Saturday, June 12, 2021

It Is All About Power and The Truth Be damned

 We live in a time where there is reckless and contemptuous disregard for truth ...

In the time of Christ ... the question was "What is Truth" for no one seemed to know it ... once again we live in such times ... and all voices of truth are being systemically silenced

YouTube suspends GOP Sen. Ron Johnson's account, says he violated Covid-19 policy

Video giant says it doesn't allow posting of information that contradicts health authorities. Johnson's office complains of "censorship."

I wonder what health authorities YouTube speaks of ???? 

“We removed the video in accordance with our COVID-19 medical misinformation policies, which don’t allow content that encourages people to use Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin to treat or prevent the virus,” a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement.

There is much in the way of "real"  medical information that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin works in treating covid-19 ...

Yet people need to get a "Court Order" to use it ...  how fucked up is that!!!

And the current condition  of many hospitals and medical care is demonic when it comes to these drugs ... they are being refused to people ... claiming the FDA has not approved them for use in covid ... what the hell ... yet an EUA vaccine is ok... that is not approved by the FDA either ...

And when did YouTube get a medical license to censor medical care ... it is supposed to be an open forum ... it is not ... it is worse than Chinese and Russian propaganda under Communist rule ... for YouTube claims to be a space for discussion ... it has to much power  

And could this be the real reason they banned Ron Johnson from YouTube ... he spoke against the supreme leader of fake science Fauci,  and Fauci's connection to the Wuhan Lab