Friday, June 4, 2021

Obama and gender reassignment surgery 60 minutes had the "balls" to do the story and now they are being punished by the woke


The Transgender "influencers"... are the big corporations, such as Target and the Catholic Church. with their normalizing gay priests... transgender priests are in the wings waiting to come out ... for the Vatican  is "woke" 

Lesley Stahl took a lot of flak for the story she did on 60 minutes in regards to transgender reassignment surgery … of course she did,  this is what the far left “woke” do… they become hysterical  and rant and rave and until they get their way,  and until and when the majority of people who do not “feel” this way speak up as well and do so with their “money” … this will continue and grow … it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease… big corporations at the end of the day only think “money” and until the majority start to boycott the stores who promote this … it will grow… so all of this is not on the “woke”,  who are ranting and raving and pushing dystopia on us all … it is on you for remaining silent and buying your children toys and clothing that promotes such …   

And Transgender clinics are popping up more and more across the country … God Bless!!??? right ???..... the current population of sleazy medical professionals, who could care less about humanity on all levels, from promoting an experimental vaccines to cutting the balls and breasts off of young children… society should be so “proud” to have produced such stellar perverts … and that is where they came from “society” and woke families across the country, who just wanted to be friends with their children and give them whatever they wanted even if it was a “new gender” … or maybe daddy really wanted a boy and got all girls or mommy really wanted a little girl to dress up in sparkles …kids become what they live or what they are exposed to ... social media is promoting these things and parents allow their children to be on such 24/7 ... 

Or just maybe it is  … the high levels of estrogen produced in all things plastic and all the chemicals we released in environment via such things as insect sprays, or all the soy products that we gave our baby boys, which is rich in estrogen, or all the Rx drugs we place ourselves and kids on and then threw them down the toilet, which made their way into the water system … such things have not only polluted the planet, but our gene pool     

My last post and this one as well speaks to gender “reassignment”… people do not realize how this is eroding our culture and hurting our children… there is a massive push for this with many big corporations, Target being one of them … this year Target has a giant campaign to be more “inclusive”, which really means to turn nature, science, family and morals upside down… Target actively “targeted the Caucasian youth”, during Black history month to hate themselves … even though they had nothing to do with slavery or white suppression of any kind … the children’s book section was laced with books telling white children how evil they are, and they were and are laced with White privileged… basically telling them to hate themselves (if they are white that is)…

Now during “gay pride month” Target is laced with rainbow clothing and the theme, love is love… and again it is targeting the youth, for the clothing starts at age 7…. Target is also pushing the LGBT  theme for children … Target claiming they are social justice leaders … such bullshit,  they make this claim all while they treat their hourly workers “like salves”, who have no voice for Target refuses to unionize … so maybe in reality and  philosophically  speaking,  the Target stores are “plantations” for the modern day slaves,  who have no rights,  who have to beg for hours instead of having a union who can  Negotiate for them  … Yet Target maintains a “public imagine of being social justice warriors” …

Target defines the Hypocrisy of the “woke” … in public they are all about "social justice"  … in reality they are all about money and profits … the truth being if Target was so “woke” as to push these things, do they not understand their hourly workers are composed of Blacks, LGBT, Asians and other people of color … is social justice just for “marketing and sales” or is a “truth” within the Target corporate buildings located in Minnesota … what I have seen “social justice” for the hourly workers in Target is a myth ...

       Transgender Pastor Is Welcomed Into Church With A New Name

New Jersey Synod Bishop Tracie Bartholomew blesses Rev. Peter Beeson at St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church’s baptismal font.

Many Bible stories recount how God changed followers’ names to recognize their new identities. In Genesis, Abram’s name was changed to Abraham to reflect his new identity as the father of the Jewish people. And in the Christian gospels, Jesus changed his follower Simon’s name to Peter to symbolize that the apostle would be the “rock” upon which the church was built.

Echoing that tradition, a Lutheran congregation in New Jersey recently marked a milestone in the life of its pastor with a renaming ceremony. On Sunday, parishioners watched their transgender pastor take on his new chosen name ― Peter.

It was a sacred way for Hoboken’s St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church to acknowledge and bless the Rev. Peter R. Beeson’s gender transition.

Beeson told HuffPost that it was also important for the congregation to demonstrate the “expansiveness of God’s compassion.”

The renaming ceremony provided an opportunity ... for us to show the broader world that there are faithful Christians who support LGBTQ+ people and offer a counter message to the one of fear and hate so prevalent today,” Beeson told HuffPost. “Particularly for people who may be pondering their gender identity or sexual orientation ― particularly young people ― this provided us an opportunity to say that God loves you, and that all people are created in the image of God.”

Yep (mark my words)  ... such will be coming to the Catholic clergy as well ... they already had "renaming ceremonies" post WW II with the Nazi war criminals 

And the "woke Vatican" is only woke when it comes to their gay clergy and covering up corruption and abuses of children... not "woke" in the areas of extradition from the Vatican for priestly perverts and crooks or the rights and equality of women ... no in that area the Vatican believes in a "cast system" and a Paleolithic man system ... find a woman, club her on the head, drag her into a cave... force her to cook for you and keep her pregnant... then say,  your prayers ...