The mask mandate has been lifted in my State, well strictly
speaking it is only lifted for the fully vaccinated, but you can remain mask
less if you so choose. I never wore a mask at work only wearing a face shield
after being threatened by a customer to which, I filed a police report, for my employer
did nothing to protect me (Target). So my face shield was not for “covid”, but
for my personal protection against bodily harm, from a crazy ass customer that Target
failed to protect me from.
So even though now, I do not have to wear a face shield and I can be protected, from crazy ass customers, those who thought face masks are “magical medical devices” … they now transferred their “magical thinking” over to the covid-19 vaccine … I will continue to wear my face shield at work for now the “vaccinated” pose a real threat to me and others, for the vaccinated are spreading a variant of covid-19 … even those who actually had covid in "the wild" and did not get that sick from it or had no symptoms at all, so they naturally had antibodies from covid-19 ... they decided to get the covid-19 vaccine anyhow and they got covid-19 worse post their vaccine ... so this tells me the vaccine wiped out their "natural antibodies" against covid, which their body made post their first exposure and did not provide them with any protection from the vaccine ...
currently know more people who have gotten covid post their vaccination than I
did those getting covid pre-release of the vaccine… Even members of my own
extended family who called me crazy for not getting the vaccine and who are vaccinated
have come down with covid … their excuse now is “well at least they are not
that sick” … Bullshit … those who I know who had covid from in the “wild” did not
get that sick either!
This is starting to get to be an issue with the WHO and CDC …
more and more vaccinated people are getting covid and the big sell on the
vaccine was “it protects” you from getting covid and/or spreading it… so many people
are starting to think “What the hell” doesn’t the vaccine work ???
So instead of the WHO and CDC telling the truth, the vaccine
is an EUA and we have no clue what it is doing in the body … everyone who is currently
testing positive with covid post their vaccine, the WHO and CDC is saying, they are not getting
sick with covid-19 but a variant … these assholes who call themselves experts
are only experts at lying and screwing up and making money off of useless and
dangerous drugs and vaccines that cause you to become sicker …
The covid-19 vaccinated people are the “variant”, they themselves are the labs producing the variants
and spreading it into the population and these same people will line up again
and receive “booster vaccines” and they will produce new variants … we are now
on a deadly hamster wheel of variants being produced by the vaccinated … I predict
one day in the future, they will be
seeking out those who never received any of these vaccines to take their
naturally produced antibodies to save humanity … this is how bad things are
getting in the world of covid bullshit !
And Bill Maher needs to pick a lane … does he believe in the
covid tyrannical system or is he for liberty? Now he says… yes he was vaccinated…
but he still got covid … but it was not that serious … well news flash Bill it
was not that serious for 99.9% of the population who got covid from the wild …
so what was the point of the jab?
And the WHO and CDC … changes the names of the variants … as not to offend anyone…give me a break
… tell the truth the “real name of the variants” is the “vaccinated variants” … but wait that would “offend” their ability y
to push deadly experiential vaccines
Partisan politics posing as science, for well over a year I have been blogging about this ...
covid-19 is not a deadly pandemic and science notion, but a control and political notion