Monday, August 16, 2021

Lunchbox thieves and mask mandates and Catholic Church

Everyone has experienced them, be it at school or at work … your lunch / drink left in a lunch room or a refrigerator for you to enjoy at the time of your lunch break … is stolen by someone unknown …

I work at Target … have done so prior to the pandemic and post … and now during the fear porn and government and corporate control of individuals and the erosion  of their civil liberties, which I will address in a book …

For now I will speak about, “lunchbox thieves at Target” … I have heard about them, but until recently never experienced them… a few days ago I place a bottled ice tea in the one of the communal refrigerators… for a break, I was scheduled to take in 3 hours …and it “disappeared”… now Target is the “land of cameras” … so AP (asset protection) can see what goes on in any area of the store …but they remain silent … now mine was just an “ice tea”,  so I spoke with a manager at the Store and asked her … does AP ever reprimand  or even fire an employee for thief of another employees property … this manger said NO … yet if this same employee stole an “asset” of Target,  they would have their asses fired in a New York minute, even if it was just a bottle of water that Target owned  … hmmm …  so being who I am … I asked more questions …

The manager went on to give me an example … she said … she purchased a $38 birthday cake for co-worker whose birthday it was … she placed the pricey birthday cake in the communal refrigerator to celebrate, with the co-worker at lunchtime … now this cake was boxed and tied with a string… yet when she returned to get the cake… she saw the box was there,  but the string was not, so she opened the box to find the entire cake had been eaten, by someone … since this woman was a manager at the store she went to AP and asked if they knew who “ate her $38 birthday cake” … AP answered … yes they did know… but they could not possibly tell her who it was, for that would invade the privacy of her fellow co-worker, the thief who ate the $38 cake!!! ….Fuck’n wow… now had that co-worker went into the Bakery section of Target and took a cake “owned” by Target and ate it and placed it back on the shelf … that worker would be escorted out of the building and fired on the spot … but for a fellow co-worker being “robbed”, by another co-worker it is a matter of   “personal privacy” to the Target corporation … Target’s policies are so  f’ed up on so many levels as are most corporate policies … but now,  they are getting seriously dangerous for these types of corporations have become the strong arm of the government in forcing mandates on its people … mandates that are illegal under the constitution, yet since a corporation is a private industry they can try to get away, with whatever they want … someone needs to challenge them legally ...  

Classic example now is "mask mandates" for workers in these large corporations, even though customers are not required to wear a mask, I have been emailing Target corporate as to why this is ... and they said, they rely on their "chief medical adviser and the guidelines of the CDC", told them masks are for the safety of the workers and customers... I replied back to the Target corporation, if masks work why aren't they requiring masks for the customers (I know why,  they do not want to piss off the customers and lose business) ... Target refused to respond to me, I also asked for "medical data" from their chief medical adviser that states only requiring your workers to be masked  and  not the customers to be masked is "good science" ... they refused to reply ... it is like Fauci ripping into the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally  as being a "super spreader event" and Fauci saying nothing about Obama's birthday party ... and also the C DC saying,  the "un-vaccinated" and sick, not tested for covid-19  illegal immigrants pouring into our country on our southern border, are not super spreads ...

you cannot get into a restaurant... gym ... theater... museum... etc. ... in NYC without proof of vaccination ... but you can get into our country on the southern border, without such a card .. without being tested and be sick with covid or anything else   ... wake up America ... and especially you Catholics  ... Catholic Charities  is the biggest pusher of Biden's agenda of open borders, they bus them to airports , put them into hotels and spread them across the country, give them money and legal aide ... remember this the next time you are putting money into the collect basket   ...

Catholic Church Receives Billions from the USA, Illegal Immigration Proves Very Profitable

Catholic Church collects $1.6 billion in U.S. contracts, grants since 2012

By Kelly Riddell – The Washington Times

Not to be lost in the pomp and circumstance of Pope Francis’ first visit to Washington is the reality that the Catholic Church he oversees has become one of the largest recipients of federal largesse in America.

The Church and related  Catholic Charities and schools have collected more than $1.6 billion since 2012 in U.S. contracts and grants in a far-reaching relationship that spans from school lunches for grammar school students to contracts across the globe to care for the poor and needy at the expense of Uncle Sam, a Washington Times review of federal spending records shows.

The Catholic  Church needs to have its "non-profit" status taken away... 

Catholic Charities USA, the largest charitable organization run by the church, receives about 65 percent of its annual budget from state and federal governments, making it an arm of the federal welfare state, said Brian Anderson, a researcher with the Manhattan Institute.

Conservative Christians, unlike Catholics and some other religious charities such as those run by Lutherans, have resisted taking federal money to do charitable work, insisting proselytism and good works go hand in hand and can’t be separated from one another — which most federal and state grants require.

Border Report, a publication of Nexstar Media Group, also discovered that Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, or CCRGV, had placed illegal aliens at a local hotel that "reportedly did not contain them inside their rooms...

It is unknown how many COVID-19-positive illegals have been housed at hotels in Texas, but the federal government's outsourcing arrangement with Catholic Charities has been in place in the Rio Grande Valley since at least May 2014. I interviewed former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent Victor Avila in April about illegal alien-coddling activities at the CCRGV he observed, including routing untold numbers of border trespassers onto buses or planes without IDs (try doing that, my fellow Americans!). Avila also told me he saw envelopes being handed to the illegal aliens at the Catholic Charities facility, which he believed to be cash.

Catholic Charities certainly has money to burn. As I reported in my 2019 book, "Open Borders, Inc.," Catholic Charities raked in an annual revenue of nearly $4 billion in 2016, $1.2 billion of which came from government sources. Taxpayer funding is the largest single source of funding for Catholic Charities, comprising more than one-third of its total funding.

If the Catholic  Church is taking federal tax dollars they should be paying into it ... take away their non- profit status ... 

Get right with God ... not the Catholic Church or any other religion, go to God within and get right with God now ... for now is the time