Friday, July 2, 2021

Vogue magazine August it the country might run out of toilet paper again, Vogue mag makes a great ass wipe


Can you believe it … in Australia they are running out of toilet paper again! This is due to the “bullshit” lock downs they still enforce on their people… they are not “covid-19 shut downs anymore, but “covid variant” shut downs… 

Be aware this is coming to America as well … time frame … around Thanksgiving / Christmas, the time “normal cold and flu” season starts… but there is nothing normal anymore… everything is labeled “covid-19 or a variant now” … but do not worry you will not be able to afford toilet paper soon, with the rate of inflation to come and your new higher taxes… thanks to the wonderful couple Joe and Jill Biden and their cronies …

And hey,  all you “fashion forward women” …sorry fashion forward “people”,  I do not want to offend anyone … who want to start to dress like Jill Biden … you know grandma Biden , with her sensible floral dresses, years ago they were called “house dresses” and most grandmas wore them … as well as "sensible shoes and support stockings" and working in retail,  we sell a lot of adult diapers and cotton underwear for Jill Biden's age group... so maybe Victoria's Secrets can do a spread on Jill Biden sporting "sexy" grandma underwear ... 

No one wants to see a “granny” in such a “fashion”, leave the fashion to the actual "fashionable"  … “butt” I have to say, the Dems know their “audience”… the liberal AARP group of women (my age)… and the “has been” aging Hollywood liberal women … who still buy Vogue magazine… will love this article on Jill Biden ...

 “everything has their season” and the “season” for Jill Biden to be a “fashion icon” has long passed... and it in the "end" it has nothing to do,  with her age ... you either have class or you don't ... otherwise it is just lipstick on a pig ... 

On a positive note for all those young girls who feel they can never look like a “super model”, and have poor or unrealistic body images,  when they see Jill Biden on the cover of Vogue will be glad they are not her!

“Butt” back to the point of this post … save that edition of Vogue to wipe your ass with during the next toilet paper shortage or when you can no longer afford to buy a roll of TP … for Vogue mag is the “prefect ass wipe”… brown- noser’s on steroids …