of Catholicism as the official religion was largely a political move by then President Toussaint L’Ouverture to appease various European powers.

In a controversial move in 2003, Haiti’s Catholic president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, made Voodoo an official religion in the country, giving certain Voodoo ceremonies such as marriage equal standing with Christian ones. Many historians believe that Aristide’s decision, like L’Ouverture’s before him, was also largely to curry political favor.

And below the ....Three former presidents are all for this open immigration of radical Afghanistan's who are into raping pre-teen girls … they are Clinton … Bush … Obama … they are all globalists and never had the best interests of the USA in mind … and basically they are all war criminals in their invasions of sovereign countries and destabilizing the entire middle east …and surprise .. Surprise they all have “nonprofit foundations”, of which they receive a lot of “profits” from…


And the main stream media ... under the control of the globalists and the Biden administration refuse to cover this story ... so most Americans are totally unaware...  clueless actually ... and will remain so until it affects them and their families personally and it will happen  ...  via higher taxes, via lower services and food available, via the rationing of health care, via an extreme jump in crime, via all the diseases that this unchecked immigration is bringing into the Country  ... for now most Americans trend to be "see no evil.... hear no evil... speak no evil... until that evil is at their own doorstep and knocking on their front door" ... 

Secret military bases have a no fly zone and the use of deadly force is authorized… in these air spaces if you fly in the them, fighter jets will escort you out of the area and if you refuse to comply, they will shoot you out of the sky… you cannot photograph these areas, nor can you fly a drone over these areas … these military  bases have high tech sensors on levels not released or even known to the public, which included bio-metrics, digital monitoring and the jamming of signals such as the GPS all drones fly with… apparently within every drone there is a “backdoor” so to say … a “computer chip” that the military industrial complex and the government can “blocked” and without this functioning no drone can fly … and this is what they did to “news drones” trying to covering the story at the southern border …and they are also banning cameras with long lens to take photos of what is happening on our southern border… so basically the government is now treating our southern border like a “secret military operation” and they do not want any news coverage of it …

 the info wars lawyer recently filed a lawsuit against FAA for doing this… this completely denies every American their first amendment rights and if this is such a “good and humanitarian thing to do”… by the Biden administration, why are they hiding it from the American people … and you know who else is there,  helping Biden … “Catholic Charities” and the UN ….  

Alex Jones Files Lawsuit Against FAA Over Drone Restriction at Border Crossing Where Thousands of Migrants are Gathering....

Alex Jones’ InfoWars has filed a lawsuit against the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) over its recent ban on drones capturing footage of thousands of migrants accumulating in Del Rio, Texas.

The FAA declared a no-fly zone for unmanned air crafts systems (UAS) over the Del Rio International Bridge in South Texas. The department has said “special security reasons” are behind the decision, but critics have blasted the move as it appeared to come in response to numerous videos spreading across social media and causing outrage over the thousands of illegal immigrants gathered and huddled closely together under the bridge. 

and where are  most of these illegal immigrants going  
But my "blue State governor" said they are welcomed here as well

So who paid/ pays  for the "immigrants" at our southern border... Biden T-shirts ... their cell phones ... their food and traveling needs, the tents cities, the medical care given to them  ... why you did/ do  the American taxpayer ... in the State of NY alone there is 2.1 Billion plus available for the "undocumented" and then there is the Refugee Cash Assistance programs ... and least I forget Catholic Charities that all Catholics place their hard money into ... 


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Books are burned except for books like "Lawn Boy"... flashback to the 3rd Reich

The third Reich  is alive and well in such people like Biden and his cohorts and Bill Gates, Fauci and the globalists who directly or whose families supported and backed Hitler... 

The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles

With the approval of the government, a renowned sexologist ran a dangerous program. How could this happen?

How could this happen they ask ... how can this be happening the USA and the UN are running a global "dangerous experiment" right now on all people and children called the "covid vaccine", which was in the wings waiting, for Fauci and his demonic entity cohorts to create a bio-weapon,  placing 3 to 5 different killer viruses and spike proteins into a "biological weapon" and released it ...

How could this happened the New Yorker wrote ... seriously !!!!  Tell me this how can this continues to  happen... that such things are still  happening around the global ... in religious institutions, the Boy Scouts, schools,  in government, in politics, in the justice system... and with the globalists ... since the start of the "planned pandemic"... human trafficking has gone up, pedophilia has gone up, child and spousal abuse has gone up ... and the social safety net has been destroyed for these poor souls ... This is demonic chaos to say the lease and this agenda in our country is being pushed forward by Biden  ... the useful idiot who sits in "stolen power" ... and if you do not think they stole the votes from Trump voters think again ... they are stealing your right to you own body now, your right to work, your right to travel, attend a movie or theater and or a professional football game ... unless you take their deadly poison vaccine ...

Elizabeth Warren Demands Amazon Censor Best-Selling Books....

Senator Elizabeth Warren is demanding Amazon censor best-selling books because they contain information that challenges the official narrative on coronavirus.

Warren wrote a letter asserting that Amazon was complicit in spreading “COVID-19 misinformation” because it allows people to buy books authored by people like Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has been targeted by the mainstream media as a purveyor of “dangerous” fake news about COVID and vaccines.

“During the week of August 22, 2021, my staff conducted sample searches on of pandemic-related terms such as ‘COVID-19,’ ‘COVID,’ ‘vaccine,’ ‘COVID 19 vaccine,’ and ‘pandemic,’” Sen. Warren wrote in a letter addressed to Amazon’s CEO Andy Jassy. “The top results consistently included highly-ranked and favorably-tagged books based on falsehoods about COVID-19 vaccines and cures.”

Of course, the claim that these are “falsehoods” is a completely arbitrary assertion made by Warren and her staff, with no objective standard of proof required.

Mercola was again singled out for condemnation.

And How could this happen I ask ... a grieving father who took his son to get a Death jab vaccine, now tries to warn the public and Facebook and YouTube banned him ... And why wasn't an in-depth autopsy done on his son ... you never see autopsy reports on people who died post their covid vaccine ...Why???... you saw so called expert pathologist come out of the wood work to autopsy Black people who were killed by cops ... or illegal immigrants who have died at the boarder  ... but covid vaccine deaths not one so called "expert pathologist" steps up and does his or her job ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Walking your daughter down the isle, for many of the immigrants coming out of Afghanistan it is selling your baby daughter into a child marriage

welcome to Western Europe and  America you "legalized pedophiles", with your child brides ...

I have written about this subject matter in the past ... the "legal rape" of young girls (called religious and cultural rights) to marry a 8 year old child or younger !!!  It is legal in the USA and when Chris Christie was Governor of NJ he refused to ban the practice by refusing to sign a bill against "child marriage" ... that man was and is a f'n a-hole ...

Yes some creepy old perverted 50 year old can go and marry a 8 year old kid and not be labeled a pedophilia, but a "husband" and I have written in the past about a young You-tuber "Soph" who was banned from YouTube over 2 years ago ...for daring to speak up about this subject and posting a graphic YouTube about it ... 

Soph was one of the first kicked off of YouTube, for her views and opinions ... even before Alex Jones was kicked off of YouTube  Soph was ... I like her and I love her sass!!!

The video below was made by Soph, she had made hundred of hot topic videos  ... she is one tough and intelligent young woman, her family should be very proud of her, Soph was  and is way ahead of her time... indeed a sassy prophet of her time 

And who can forget this abomination under the Obama presidency  ... soldiers were told to look the other way if they saw a child being raped by an Afghanistan ... but to be fair the George W Bush administration  did the same thing ... for there is no separation  between the Dems and the Republicans  in this regard, each side has their fair share of perverts ..

U.S. soldier punished for stopping child rape by Afghan

Monday, September 13, 2021

Black helicopters and white cable trucks in the area

For decades Black helicopters in the skies and “men in black”, following them have been the cry of those trying to disclose UFO’s are real or as the government now calls them “UAP’s”, which is actually a new term for UFO that is supposed to have less of a stigma attached. Ironic isn’t it … it was the government who attached the “stigma to the UFO phrase”. To make anyone who reported them seem crazy  … now the government  made up a new phrase “UAP”, so the government  can sound creditable … what bullshit … what verbal gymnastics to make fools out of people, calling them crazy or conspiracy theorist  when all along the government was researching the topic of UFO’s and know they are real ... 

UAP stands for 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena'.

UFO stands for 'Unidentified Flying Object'

Many experts in the field found UFO was being ridiculed and reports were not being taken seriously.

It's thought UAP is a more professional term and it's becoming increasingly more common as the US begins to seriously discuss UFO/UAP sightings.

 The United States Office of Naval Intelligence now has an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) program. (Note here they have had this task force for decades only making it public recently)

It collects reported sightings of mysterious flying objects.

UAP doesn't necessarily have to refer to a suspected 'alien craft' sighting.

Some people think using the term UAP will get sightings taken more seriously.

It's thought over 90% of UFO sightings have a reasonable explanation

However, recent footage released by the pentagon of strange flying objects is still baffling experts.

But what about the “white cable trucks”… operating in my area for the last few months, laying hundreds of miles of new cable lines … I emailed the mayor in Wananque a couple of weeks ago and I asked him, what is going on with all the new cable lines being installed in the area … the Mayor’s response was “cablevision” has a really big contract and they are installing new cable wires in the area to speed up cable connections and make the system more powerful and faster … Hmmmm…. 

Now I have been with “cablevision” now called Altice for the last 30 plus years, the original company was family owned and then they sold it to an “French company” … and the service has gone down dramatically as the prices have gone up drastically and they lock you into an “old contract of sorts” and will not let you upgrade to a lower costing / faster service if you are an existing customers the "good deals" are only for the new customers … 

 … I would have cancelled this service for it sucks and I am being ripped off financially by them  and I think this “French company” is a den of thieves … taking their French philosophy  of ripping people off in America,  with no morals or scruples … I would have gotten rid of Optimum years ago, if not for the fact they are the only game in town, which in essence is “blackmail and extortion”, I have to pay whatever they say in order to have phone service, TV service and internet service… there is no one competing against them in this area … which the State of NJ allows with exclusive contracts  with kickbacks to politicians … 

so I wonder you have a “corrupt French company” called “Altice”, given exclusive rights to an entire area of NJ / NY/ CT … now laying new cables with a contract worth nearly 1 billion dollars …for what … why … is it for the customer ??? I think not  !!! 

Cablevision, the cable operator that is a stalwart of the New York metropolitan area, was bought by Altice, a European telecommunications company.  With the Altice deal, Dolan (former owner of Cablevision) handed control to a group of Europeans who also snapped up Suddenlink, a cable provider with 1.5 million homes 

Altice is now into the "cell phone" business and connected to 5 G... so all theses new cables are making for an extremely powerful "tracking network" if turned on the American people (more specifically the people in my locale)... sound far fetched ... Altice is a French company and that is exactly what they are doing in France ... just a few days ago senile Joe Biden stated, "we waited long enough for you (American citizens that is illegals immigrants are exempt) to get your free covid vaccines, now you will be forced to get them to be able to work" ... is tracking everyone far behind???? The next tracking will not be about "vaccines" but supposed climate changes that they say you caused (meaning collectively and your need to eat meat, for cows produce "carbon") ...

Even more frightening is what is happening in Australia, Australians are forced to download an "app" to their cell phones ... a government controlled app and the government can contact you at moment using this app and you have 15 minutes to reply to the government / take your photo (a selfie)... and if you are not where they tell  you can be the police will come for you... you are told when you can go out, where you can go in Australia ... they have a similar thing going on in France (where the cable company Altice is from).... so tell me again why is Altice installing so many miles of new and powerful cable lines ???? For the customers??? ... if you live in the area take notice of the small circular devices they have hanging separately from some of these cable lines ... no it is not "extra cable" ... but a circular device almost looks like a small TV antenna of sorts... there many of them and they are spaced and spread out for miles attached to the cable lines... Next time you drive down Ringwood Ave ... in Wanaque ... Haskell take notice ... They kind of look like the “plastic coated” device you can place on your roof to pick up TV and Cable transmissions … they appear to be some type of signal amplifier. Optimum used to have “hot spots” where your wi fi connection was strong… now it seems the “new wires” will keep the signal strong no matter where you are… in essence everywhere becomes a “hot spot” … like a cell tower but these are cable wires …  

For the people in the State of New Jersey this coming Nov election is extremely important, it will decide who our governor will be … If Murphy is reelected for sure, before his second term ends “Altice” will be using those new and powerful cable lines to track us like in Australia … have you noticed Murphy has been silent on Biden’s mandates and Murphy has not been pushing mandated vaccinations … or climate shutdowns… why Murphy even removed the 8 cent per gallon tax increase he put into the place after he was elected the first time around …

 if Murphy is reelected  … gas taxes will soar by his hand … mask mandates for everyone will come back and he will jump on board with Biden’s executive order for forced vaccination or lose your job and I am sure he would start a “pilot / beta program” for tracking the citizens of the State of NJ in certain locations  … Murphy’s silence now speaks loudly to those who are listening… he will ramp up control and medical tyranny in the state if reelected and taxes will soar and shut downs will begin again … this is the agenda of the Dems and sadly many Republicans… but with the Republicans at least we have a chance …

Sadly if the number of people with face masks on in stores that are not mandating them right now are any indication… Murphy will win again at least in Northern NJ, Southern NJ seems to be a bit more sane  … more and more people are masking up in Northern NJ even though masks do not work … some with 2 masks on this is so crazy … they make themselves sick by wearing one mask never mind 2 …. These people cling to their face masks the way some Catholics cling to their rosary beads, their face mask has become a “sacramental” to them … try to “de-mask” them and they will go ballistic as if you are attacking their religion …        


Is the New phone app  Australians forced to download ... testing its "product" in Australia  before it goes global and to the USA

One could argue ... what country has more restrictions now North Korea or Australia 

Before 2020, the idea of Australia all but forbidding its citizens from leaving the country, a restriction associated with Communist regimes, was unthinkable. Today, it is a widely accepted policy. “Australia’s borders are currently closed and international travel from Australia remains strictly controlled to help prevent the spread of COVID-19,” a government website declares.

 “International travel from Australia is only available if you are exempt or you have been granted an individual exemption.” This means if you have the money, power or postilion the rules do not apply to you, just like here in America .... The rule is enforced despite assurances on another government website, dedicated to setting forth Australia’s human-rights-treaty obligations, that the freedom to leave a country “cannot be made dependent on establishing a purpose or reason for leaving.”

The nation’s high court struck down a challenge to the country’s COVID-19 restrictions. “It may be accepted that the travel restrictions are harsh. It may also be accepted that they intrude upon individual rights,” it ruled. “But Parliament was aware of that.” Until last month, Australians who are residents of foreign countries were exempt from the rule so they could return to their residence. But the government tightened the restrictions further, trapping many of them in the country too.

Intrastate travel within Australia is also severely restricted. And the government of South Australia, one of the country’s six states, developed and is now testing an app as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules. Returning travelers quarantining at home will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person. “We don’t tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes,”Premier Steven Marshall explained. “I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app.”

Other states also curtailed their citizens’ liberty in the name of safety. The state of Victoria announced a curfew and suspended its Parliament for key parts of the pandemic. “To put this in context, federal and state parliaments sat during both world wars and the Spanish Flu, and curfews have never been imposed,” the scholar John Lee observed in an article for the Brookings Institution. “In responding to a question about whether he had gone too far with respect to imposing a curfew (avoiding the question of why a curfew was needed when no other state had one), Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews replied: ‘it is not about human rights. It is about human life.’” ( Daniel Andrews is fucking demon to say the least ... "human rights" are "human life" ... if you do not have "human rights" there is no reason for "human life" you are slave without them... you are a controlled animal without them ... you are "trans-human without them")

In New South Wales, Police Minister David Elliott defended the deployment of the Australian military to enforce lockdowns, telling the BBC that some residents of the state thought “the rules didn’t apply to them.” In Sydney, where more than 5 million people have been in lockdown for more than two months, and Melbourne, the country’s second-biggest city, anti-lockdown protests were banned, and when dissenters gathered anyway, hundreds were arrested and fined, Reuters reported.

Australia is undoubtedly a democracy, with multiple political parties, regular elections, and the peaceful transfer of power. But if a country indefinitely forbids its own citizens from leaving its borders, strands tens of thousands of its citizens abroad, puts strict rules on intrastate travel, prohibits citizens from leaving home without an excuse from an official government list, mandates masks even when people are outdoors and socially distanced, deploys the military to enforce those rules, bans protest, and arrests and fines dissenters, is that country still a liberal democracy? ( Australia is no longer a democracy ... not even a dictatorship Australia has become North Korea on steroids and this is coming to the USA if we do not stand up against it ) 

Testing technology: Why Australia is the perfect sandbox for innovation

Why global business tests its products in Australia