Sunday, August 15, 2021

Do you see it yet?

A couple of years ago,  I took a couple of courses at the local Community College, just to expand my knowledge base and at my age it was an eye opener on several levels ... yet I must say,  since it was an "inner City" community college, there were many young adults of color, mostly poor and all were focused and determined to get an education and to build a productive life for themselves... I was honored to be in their company and I learned from them. I also realized how privileged I was growing up and how privileged  my children were when they were growing up ... and this had nothing to do with the color of our skin, this had all to do with with the amount of money my parents had ... your skin color is not the barrier ... money is ... money is access... money is capacity  to be exposed to more in life ...  to be better educated to have better health care ... the poor American citizen of color usually does not have disposable money ... they work hard ... they seek better, but the Dems and progressives want to keep the inner cities residents poor and crime ridden... and then every 4 year say as they run for the presidency, they work for the poor and the people of color  ... so not!!!

I saw this when I lived in Paterson, NJ and I saw this when I sat next to struggling inner city residents in a classroom ... the real "race/ class war" is the top 10% of income against the rest of the world ... and the current administration and powers that be who want to rip into the middle class and make them poor and keep the poor---poor... to have total control over all people... no matter your race... your color ... your religion ... you need to keep them poor and in need!  

At the community college, I first learned about TikTok , at the time TikTok was only popular among the college aged  ... now it is extremely popular with everyone  and you can actually find many videos about the side effects of the covid vaccine on TikTok  and it is not as censored right now as Facebook and YouTube is...

you can watch a "TikTok" video below on bitchute ... the young woman labeled her video "Do you see it yet?  ... I like her and her message!!!


and the TikTok video below is a "parody"... but is it really ... will Biden seek the aid of Antifa and street gangs to push his mandatory vaccines program, which will come ... hey that is how he got into the White House ... violence in the streets and questionable mail in votes ...aka... voter fraud

But wait ... I recently read "the woke" are now making this claim ... all I can say is "what the fuck"... they are a generation / class of whiners on steroids ... nothing makes them happy ... they need to adjust their medication to say the least ... 

So here is the claim .... covid is causing everything that is bad on this planet, not only killing people it is making sick and killing domestic and wild animals...

Why we need a mask mandate for the animals!!! Come on Fauci make the call ... you who torture  animals in your lab, you psychopath! You know what is really killing the animals in this hyped up pandemic ...yet wildlife are being killed off by the toxic chemicals we are using to kill the covid virus, as is our own natural immune systems 

Wildlife deaths from coronavirus disinfectant use alarm scientists

In Chongqing, China, at least 135 animals were poisoned—evidence that cities should regulate spraying in public areas, biologists argue.... the above statement was made on August 7, 2020... over a year ago... now thousands of animals, throughout Europe and Asia have died from the run off of these chemicals, bleaches and fogging of areas with these deadly chemicals 

  ... now even forest fires are causing covid ...Wild fires of course will cause deaths, with people who have respiratory or heart issues or even healthy people will be affected by smoke and it will damage their lungs and since you are not getting enough oxygen to your heart and brain it could also cause damage in those organs… I swear if these fear porn covid people could go back in time the only disease on earth would be covid for them!  

There is no critical response of the thousands of wild animals killed in these fires and or the carbon that is released into the atmosphere … you know that carbon footprint type of carbon, the global warming folks remain silent about this with the forest fires, they only like to blame you and your use of fossil fuels and heating/ cooling your homes for placing carbon into the atmosphere … not the liberal states that never did or refused to do forest maintenance on dead trees, hence massive out of control forest fires are occurring …

what' s next Kermit and the Muppet's placed on respirators due to covid or the Delta variant 

Below a man on TicTok discussing his covid vaccination story

and this poor woman ... they do not tell you if you have an active case of covid and then take the covid vaccine ... severe reactions could happen, such as with the woman below ... if you want the vaccine you should get tested to see if you have and active case of covid ...  

A Minnesota woman and Christian missionary lost her legs after taking the Pfizer vaccine.

Jummai Nache came down with COVID days after taking the Pfizer vaccine. She lost her legs after contracting the disease. She may also lose both hands.

Many will say, they had the covid vaccine and nothing happened to them … how do you know this is true? You do not know what the spike proteins are doing in your body and you are definitely spreading the virus to others as well as spike proteins and the covid virus is mutating  and changing due to the vaccines … so you might not be aware of what your body is really doing post your covid vaccine, but it is real science to say… you are shedding the virus to others and you are shedding the spike proteins to others and those spike proteins are stock piling themselves somewhere in your body and will eventually attack your health cells … that is also real science …