Thursday, June 27, 2019

You can talk about UFOs and aliens but talk about Jesus Christ and you are considered a freak

Hmmm … let me think how can I defend my “main man Jesus Christ” to the UFO, alien believers and Jesus nonbelievers…???
OK I got it … here is my argument …

Picture this Jesus standing before Pilate …

Pilate … you say you are a King
Jesus … you say it (a play on words saying it is true without saying it is true, Jesus the word smith)  
Pilate … Then You are a king
Jesus … For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.

( foot note here … Jesus states he is giving “testimony” before the judge in front of him (Pilate) in our words a “legal statement”)

The back and forth went on a bit between Pilate and Jesus …

Then Pilate said this to Jesus … “your own people handed you over to me” (meaning the Jews)
Jesus responds in this manner …
    My Kingdom is not of this world, if it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews   

By Jesus’ own “testimony” before Pilate he clearly states,  “he is not of this world” … by definition that makes him “an alien from another world” …OK you may say … Jesus speaks about another realm (like heaven) … How do you know that??? Maybe heaven is another planet… not just another dimension … Jesus went “up into the heavens (in his body)” when he ascended … so this other dimension  / realm has to have the capacity to support a life form,  a physical space… Jesus even in his resurrected body still occupied “space” and he ate and he was able to be touched … that is not just a “mystical realm” but one of reality … of physical matter …