Sunday, August 8, 2021

Chastisement ... mankind makes their own not God

 The poster carried by the woke 

People might have a misunderstanding of what a chastisement from God looks like, yet in the apparitions at Fatima the Virgin Mary clearly stated that “wars” and such are chastisements, not from God; by by man and God allows men to kill each other and do every evil thing imaginable and not imagined to each other… if you believe in the message of Jesus Christ and his stating that God is our Father, one true God ….

God like any parent will “walk away” and let their child or children do their own thing, if the child repeatedly rejects the parent’s guidance and refuses to show respect for the parent and themselves (it is called tough love) I have done this myself, not a preferred method to parent, but at times the only way to actually love the child, you let the child “do it their way” and allow them to fail.

This has nothing to do with the power and position of the parent, this has to do with just stepping back and letting go and not encouraging destructive behavior. Not easy to do, but necessary to do if you truly love … mankind has placed God in this position, they think they know best and man forces its will upon their fellow man and refuses to turn to God … and as the Bible states “in those days even the faithful will be deceived”…

Mankind saw this happen when China released a biological weapon on the planet and mankind completely shut down and turned away from God, and focused completely on what they labeled “science” and the corrupt men who represent this “twisted” science on earth, such as Anthony Fauci… Fauci who gave money to the labs who created this “biological weapon” called covid-19 and Fauci who also has financial stocks in the “vaccines” that are forced upon people as a “cure” …  

Churches and religious leaders allowed churches to be shut down and didn’t resist the tyranny, while places like Target, Walmart and your local liquor store were allowed to remain open… these religious leaders bent their knees to the ways of man not God … not a “Joseph” among them who refused to bend his knees to the pharaoh, they who said they had a “call from God” to enter into a ministry, I call Bullshit on them all.. When push came to shove, the only call these fake priests and minsters answered was the call to save their own asses, they have no moral high ground and they have no truth within them … so why should God listen to them or even respond to them or anyone who does not place faith over the fear porn that is constantly playing…

So the chastisement is God walking away and letting mankind (who thinks they have all the answers) go down the path of destruction … this is the road mankind is on now and it will only get worse, for God does not walk with humanity on this path …

Choose the path you are walking on carefully 
                 Choose to have God chastise you not man, for God is merciful, man is not  

Bad things are coming … very soon on this path … Marshall Law the removal of any human rights … and the powers that be on earth will blame the “un-vaccinated”, the former Trump supporters … proof of this in this article …

The above is really about anyone who tries to resist the coming over throw of American freedoms and values, not by the “Trump supporters or anti-covid 19 vaccine” … but by the progressive/ liberal woke politicians be they Dems or Republicans and those in political power and this includes the NSA and Home Land security … they have too much power and the agency that rat bastard drunk,  George W. Bush, created after 9/11 … The Patriot Act’s expanded the definition of terrorism to include "the American citizen",   also gave the  FBI increased powers to access personal information such as medical and financial records. The Patriot Act superseded all state laws…. Thus it gave power to the federal government to spy on American citizens and label anyone as a domestic terrorist,  who disagrees with them and exercises their freedom of speech … but only those they do not like … such as a Trump supporter or some who refuses to take an experiential drug, yet they leave the likes of Antifa and BLM alone and do not label them as a “terrorist group”, only a political group .. We are so far down the rabbit hole with all of this and so far away from the “ways of God”… it is to late and if the Bible has any clues within,  this will be a 7 year ordeal for the planet and many will die... many will be jailed and suffer persecution and many will envy the dead.