Wednesday, August 11, 2021

They are testing a Nationwide "kill switch" today for the internet and the take over of all information by FEMA ...

Good old birthday boy Obama gave the USA the "internet kill switch" , where the only voice you hear and info you get is from the government... and most dangerous agency within the government FEMA 

Important info below  

Once again the likes of Alex Jones and other who predicted this years ago ... a test is being done nationwide today ... to shut down the internet to only "FEMA broadcasting" ... yep here we go ... welcome to the 7 years of tribulation and total globalist / communist rule!

It is also interesting to me for the last 2 plus days in the area where I live ... internet lines and telecommunications lines were being worked on with multiple crews in multiple areas and towns... coincidence???  Think again... this is a plan in motion 

Below is a message I received yesterday from my internet and cable provider 

On August 11, 2021 at 2 pm, FEMA and the FCC are planning a Nationwide Emergency Alert Test. Test messages will be sent to TVs and radios, as well as cell phones that have opted-in to receive test messages.   

The emergency alert signal will last about five minutes. At that point, your TV channels will be temporarily interrupted.      

Once the test is complete, you may need to reboot your equipment to resume watching TV. To do this, unplug the power, wait 5-10 seconds, then plug the power back in.               

To learn more about the alert, please visit

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This email was sent to you because it contains important information about your account or service and cannot be unsubscribed from.       

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I bet "big corporations" who are playing along with this administration and the globalists (such as Target and Walmart )  will have no disruptions at 2 pm today