Sunday, June 6, 2021

Proof that those who took the experimental vaccine for covid-19 are indeed "lab rats"

A study published in Jama Network Open found that nearly 3% of insured adults in the United States under the age of 65 years take medications that weaken their immune system. According to the study’s authors, drug-induced immunosuppression could potentially elevate the risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms and hospitalization if these individuals become infected.

“We're starting to realize that people taking immunosuppressive drugs may have a slower, weaker response to COVID[-19] vaccination, and, in some cases, might not respond at all,” Wallace said in the release. “We don't have a full picture on how these drugs affect the vaccine's effectiveness, so it's difficult to formulate guidelines around vaccinating these patients.”

The above is just the beginning of what will happened to those who lined up and took an experimental vaccine for covid-19 and did not do research for themselves,  but listened to the propaganda  of the W.H.O. … CDC and Fauci and the fake news and social media … yes it is on them for pushing fear porn and false information / but it is on those who took this vaccine or forced it on the sick and elderly and now children … the global governments and big pharma became like a drug dealer in a global schoolyard and offered humanity a “new drug”… that would make them bullet proof and feel a high that they are superior for taking this vaccine and be able to post their vaccine immunity cards on Facebook  … these people literally took poison into their bodies, or forced others to do so,  which is a ticking time bomb for them…    

And big pharma is still trying to rationalize why the covid-19 vaccine is failing, millions of people  ...

CDC overreach ... the CDC, which let's face it is a tool for big pharma needs to be sued and taken to court ... they have become dictators and un-elected tyrants ...