Sunday, June 27, 2021

Senator Kennedy the Word Smith


Although Senator Kennedy’s rhetoric is always witty and folkish, laced with southern charm it does not fly anymore. The Senator’s colorful comments on current events is dark humor and Greek tragedy like, which calls for a “balanced mind and personality” to appreciate the irony in his words. Unfortunately we do not live in such a world, such minds have been replaced with “woke minds”, as such words and humor infuriate them.

In regards to Chicago, this is not a new thing gunfire and deaths, such really jacked up in the Obama administration and he did nothing, absolutely nothing but stoke the racial flames of the democratic agenda, but in fairness the Trump administration did nothing either in fear of being called a dictator, Trump should have stepped in for they labeled him anyhow.

I lived in Chicago in the 1970’s and Mayor Daily was the mayor of the city … you could eat off the streets back then and you had no fear of walking and shopping in the downtown area … don’t get me wrong Chicago was always a bastion of democratic political corruption, yet back then there was a “code” if you will, such as “honor among thieves” … to be gross … they did not shit where they ate … they kept their towns / cities in order with a level of  civility and law and order… such went out the window with the Obama administration,  doing so by division, which turned Chicago and many cites in the Country into shit holes and very dangerous places and all were democratically controlled.

My entire family growing up were democrats, the JFK type of democrat, Kennedy was a president who stood out, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Black community and civil rights for all, the only two other presidents in my life time that stood up for the Black community were Clinton and Trump all others no matter their political affiliation did little or nothing… and then the “plague hit”… no not covid … the rioting, the lawlessness and the call for the police to be castrated, due to the criminals within the police force (there are criminals in every profession) … my father gave me a rule of law so to speak …to remember that 10% of any population are probably criminals or creeps and do not trust everyone, that ratio probably is about 50/ 50 now …

What Chicago needed and needs is stronger law enforcement to protect its citizens… but I fear it is too late for such and a federal law enforcement will eventually be spent into Chicago … and if you believe in some conspiracy theories this is what the “globalists” want … federal troops in every City, which will eventually be turned over to United Nation troops…

To end Senator Kennedy of Louisiana is a “word smith” to say the least and uses words the way most people flawlessly use the oxygen around them… but both the Republicans and Democrats remain/ remained silent about the corruption, within politics on both sides of aisles … to end DC and most local politics now are “swamps”… from the local building inspectors (in the case of the building collapse in Florida to local ones who allow illegal rentals and permits to be given) to the local mayors/ to our presidents …  the people get what they vote into office … the local politicians are the ones that will eventually go to DC … think globally but act locally is the saying… know who you are voting for in your local elections … check out their background … especially true when it comes to your local school broad members, who will be deciding how your child will be educated and what they will be exposed to … stop being so passive and care … care about your locality before it is too late and your town becomes

 Chi-Raq… the nickname for Chicago now … for living there is more dangerous than living in Iraq          

                                   Many Mayors now think they can be dictators