There are more cases of covid hospitalizations in Israel this year of "vaccinated" people than there were cases of all hospitalized covid patients last year at this time ... prior to any vaccine .... and we will see this as well in the US this fall, and this will include the children whose parents forced to take the vaccine. And of course the media will claim it is the fault of un-vaccinated ...
They say … God never takes away free will, even when you die … you choose heaven or hell, not God …
you are choosing “everyday” heaven or hell in your actions and deeds … Those
who voted for Biden choose hell on earth plain and simple, those who are “woke”
and chose the destruction of the family and distortion and destruction of the
natural law itself … the tragic thing is
they dragged down those who tried to choose differently …or as all the prophets
of old and current have said … “in those days, the good will suffer with the
I am starting to think … maybe … just maybe America was/ is
not as “righteous” as we all thought it was and I no longer believe the Catholic Church is what Christ intended as “His Church”
to be… it was high jacked by Satan, post
the death of Christ…
The world is changing so fast … all around us … for the last
18 months we live in a totally different world and it is only getting worse and
more perverted and extremely dangerous on a moment to moment bases …this cannot
be just random or even just by the release of a bio-weapon (which covid is) …
this had to be planned and executed by “unseen forces” and this I mean both literally
and figuratively, as in the direct actions of mankind and also the direct forces
of evil energies… as in we battle with the seen and unseen worlds around us…
I have been writing and blogging for a long time and have met many visionaries along the way and all of us have a common theme … the evil within the Freemasons and for those brave enough to say it the evils within the Catholic Church, the most powerful religion and State on the planet for thousands of years…
Zeitgeist 2025: Countdown to the Secret Destiny of America… The Lost Prophecies of Qumran, and The Return of Old Saturn’s Reign
Before and after the presidency of Donald Trump, the United States was―and now is again―on an intentional trajectory to fulfill what famous Freemason Manly P. Hall described as The Secret Destiny of America. Hall’s book includes future national and global subservience to the god of Freemasonry, a deity most Americans would not imagine when reciting the pledge of allegiance to “one nation under God.” Unknown to most Americans and certainly many Christians is the fact that the Great Seal of the United States is a prophecy hidden in plain sight by the Founding Fathers for more than two hundred years, foretelling the return of this terrifying, demonic god who seizes control of Earth in the New Order of the Ages. This supernatural entity was known and feared in ancient times by different names: Apollo, Osiris, and even farther back as Nimrod, whom Masons consider to be the father of their institution.Does ancient prophecy indicate he will return in 2025?
•Hidden secrets and forgotten prophecies surrounding the year 2025
•How the current U.S. government is tied to America’s occult destiny
•Lost prophecies from Qumran forecasting 2025 as the final age of man
•Why historians and intelligence agencies foresee a totalitarian world government by 2025 •How America’s Capital city is laid out to actuate arrival of Antichrist
•About the malevolent, Orwellian trinity currently converging
•The means by which the population’s thinking and speaking are being homogenized to create a nation of assimilated devotees who will embrace Antichrist
•The deep, esoteric meanings that names and titles held in ancient societies, the impact they had upon destiny, and what that could mean for America’s near future
•Who the mysterious character Melchizedek of Genesis 14 truly was
•What the “People of the Name” covenant is