Sunday, August 1, 2021

'Madam Speaker, You Are Not God!'

 There is only one truth ... one God and being that today is Sunday, I speak to the existence of God and truth ... and Pelosi and her cohorts know neither ... yes they "rule on earth"... but ... her time on earth is short so let her have her human power now ... for the "real power" laughs at her and her foolish ways ... she used to anger me ... now she is just a pathetic creepy, very old lady ... like a dinosaur struggling and roaring  in a tar pit doomed to die, with only a fleeting existence on the planet left ... she provides hell on earth for many ... God will provide her with  hell for eternity  ... the evil and destruction she and the likes of Fauci have provided for millions on earth is God's fight not mine and I already know God wins ...  

On the House floor, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) decried Speaker Pelosi for reinstating a mask mandate on members of the House and their staffs, accusing her of "medical apartheid."

                               only one truth ... and what Pelosi  pushes is a false narrative