Thursday, June 24, 2021

How much control of their life does anyone have? For a child there is none and sadly for many adults as well ...


I am fascinated with this story … for it illustrates how sick some parents are and money hunger as well as controlling … Brittany Spears has been “abused by her father” clear and simple and this asshole of a man, whose only donation to fatherhood seems to have been his sperm, told the court that Brittany cannot control her own life … so it is controlled by him,  her father, whom this sick bastard used to make himself rich and powerful at her expense… this is a very disturbing story and I see it playing out in the world today … with what today’s “woke” parents are exposing or forcing their underage children to do and become …

To the world Brittany Spears appears to  have it all and many want to be her ... that is until you dig deeper and see what this woman has endured her whole life ... there is a saying, the "grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence" ... the truth is it "looks greener" for that grass is growing on top of a septic tank ...