Tuesday, June 8, 2021

God is bigger than you and bigger than this planet ... get over your ego

There are many… many …many things I disagree with Pope Frances on … but his thoughts on extra-terrestrials and God being “bigger” than this planet and just creating mankind, I agree with Pope Frances … the problem with the Pope is the Catholic Church taught the laity since its inception… that mankind was God’s only interest and He created everything just for “man”… and the earth was a one and only … you place that into the mind frame of human beings for over 2,000 years and it is going too be hard to erase that narrative and tell the truth … for now the people are so ingrained with this notion,  they will self-fulfill the narrative,  with or without the Pope …

Such as most medical doctors now,  who refuse to embrace or learn,  “new style medical treatments”, which do not deal with drugs… such current medical professional are locked into Newtonian medicines and will not consider or learn quantum physics… until these old dinosaurs  of medicine change their thinking or die off … we will  not make any leaps in treating the human being as a whole... and this holds true for those who are locked into a "religion" and my god is better than you god thinking ..and you are God's one and only       

There is more “physical evidence” of UAPs on this planet, than the physical evidence of Christ on this planet, called earth …

Yet, on many levels, I can understand the reluctance of the Pentagon in not releasing the evidence for such  as the man Richard Charnock  in the video below will go ape shit …To me Mr. Charnock is a "religion fanatic"  based in what he was taught (by man) ... religion fanatics are scary people, they will bomb abortion clinics, excuse clergy from child rape and fly airplanes into buildings and you can never break into their mind set and they will never let it go ... for to do so would mean they have to admit to themselves,  they have been "snooker" and it will shake their believe system ... they are to closely identified,  with their "religious"  captors ... I have a strong faith and belief that Christ came to free us not shackle us further into a man-made power base... to expand our being... not box it in    

those who are locked into a man-made “religion” and whose whole life has been an exercise in learning man-made dogma and doctrines and can no longer step outside that box, religion created for them … organized religion is far from a faith in God and a belief in a universal Creator …

 “religion” is a faith in man and his ability to save and “religions” come in all flavors… the most popular flavor on earth now is the “religion of fake science” and the deity Dr. Fauci and his followers are labeled “the woke” …    


The last year has enhanced my own spirituality … in seeing how the Catholic Church is really built on man-made BS, final proof for me was when they all hid like little girls during a “pandemic”… my biggest regret in life was at one time turning to the church, to try and understand high levels of spirituality … you cannot go to the blind to have them explain to you color … and the church is blind,  with human power, money and control and such are the furthest things from God Eternal … a God who is pure energy and as such is constantly creating … galaxies …  dimensions… species … we will never be “enlightened” on this planet as long as there is man-made religions separating us … and engaging in “my god is better than your god”…  God is and God is everywhere and so is His Creation and creatures