Saturday, August 28, 2021

Supply Chains

At work I am starting to see hoarding again and of course big corporations such as the one I work for is doing nothing to avoid future catastrophes, such as we had a year and a half ago, with people hoarding items… now is the time to “limit” the amounts of non-perishable items a shopper can purchase, like the big grocery stores and chain stores such as Target and Walmart were forced to do when supplies ran out… back then it was “panic buying” people feared the future and at the time the unknown facts/ truth about the covid virus … the factories were open, they were fully staffed  and they were producing they just could not keep up with the demand … until it leveled off with people being “limited” in the amount of things they could buy… there was no need to stock up back then … the supply chain was “stable” just being stressed … it is different now    

This time … these factories are no longer “fully staffed”… thanks to what the government did those first few months when this circus of pandemic began… they jacked up everyone’s unemployment  benefits, where it is/ was more profitable to be “out of work” then to be working… Frankly Trump started this and when Biden took over he put this program on “steroids”… so even when businesses started to reopen … many just did not want to work, they made more money staying home, especially in those factory jobs, or small business jobs that only paid minimum wage or a bit higher … hey why should they … it did not make financial sense… work hard for little money or stay at home on your ass and get a bigger “pay check” from the government … so that is the mind frame of many now …now throw in large corporations doing power plays on their employees forcing them to wear masks (yet not their customers) forcing them to take a vaccine they do not want to take and should not be forced to do so … this is America, not China , although most of what you buy are “Chinese products” and the prices are jacked up on every item by at least 50%  in retail stores…  

But it is even worse than the above,  Biden and his cohorts know the covid vaccine does not work, it is even is Detrimental  to your immune system … they are hiding the statics on this for now … even Pfizer said they will not release the true data on the side effects of the covid vaccine and the deaths from it…   Pfizer stated it will not release that data until the year 2025 … why is that??? If it is so safe, why not alleviate the minds of everyone and tells us all the data now??? …

Isn’t it interesting every drug has an “insert” none of covid vaccines do … isn’t it interesting every drug sold and really pushed on TV in adds… runs a “disclaimer” of its potential  side effects (it is like a laundry list of the ways the drug can hurt you or kill  you) … no such thing or “warnings” with the covid vaccine or any vaccine … why,  because every vaccine and most especially the covid vaccine is “bullet proof” to litigation … no matter what the vaccine does to you … no matter how much it injuries  you or even kills you … you can to nothing about it …

How could any physician… nurse...pharmacist or any human being inject into the body of another human being, a substance that has no …”insert” attached to it … and how can any human being allow their children or themselves be injected with such… what are they hiding … taking this vaccine is like taking a drug from drug dealer/ pusher on the streets and injecting it into your arm … no worse at least the street drug dealer will tell you what it is and the drug dealer can be arrested … 

So why will there be shortages this fall and through the winter for no one wants to work in low paying jobs and because many …I mean many of the vaccinated with start to get sick … deadly sick and the blame will fall on the “un-vaccinated”… or those who did not get their covid “booster shot” …

People do not believe it but it is true and even Kalama Harris is warning you this is true… the supply chain will collapse or be backed ordered for months at a time  … as the globalists want it to so they can insert more control over the people and cause more panic and fear … while they blame the “un-vaccinated”

Learn to do with less … because soon you will be forced to do so … 

Strange Warning By Kamala Harris Indicates Shortages Are Going To Get Much Worse, Soon – More Exclusive ANP Reader Photographic Proof That Things Are Worse Than What Is Being Reported

By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine August 24, 2021

Once again ANP readers have done an awesome job of visually showing us empty shelves, facing/fronting of products, leaving an item in front with empty spaces behind it, accounts of what they are seeing across the nation, and proving without a doubt that these shortages are not going away, and are in fact, getting worse by the day.

Looking at recent comments by Kamala Harris, we see that the Biden regime obviously knows something we do not, because when discussing global supply chain shortages, she said “The stories that we are now hearing about the caution that if you want to have Christmas toys for your children, it might now be might be the time to start buying them, because the delay may be many, many months.” 

So, if ordering or buying Christmas gifts closer to Christmas means months of delays, she is telling us up front that the Biden regime believes shortages will last way past Christmas.